So realistically whats my best bet on getting guns for the upcoming racewar?

So realistically whats my best bet on getting guns for the upcoming racewar?
Hunting license?
What are my options here and most importantly have I wasted to much time?

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If your country follows the EU directives you should be able to acquire black powder revolvers and the supplies to reload them with just an ID (assuming you're not underage). Weapons made before 1900 are also a yes so you could get a Swedish Mauser, but you would most likely need a license of some sort to buy ammo for that

Probably finding a source in eastern Europe who can get them to you for a price.

I thought we were going to South Africa to help the Boers, but it look like we'll have to kill sandniggers rather than niggers.

I'm game.

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Forgot to change vpn friend..?


Its over. You fucking retards didnt vote for AFS. There isnt going to be a racewar.

>to you for a price.

thats usually how buying things works, HEEEEEEDIOT!

when was the last time sweden took part in a war without being a puppet state? you are pussies get over it.

buy one from a shitskin unironically cash no questions asked

there won’t be a race war haha. Your people don’t have the weapons to do it and most of the men are fully cucked and will probably fight against you. Just give it up man and say goodbye to Sweden, start a new life abroad.

I know Europeans are incapable of not being cucks, but I spent 3 years of army in Judea and Samaria policing these subhumans

Do you think you won't need the experience?

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This lol

Just talk to your local drug dealer, he can hook you up with a piece or 2

Moving to Finland.

Get you a big bore single action. If you gotta shoot slow, make it hit like a train. A few loaded spare cylinders will act as reloads.

I suposse I like you better than the sand niggers
I would just like to defend myself
Not sure I like this one.
Oh there will buddy but it wont be swedes who start it. Have you missed the "new swedes" saying that sweden is theirs and thats why they are coming. Its gonna happend and its gonna be big.

join a hunting club or a gun club

Your literally a Jew larping as Nazi. Oy very swedish man, forget trhat you were once the leading great power and Europe just run away and don't even try defend your Homeland. Run away somewhere far far away, maybe pay voluntary tax to Israel too.

I’m being realistic. You can keep dreaming about the race war, but chances are it won’t happen. If your own people are fighting against you, there’s not much you can do to help them if they can’t help themselves.

Remington 1858 for maximum aesthetics

And how do you think Germany was before the national socialists came to power? Exactly the same..."your own people" fighting against themselves. Oh vey I am being realistic no chance give up All hope don't even try and whatever you do don't vote in upcoming election unless you choose good Jew candidate. Fucking kike to the oven with you.

So you wouldn’t mind raising your children in a brainwashing factory like Sweden?

You guys fight for your little piece of shit land in Israel. We're gonna fight for ours, whether you like it or not. That's my last post to you Jew.

You might consider making your own gun.

Its not that dificalt to obtain guns here it's true.In serbia is even easier.
The problem would be geting the guns into sweden.

What would you expect from an American who's got most worst and side takings news organisations out there. Russian and 'Murican both are propaganda filled hellholes.

Didn't you guys supply guns to both Serbia and Croatia?

kek, u have been spared the delousing agent

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Get a hunting license.
And first take out those that rigged your elections.

What are you talking about? I’m not Jewish. I hope you’re right and there is a race war, but odds are against it. You don’t need to be rude.

Just lay down and die Swede. The world is better off without your kind in it.

Manufacture one yourself. They aren't hard. Simple blowback 9mm SMG.

How difficult will it be to cross border and fight in Swedish Freikorps?

Your military is against you.

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Since grenades are easily obtained, how hard can it be to get a Yugo M-70 (AK47)?

>So realistically whats my best bet on getting guns for the upcoming racewar?

Albanians. But let's be real: white men aren't going to fuck all with their guns ever. Look at America for example: white men have been LARPing for 150+ years since they lost the civil war. They've been armed to the teeth this entire time. And the left has conquered every single industry and institution of power without firing a single shot. Where were the American men with their precious guns? I'll tell you: they were hiding in their man-caves and NEET-dens shivering with cowardice and being heros on the Internet.

Guns are useless in the hands of white men. So why bother and risk getting in trouble because of some LARP that will never become reality?

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I tought Sweden is in the Schengen area, so no border checkups, he just needs to pick it up and go back home.

I know this I am just hoping the military will atleast do something when they start killing people

>Albanians. But let's be real: white men aren't going to fuck all with their guns ever. Look at America for example: white men have been LARPing for 150+ years since they lost the civil war. They've been armed to the teeth this entire time. And the left has conquered every single industry and institution of power without firing a single shot. Where were the American men with their precious guns? I'll tell you: they were hiding in their man-caves and NEET-dens shivering with cowardice and being heros on the Internet.
>Guns are useless in the hands of white men. So why bother and risk getting in trouble because of some LARP that will never become reality
Its people like you who need to be killed first

Denmark is happy to help actual refugees. Come here before it's too late.


Arm yourself and kill your oppressors, your only chance now. And you will probably die, but personally i'd rather die free than live a slave

This... If there hasn’t been a race war in the US, where anyone can access guns, what makes you think it will happen in quiet little Sweden? It won’t. The only thing that may happen is Sweden being conquered by Russians in the future, if you’re lucky.

>arm yourself
well thats kinda the point of this post friend
preferably without the means of doing so being illegal

Why tge fuck r u asking Jow Forums retard?
Maybe try asking someone in sweden who is not cucked?
Thetes still like, 3 or 5 of those left somewhere no?

You won't do a thing you fat, white, coward. Shut your womanly mouth and go read your Bible.

Guns for revolution is a meme at this point. You want guns for when it gets hella bad. Like trying to call 911 and getting a busy signal bad.

More like 17.7% left of those

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Kike shill forgot to change flag LOL
Sneaky fucking kikes.

Exactly. Guns are useless in the hands of cowards whose hearts are overflowing with Christian propaganda and lies. If European men wanted a future perhaps they shouldn't have abandoned their European gods for shitskin ones.

Only brainlets are not getting the hint yet bro.
Israel is by far one of the most based countries in the world.
My only objection is you playing footsie with the KSA, which needs to be nuked as soon as possible.

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Officialy i don't think so.Unoficialy we sell to everione, there was even a fuck up with our wepons geting in to fucking isis.

Not gonna work. Go read Moldbug. He's wrong about a lot but he's absolutely correct that violent uprising is a complete dead end for Right wing movements.

Get them illegally, your moral obligation is to yourself and your true countrymen, not your corrupt government.

Its not an uprising if the sand niggers start it

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lel you got the one for this too?

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>faggot propaganda must be how the actual majority swedish military feels

ITT: glow in the dark niggers

The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.

Lol. Sorry bro she is hot

Hunting license might take too long, so look for the good old black market dealers or figure out we're the sand niggers are smuggling up their grenades.

Though maybe you want to learn how to cook up some fun things that go boom. Or try to get the Russians or Chinese to ship weapons to you and your "pro-russian/communist" friends. They might buy it and smuggle you some stuff. Or find some black market dealers.

Doubt you have the time to acquire materials/tools and build your own weapons.

Come to Poland swedishbro, I'm a French refugee and coming here has been the best decision in my life. Plus the economy is booming and they need workers and you can make good money speaking swedish and english.

How to move to Israel?

Where do you live? Did you at least *try* to learn the language?

>So realistically whats my best bet on getting guns for the upcoming racewar?
Befriend some Americans.

How about if I'm speaking Serbian and English? Didn't get certified yet, but my proficiency can be estimated at around C2.
Uneducated toothless HS graduate tho ;_;
Is there hope for my Polish-Serbian dream?
This country's going to hell in a handbasket. When the traitors in Belgrade finalize the betrayal of Kosovo all hell will break loose in the region.

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Crisis isn't always blowing up overnight. There might be no single day in which your job building will be set on fire and suddenly everywhere there wil be bullets flying. Many conflicts grow slowly: crime steadily rises, people stop going out at night, prices and markets get slowly shittier and shittier. You will still be going to work, doing groceries etc. If goverment feels like they can't maintain it anymore, they can send police/army to every legal firearm owner and confiscate it because if you own a legal weapon, you are in the resigstry. if you refuse, they will still have enough power to loc you up, maybe months before mass riots blow up in multiple cities or whatever. This means you can not rely only on legal means.
If you can, go get a legal gun in case government doesn't fuck you over. If it does though, at least you'll have some time to stock up on ammunition and hide it somewhere. Ammunition isn't registered. Just in case read up about gun stuff and save some materials. I mean, during wars civilians were making guns in regular workshops. Firearms aren't rocket science and materials to build them are easier to get than for smokeless gunpowder. Illegal guns off the registry woud be superior choice but finding them now, when law still applies, could be hard and dangerous thanks to the state. If some real crisis would bow up, black markts would pop up really quickly. They always do. That would be the chance to get "clean" gun of potential good quality.

Warsaw obviously...
I did, I can somehow communicate with people, I am working hard to become fluent.

Military police
> vomits
I hope she gets cancer

Hunting license. If u got no priors. 10k sek one weekend course. Apply for license for bolt action or (certain) semi-autos. Wait forever for polisen to process. Buy gun. Shoot.

Warsaw is by far the worst city in the country though, especially if you're trying to escape the nigger/mudslime plague kek

>So realistically whats my best bet on getting guns for the upcoming racewar?
You do not want third parties to know that you are armed in future Sweden.

Israel really is a country I consider immigrating in when the freakshow in and around my country stops amusing me. Too bad you have too much russians for my taste there too.

Can you even live in Israel if you're not a noseberg/palestinian?

Dude. We are 75% shit skinned here. Don't let the memes fool you.

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Forgot to point out that this is SIDF honeypot thread. Beware.

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You are white so it will be ok I guess. If you can train yourself to work in IT they might suck your dick to hire you.

Nah, the real core of the military is nothing like that, this is just a select few at the top that push these kinds of propaganda. Same with police etc. When the shit hits the fan they will be on our side.

I have visited Israel. Saw everything while driving around it. Somehow it did not feel like the slave prison Europe is currently or retard asylm africa is or bugpeople breeding pens asia is. Not been in US, maybe they also still got the spark.

Drive to finland and find a russian who can get their hands on ak's with ammo. Should be 5k for a nice ak and a shitload of ammo

IDK, not considering emigration atm. There is fight for Estonia coming and I do not want to miss it. Last one almost a century ago I participated in was glorious.

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As a tourist, i saw way more shitskins in Prague. Warsaw seemed pretty white to me.
I love the metro tho. Just needs a few more lines.
t. Burger in Wroclaw who's really just replying to see his flag change

I know that Warsaw is supposed to be the worst city but I grew up in Paris where I was most of my life the only blonde white guy anywhere. I went from a nigger infested hell to Warsaw where it is like 98% white and 2% ubereats paki shitskins so Warsaw feel like heaven to me.

>but I spent 3 years of army in Judea and Samaria policing these subhumans

You got alot of nog problems there? Do they cause alot of crime? What about leftie jews, are they a pain also? Take them all back please.

Based IDF chicks with guns

Ca fentanyl + DMSO solution.
Fill super soakers.

Hose of death.
It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out the possibilities

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1858 Remington is your best option.

Don't get a 1851 Colt, you can't just pop the cylinder out on those.

Iive here.

Go back. We don't need people shitting up job and housing market even more, not to mention about polluting our culture with freign one. It's already bad with fucktons of ukrainians here.
Abandoning your country is fucking pathetic. You are cuck who gifted niggers and goatfuckers land for which your ancestors spilled their blood.

"Flyover america" is pretty much untainted if you go to california on the other hand...

never underestimate crossbow ans bolt.
in finland those are legal and no license.

No its a thread I made becuase I want to shoot brown people when they eventually break and go violent

>Hes never heard of Anarchist cookbook
Unless you can make a prison gun, thats your best chance

You are bit late into party, dear SÄPO homo.

Get a hunting license and get an Browning bar match/fn fnar. Stock up on 20 rnd magazines before the new eu directive makes them illegal. Closest you'll get to an FN FAL for the race war.

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Pretend to convert to Judaism, and everyone will leave you alone. Literally most Jews I know are pretty much goyim to the core.

The ones in Palestine are too busy getting killed because of 24/7 anti-terrorism raids, and the Arab Israelis are too terrified to do anything more than the occasional riot here and there.

Yes, too many Russians for my taste too. But it mostly depends on where you live. Again, just pretend to be a Jew and literally nothing will change for you.

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crossbow is too slow, get a regular bow and instead of a horse use a pickup truck to shoot multiple targets while riding to victory. Also remember to get an Ulfberht sword.

This is a fun *hypothetical* game, I love *thought experiments*

1. Get a licence that allows the ownership of semi-automatic firearms
>Pistols, certain shotguns
>"Target practice"
>"bird hunting"
Pump-actions will also suffice

2. Become proficient with said firearms, work on physical fitness and mental toughness. A good way is to start camping, and then each time you go take less and less gear and for longer and longer periods - Slowly acclimatizing yourself to the wild. End goal being to be able to survive for extended periods in the wild with only a light (30kg) pack.

3. Find a group of likeminded people. You are looking for people who are not too extreme, but concerned. If you get in with the wrong group, they may do something stupid and get everyone arrested.

4. The important part. *hypothetically* find a *hypothetical* location that holds *airsoft* firearms and *mentally* plan how you will *peacefully* get them when SHTF. A *hypothetical* Gun shop, *imaginary* Isolated police station, *nonexistent* Army reserve depo etc etc etc

By doing this you will not break any laws and will be ready when the time *to defend yourself* comes. If nothing ever happens, you get physically fit, spend some time in the outdoors and make some friends.


How can I now post "le jew" meme if you posted it yourself.

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