How much is it worth?
Would you go?
Would you pay for others to go?
Liberating Venezuela
Population Density
the present government was democratically elected. no "liberation" would be productive or justified
46% election turnout for the snap elections in 2018. Not exactly what I call mandate.
He already is, he just wants a jihadist to do it for him.
They must liberate themselves. That is the only way that they imurge from what they have become in a natural state of meritocracy. Any intervention would only make the struggle easier on them, allowing the weak (socialist sympathizers) to survive and inevitably repeat their failure.
Or, it would allow the easily duped and weak to fund and support the homicide by the Feudalists of any resistance (thinking) minds and permanently degrade the nation for millennium.
If this young lady needs a reprieve from the combat, she can stay with me on a work visa.
I'm not building your foreign policy for you president trump.
That's where they start for sure, and this is where they are at 35.
we need to liberate the usa from commies before we even think about the rest of the world, sorry world your on your own!
y no fun?
>fighting leftist cartel-guerillas in mountainous jungles
Wait 4-5 years and the regime will collapse on its own. By Invading Venezuela Yanqui Imperialism will be scapegoated and nobody will learn their lesson.
You quit already?
Didn't work with Cuba, and China is growing.
>btfo by jungle gooks
>btfo by mountain sandnigs
>expect to not be btfo by the equivalent of "jungle gooks" x "mountain sandnigs"
what is agent orange?
But CIA securing heroin production in Afghanistan is the priority now user, they have cocaine already locked down anyway.
Nixon quit for promises on Israel, the North was about to surrender, with 60k at one time.
Still in Afghanistan, fucking Afghani goat chicks by choice.
Not really worried about your cousin in the mountains, he is NOT a Vietcong, who I actually think of as bad-ass, even if they're messed up on pol.
Besides, I don't think we'd have to do all that much, most of the nation wants to not stand in line all day. A few boats of Wonderbread would have every major city on our side in the first day.
Still, it's embarrassing with that Monroe Doctrine and all. Besides, they do have Gasoline, and bitches love fast cars.
This is all I see.
... you know what. I could probably still go for that.
I didn't say she wasn't sexy.
Maybe a bit more of this:
Think Venezuelans would be angry about this?