Mr. Hitler had to leave the stadium early, but after winning I hurried up to the radio booth...

Mr. Hitler had to leave the stadium early, but after winning I hurried up to the radio booth. When I passed near the Chancellor he arose, waved his hand at me and I waved back at him.
Hitler didn't snub me; it was our president who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram.

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such a bad shoop

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Poland was invaded because of the indiscriminate slaughtering of 58,000 Germans displaced by the Versailles Treaty.

hitler considered the american negroes to be the aryan of negroes due to the genetic manipulation they inherited during slavery times. hitler was fascinated by how muscular and high stamina the average american negro is and wondered if he could sample some of them and turn them into ubersoldats loyal to the german empire.

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The einsatzgruppen were not Jewish hunter units like the allies would like you to believe. They were anti communist units, hunting down NKVD and Bolshevik commissars, who were brutalizing the Russian peasant population.

Honestly who still uses fake pictures to make arguments?

God She has no frontal cortex, wtf

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protip: serena williams is such a master at tennis some officials think maybe she should be restricted to men's since no normal woman can go head to head with her in tennis without some kind of luck. All her opponents complained "its like trying to beat rafael nadal in his prime". Thats how scary she is in the world of tennis.

Once Russian peasants caught wind that these units were established, they enacted pre-emptive strikes against their oppressors and started beating communist officials to death.

From 1933 to 1940, German Jews were sent to Palestine, not put into death camps, as the allied victors would have us believe.

>average Ameri-nigger
>high stamina
The Average nigger in America is an obese diabetic, stop getting your views from television

Even the fat obese ones are unnatural strong

American negroes are their own kind of race.

gotta wear a big frilly fairy tutu skirt to hide the HGH gut right babe?

T. Jew

He's right though. Stop being retarded.

T. Jew


All my experience with american blacks made me think they were frail and stupid as fuck by mullatoe standards???

If theyre strong and superior, then dominiggers must be supermen, because american groids dont compete really when it comes to intelect and strength

The Nazi party believed in racialism in the sense that they were the best suited race for their environment. They respected that other races were evolved to their own environments.

They just didn't want them living in Germany, which is understandable

No. American negroes are just naturally strong and muscular. An ad back then marketed 5 American negroes having the strength of a single adult male elephant.

Of course, any nation should have a strong ethnic identity without heavy foreign influence. Berlin was rife with the smut the Jews were producing. When they Nazis burned books, they were all volumes of Jewish pornography and communist philosophy.

Zug zug!

Thanks, user. Facebook safe meme fresh off the press.

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