it's over

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AfD didn't even get a look in. phew

What is that faggot talking about? The exit poll gave Swedish Democrats 19% of the votes and it's supposedly increasing.

Hahahahahh you fuckin' wish kike!
the rise of the dissident right will not be stopped!!!

>record part of an american porn video and put the Swedish flag over it
>h-haha, take that eurokeks!

exit polls said brexit was foregone and farage admitted defeat prematurely, US 2016 elections made out hillary won

swedes are even more socially pressured to lie because of language landlocking demoralizing them

its his cope post lul

Man, /leftypol/ are out in force tonight. They really shitting themselves about the right doing well in Sweden!


Attached: 1531461339899.gif (480x238, 443K)

>2010: SD 5.7%
>2014: SD 12.9%
>2018: SD 16.3%

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Like you do realize the rest of us have internet right?
You do realize we have social media & can check shit ourselves right?
I mean clearly not, you NPC retard. Face it, Europe is moving right...oh by the way, see what the Krauts are doing tonight? forming a 1000 fold blood thirsty mob (again)...killing you this rush to the right isn't it?
SD will get 22%, screencap.

You're going to get the rope.

Attached: rope.gif (500x381, 977K)

>it's over
for sweden

> (((American))) porn
Yep, made in American, but by whom?

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i wish i was 13 old too


Attached: Skærmbillede 2017-07-05 kl. 10.53.44.jpg (1000x1045, 158K)

no it's already over. Imagine how many shitskins and zoomers will be eligible to vote next time

It's moving to slow however.

Your digits aren't powerful enough. Also nice one faggot.

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>"social" pedocrats

LGBTurds are a clinical disease.

You're not taking into account those zoomers have to go to school with those fucks!
They'll vote to get rid of them!

no they're not. i have zoomer nephews they are about to go college and I know for a fact that they and everyone around them are no better than millenials. identical in almost every way except they are more faggy.

C'mon, the only one you're going to rope is yourself when you realize your waifu will never exist.

/leftypol/ is really taking this shit hard huh?
I mean, the literal main bastion of the left losing ground to the right...who'd have ever thought they'd see this?


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>we lost
>but we didn't lose as hard as we could
>so we won
This is some Cleveland Browns-tier thinking.


Its called propaganda you fucking "do as I say not as I do" worthless commie bastard.


Attached: donaldtrump1.jpg (600x315, 53K)


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Only a third of the count is in...SD approaching 20%...You realize they're undercover natsoc right?
You realize that the main leftist country & model for the rest of the west is voting in crypto fascists as a major realize that?

Last election, all exit polls were wrong about SD and put them lower than the real outcome. Another poll had them at 19 %. They will reach 20 %.


>>we lost
Yeah and so did Trump, right? Let's wait until the votes are counted shall we?

That's none of my concern. I'm just reminding people that their robo-NEET asses would be thrown into a concentration camp along with the rest of the degenerates if Hitler would have won.

I voted for Trump.

>AFS not even on the list
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment

Attached: 1405862770741.jpg (350x334, 10K)

>I voted for Trump.
Then why shiptost itt?


Because you just move me to.

NEETy, NEETy, twitch your feety.
When they hang you with your own rope.
And turn your skin into soap.

Well, I'm white, hard working & of good no, don't think so. Kike like yourself however, well...

>imagine being this big of a faggot


You're a pretty big faggot.

Yeah, those empty words sure put me in my place.

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Racists are retards. But I’m not sure who is more retarded when one considers commies and/or Nanny State natsocs

> exit polls
top fucking kek

I'd like to see your face when the bar crosses 20%

Attached: 1496333491614.jpg (400x250, 24K)

Nigger detected...

> 1/3 of votes counted
fucking brainlet

Read the thread, nigger. I'm only bouncing around to mock NEETs and robots.

Go Sweden!
Fuck all niggers,commies and jews shitposting here.

> exit polls
> vote count
leafposting at its best

How is it over, you retarded leaf? SD were never going to win this election. But they managed to grow their share of the vote. If it were truly over, they would have lost ground.

> hurr durr

Go make a fun thread and I'll contribute instead of shitpost in it.

i dont know if you people realize how brainwashed swedes and others in europe are. if you talk to them its natural and perfectly normal to hate on eastern european, they will call you poor scum polack or slav etc, its acceptable to be racist/xenophobic against us. moment you talk about blacks/arabs/other niggerskins these very same people will get mad as fuck, totaly furious wont even see their hypocrisy. they are literaly brainwashed to love niggers and hate whites.

So it’s batshit crazy liberal party, a, b, c, d versus center-right rational thinking people basically.

try to keep up you piece of shit
but you hoped they would win or at least make second place. And now your hopes are snuffed out and turned into ash

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AfS I mean.

your seething tears are delicious
20% within reach

source please
asking for a friend

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> 17.7
> 2/3 counted
> 3rd place


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>about to go to college

democracy must end for the white race to continue

We battle another day, forces of Communism.

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This was phase 1 and it was succesful. Phase 3 will be sweden going full 1488 in 8 years.

I am fully convinced anyone who makes limmericks or poems to post on Jow Forums about the day of the rope are quite possibly the most autistic beings in the universe.

hahaha seething leftist is fuming.
What part of, "The model for leftism across the western world, are voting in crypto fascists as a MAJOR political party," are you struggling with?
Like, Sweden is the literal capital of western leftism, it's the model/template. yet the people are voting in undercover natsoc as a major party! The rot, has set in my friend...You opened up a wound with mass migration, we infected it!

Sounds likes something an NPC would say.

>Brexit exit polls showed remain winning at 80%

Fuck polls, no one will openly say they voted right wing.

You don't even have a job and live with your parents.

zoomers are kids born 2000 and later. Ie they probably never even been to a vhs/dvd rental store in their life, had internet ever since they could remember, etc. and these kids grew up under the obama era and were taught in school how mandela is a hero and how the rise of the far right is bad, etc.
Now what do you think will happen when these already mostly left leaning kids are going to the root of the problem itself?

Zoomer kids are born after 2000. Anyone around 2000-2002 could potentially be entering into University as it is 2018...

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Actually it shows that only 17% of voters have a problem with immigration and refugees.

Polls are retarded, fuck off Justin.

They're going to be assblasted to hell and back in the next ten years.

>2030 only 1/3 of swedes without immigrant background

Soon swedes will be forced to do hajj
Fucking European pussies just like the french


>no u

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more like both of them realize the Jews are a problem AND that whether or not we deal with them is our responsibility
not that that's a mystery to kike shills, they make this shit because it's dishonest
we get the Jews we deserve I guess

Hahaha keep telling yourself that...people love the crime/rape/ borrowing to pay social welfare etc etc...keep telling yourself that.
Immigration is the biggest issue in the entire west...and the right has a MONOPOLY on tackling it! hahaha

by the most american people, jews

so which party does pol want to win?

>3 democrat parties
Get your shit together yurop

It's like buying Icecream

You have 20 choices.
but one company owns 10 of the options, another owns 5.

You are probably going to end up supporting the big company, just due to how many options aren't really options.

>hurr hurr hurr

It's over for ethnic Swedes. Sharia in Sweden by 2040. Screencap this for posterity.

Literally almost every single one of your parties are left wing with the exception of SD and AfS.
You guys are fucked.

>8 posts about this id
>all of them passive aggressive jabs because you bought into some shitty twitter meme that "nazis r da reel snowfeykz"

Attached: yikes 1.png (1920x1080, 1.22M)

Do you nazi losers ever get tired of losing all the time?

>hurr hurr hurr


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Don't tell me it's because of AfS meme taking 3.99%


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