Kill myself y/n?

Kill myself y/n?

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No. This election won't matter when Trump drops the hammer.


He's been president for two years and nothing's gotten better

if you are white, then no. retard

Do you see what's going on in the middle east? Trump is gonna declassify the Mueller documents and turn his back on israel then we're gonna watch it be destroyed

if you kill yourself they win. drop out of society, don't pay into it. have fun

No. Have an army of blue eyed children and raise them to save the west

Nigger have you seen our tax cuts and trade deals and rocket man stopped the nuke shit

We’re so close to collapse, don’t you want to experience it?
Just wait and you will be released in due time


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Why are you asking us?

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are you a sven or an abdul

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please no

you know why

Whatever you just have to wait until you die, there's no hurry, peoples are so impatient


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That's one less white Swede my dude. Don't let the banter get to you, whites are already a significant global minority.

>Coping this much

We only give questions, our answers are pre-recorded.

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And don't kill yourself, what would that solve?

>12 posts before somebody told OP to kys
Jow Forums has changed, man

user we're all gonna make it, bide your time, improve yourself, and wait for the happening

No, kill the invaders.

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>You still need to suffer

Why not move to a white country and make some white babies.

>white country
doesn't exist

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that's how you know shits gotten bad

Don't do it, it's what the jews want.

No this wasn't good but it wasn't bad

You scumbag nords are absolutly pathetic and still somehow you think you're better that southerners.

Go fuck yourself cryptonigger
No matter what happens you will never be white

> should I create less white people?

Are you tall and handsome? If yes, have children

No, killing yourself is a very selfish thing to do and i personally think its murder.
The act of murder itself isnt taking life from a individual (in the literall sense it is but lets talk moral) its taking that life from everyone else that depended on that person, depended for a wage at the end of the month for rent, depended on by a friend or family member that could need you for support one day or even just a chat, its not the pain you cause yourself or the person you take a life from its the pain you cause for everyone that was in that persons life, that feeling off loss for everyone that can never be filled again.
Dont do it OP think of everyone around you, your worth something, we love you and most importantly god loves you

Yes ofc


Just fucking kill them under the guise of security. Works wonders here.

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>If it makes you make feel better

But however main propaganda of our left is how ''advanced and beautiful'' are the multicultural countries of nord.
Stop being a cuck shithole Sven

No, don't kill yourself. Your life has hope regardless of all the blackpilling. You can just leave. Focus on getting a trade or education and look into moving to a better country (other Scandi places, balkans or baltics)

No, help us make memes


yeah whatever you say shlomo

Kill yourself infront of their "headquarters".

>No matter what happens you will never be white!
He said while Mahmud fucked his wife, the TV news talking about his country's newly elected zionist government

at least take some invaders with you

Buy land up north, build a hut, get a waifu and kids, buy weapons and watch it all burn.

stpid fuckin nigger the reason your sayin it is
because you want to create another american
9/11 and us shitryans will be blown up topieces