/SWEG/ Sweden election general - DAY OF DEFEAT EDITION

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What should we look forward to, for the next
election lads?
What are your life plans now that SD has lost and the elections are over?


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Jews love democracy. It's a casino for you goyim. Keep coming and enabling this system.

anyone has got a good map to see where everyone does the same?

is SD #1 in any region?

why are they only at 18%? weren't they supposed to get 25%?

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press f to kill me



So... Islam won?

They deserve it.

shitdems lead everywhere?


Here lad

How's it going currently? Sticky thread is shit

Yes, thanks to Swedencucks.

SD voters on suicide watch

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is there one by coalition?


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Why there still is anyone that believe Sweden will uncuck itself?
It is impossible, Swedish civilitzation is already dead.

How many votes have been counted? Is this a 98% Hillary scenario?


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Who and what are the moderates? They seem like the bitch boys of the Social democrats.

No, its over

a victory for european values tonight, ty sweden for showing the far right they do not belong once again!


Alright, calling on norway and finland to help part up sweden, maybe even carve out a little area to place the samis at


I dont get why everyone is freaking out, didnt SD gain seats?

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the (((conservatives)))

Probably best all you decent white Swedes move. Get to England before Brexit blocks you.
Vote with your feet, don't rely on anyone else to shape your life. Brain drain the country and save yourselves.

According to exit polls, SD got 25% among men. If you would have restricted this to Swedish men, it'd likely be well over 30%. So this means their massive underperformance is largely due to the female question.

>mfw witnessing the end of our very last chance to salvage my country

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how do i see it by coalition instead of party?

60% and more of the electorate counted
SD counts in freefall


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you cant blame them for voting for more handouts. there's no way out of this mess.

Red block: 40,6%.
They can't even reach 50%, even if C helped them.

Blue block: 40,1%.
They can't amount to 50% either, even is V tried to help help.

Almost perfect.

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people were expecting one socialist party to fall out below 4% (MP) and SD to get 25%+

>Get to England
You're worse off than we are.

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Your women are whores craving gfor immigrants, nothing new.

Because 18% of 6million legal voters is less than Muslims in Sweden at voting age.

>only 25% of men are willing to even discuss reducing immigration
Sven, you have deeper problems than women.

I'm done with this fucking country

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It will be a S+M government with either C or MP filling in.

Nah, the Jews won. Muslims have no political power and the vast majority of them do not even vote. Your token """"arab""" politicians are nothing but puppets of Jews.

Northerners are retards. Is there a slur I can call them?

it's time to leave snow niggers. In 4 more years you'll be lucky to be alive if you stay in swedenistan.

they were projected to win much more than this

When is Jow Forums going to accept that there simply isn't a political solution?

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meh, Sweden is what, 9 million people? People voting in Sweden is like one french region in regional elections

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Not gonna lie, with the rapid immigration and rooting of these fucking parasites. They just might be a little to far into your nation to easily manage in 4-5 years.

Just ask Russia to invade and set up a client state, might just be your last chance to be poor but homogeneous.

> mutt
> telling me I have problems

GTFO shitskin.

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Worked up well for us, you are just cucks up there.

Neoconservatives. They used to be called the right-party but transformed into socially liberal while remaining fiscally conservative.

They want low taxes, small state, are pro-EU, also like immigration because it creates cheap labor but toned it down recently. They are fine with gays and such.

> only democracy can be a political solution

They are not cucks like you, now sit down and shut up, you are a disgrace to Europe.

Why are European countries so retardedly stagnant? In America, it took us like 2-3 years to go from "Love is Love!" to electing Trump and forcing the rebirth of right-wing ideologies when they were declared dead in 2012.

We didn't even have Muslim rape gangs and "no-go zones," we mostly had liberals screaming at us to just deal with it and gibs dem dats.

I don't even want to consider myself "white" since that carries the sting of admitting you are descended from Eurocucks.

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It's time to fight back.

i support this, will gladly turn "traitor" and shoot white swedes before the shitskins fuck this cuntry

They are drunks who fuck their sisters.

Yeah typical neo-cons, very few differences with neo-libs especially on immigration.

Unis all around the world are fucked mate. They started this shit. But don't forget we imported the antidote in Hindu's. Anything get too short we can always manipulate a war between the two people's greatly reducing their numbers

What triggers me most is the random use of color.


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Normally this is when I would get excited. Usually this means the issue cannot be solved democratically and big happenings are on the horizon. But this is Sweden. There will be no happenings. Just the continual rape and murder as Swedes retreat ever further into the dustbin of history.

Come back to us when Spic Salvini's promise of 500K deportations comes true. So far he's only whining about muh re-distribution like all of his predecessors.

why do they suck so much in the north?

Based American, fuck the Swedes.

Who cares about these cucks?

On the serious, do exactly what the homo 2% in the US did.

Get everyone you know who isn't a commie to start a new organization, with the same people on the board in different spots. Use these organizations to constantly send dozens of editorials and claims on membership to local media and local elected officials. Pressure them. Show up at each other's rallys and rally during the weekday so you're in their face while they are at work.

Get everyone you know who isn't a commie a law degree, a journalism degree, or elected to a vote counting office.

Have the lawyers run for high office, or sue the crap out of any socialist parties, 24/7.

Have the journalists help each other get onto editorial boards and slant the shit out of anything that comes across the desk, subtle at first, just talking nice about capitalists, or obviously badmouthing capitalists despite it making no sense at all.

And have the vote counters there to make sure they aren't ballot stuffing (or that any ballot stuffing is "equal." ;P

>implying any party is anything other than far left

even AfS want free dental care.

So the UK Conservatives basically.

The absolute state of Sweden.
"Yes, please do rape and kill my wife and children, I'll be over here writing an article about the beauty of diversity"


They don't have to live near the problem.

This will do. Thank you.

what? the colors represent different sections from local to national

pretty much swedes can't even "man up" and put a fucking vote in a ballot... expecting them to suddenly save the country i don't even have words for that. we are a nation of söyboys

That shit would never happen here, bong. Keep coping. If I would ever leave Sweden it would be for Denmark or maybe Austria. Your Island needs to be nuked.

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Swedes aren't white, so don't worry about it. Swedes are just pale niggers.

Eh, Sweden looked pretty comfy before the niggers arrived, it'd be a shame for them to go up in flames. And at any rate, we will need all the help we can get in the future. If European countries start falling, we won't be able to protect ourselves on our own. We need to stand united in this.

>implying National socialism is far left
God I hate lolbertarians and ancaps so fucking much

Yes, at least very similar to David Cameron brand tory-ism.

Not the Mogg kind.

It's more in part due to the fact that demographics are changing so rapidly that it won't be an option to simply just "stop" migration but revert it entirely in the future, which is another entire step further right and extremely difficult to attain.
The U.S. is really in a similar state and the odds of us ever reverting, i.e. sending massive amounts of migrants back is extremely low, unfortunately even our most radical of right wings simply want migration halted and this won't do.

It really isn't a laughing matter for any of the western super powers, we are all being replaced at such alarming rates it's more or less getting to black pill levels.

Fuck off with the female question. We wouldnt have Donald Trump if 52% of white women didnt vote for him.

Youre people are just massive betas from the women, to the men, to the trannies.

Its over now. Only chance is for true swedes to become an organized resistance and create terror for the immigrants.


By the next election half of Swedish boys will be trans girls. GG Swedecucks

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because you made us lose WW2?

> can't rationally respond to my challenge

As I said, Spic Salvini is all PR and no action. 500K deportations ain't happening, spic. He's only the next version of the whining, corrupt and over-indebted spic telling Europe to take the niggers instead of deporting them.

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They all need to be gassed, I agree.

Just wait until you start getting chain migration :^)

and why the fuck is the communist party getting more and more votes?

isn't sweden leftist enough already?

>have had rape gangs and no go zones since the 70s
>56% and no deportations by zog emberor
I'm the first one to laugh at Sweden, but Sweden isn't half as cucked as burger.

>we won't be able to protect ourselves on our own.
You need more faith in Italy chief. Also you are right, IT USED TO BE, now it's a shithole full of all radicals and other leftist garbage.

This was literally Sweden's last chance. 4 years and Sweden will be gone.

I hope the refugees celebrate with fire bombs. They deserve what they voted for.

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>ignores my answer

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Keep coping, mutt.

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Shut your neutral ass up bitch

>and why the fuck is the communist party getting more and more votes?

In Europe, you should expect to see more and more of the center collapsing until we reach a breaking point.