Germany Not again !
Other urls found in this thread:
who is jetz
jetz = now
>low effort post
National Sozialismus! Jetzt! Jetzt! Jetzt! Sunday night in the streets of a small German provincial town, in 2018
>what did they mean by this
who cares
wow, white trash is really important
Screencap this
Media is in full damage controll they will Not recover from this one german people are awaking
Best reply on that thread:
“Dieu se rit des hommes qui déplorent les effets dont ils chérissent les causes.”
God laughs at men who deplore the effects of which they cherish the causes
please don't end up like us or god forbid sweden
all European peoples of the world have been waiting for you to do this Germany, for decades now
dark and terrifying forces are being summoned again by the Germans
>Using the term white trash
Wow, thanks for your thorough translation, who would have guessed what that text means without your help
translations, sil vouz plais?
you honestly think a bunch of depressed alcoholics from a shanty town in Eastern Germany are important? Why are you so willing to fool yourself
I still don't know what it means.
uh oh
Just give up Jew, you're getting nowhere with this.
"Those who get salty about the consequences of their own actions are retarded."
Guys, I feel it in the air. Can you?
I really pity you you meathead white trash. In your desperation you're willing to fool yourself that these people matter
>actually more powerful than ever in europe
1 election in our favor could save the entire continent.
Are you looking forward to the Poles dying out? No? Then stand with Germany.
>people don't like the effects of immigration
>these same people love immigration
>it will be their undoing
Heil Hitler! Heil Deutschland! Hail Victory!
And around and around it goes. The only trash here is you and it's about to get taken out.
>sparks turn into flame
Lots of Jews in Poland.
mein liebe volksgenosse
full story:
Three afghan refugees discussed loudly who impregnated the german girlfriend.
Then two germans joined because they thought they are molesting the women. The refugees beat one german dead.
>Are you looking forward to the Poles dying out? No? Then stand with Germany.
Why are people here so stupid and don't respond to actual content? I said only that these people don't matter you fools. You're impulsive idiots, emotionally reacting to symbolic quantities
>you honestly think a bunch of depressed alcoholics from a shanty town in Eastern Germany are important?
no but enough about poland, we're talking about germany here.
>Why are people here so stupid and don't respond to actual content?
Must be your first day here.
Welcome to POL!
It will be like WW2 all over again. Except this time white people all across the world will be working together.
this is the dead victim
Not to sound like a reviling cunt, but you should know better.
oy fucking vey
but I'm under no illusion and I know that Eastern Europe doesn't matter generally
This. Fucking unarmed cucks aren't going to do anything but bitch and moan in the streets.
>Poland consistently punching right
>"Wahhh you're all retards"
There's a reason you don't see "moderate" Social Democrats bashing AntiFa. Think before you open your stupid mouth.
You don't matter, just kys and get it over with.
>she will never come back
Why no one helped him? Are germans THAT cucked so they can't beat a bunch of sandniggers?
Mark my words, Germany will rise again and save europe, france, sweden, and the UK are To KEKED!!!!!!!
>I still don't know what it means.
I was thinking the same thing. Maybe we really are Ameridumbs
Every little bit matters you kike. Prepare for extinction of the talmudists.
luegenpressse luegenpresse
Look at the guy's face. He was a lefty and he got what he asked for with his feminist White Knighting.
Fortunately we can always turn their "sad stories" into Right Wing cautionary tales.
> Germany will rise again
Hello Jew, nice pic of your god that you have there.
means be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. and if you do, god will be loling at your dumbass.
The more walking in the streets, the stronger it will be. these are just the small front-waves of the larger massive front that will come.
start pumping iron boys
Your time is running out. Prepare your angus.
Will Germany be the first to snap??
"God laughs at those that condemn the effects while cherishing its cause".
There you have it. I can translate it to mutt if you want. It means that ooga booga if you no like nazis it's your fault for supporting inmigration ooga booga
never forget
Sam Hyde fucked her.
The fire rises.
Change that blonde girl on the left to be (((White people))) and that picture would be accurate.
Oh fuck, its time again. Polish up the Luger boys
The blond girl should be labelled as "(((white people)))."
>you're all weird as fuck
>her pictures
talk about pot calling the kettle black, yeesh
>Du hast
>Du hast legs
he is the Nobel and strong eurocuck/blowing the whistle on all of this dastardly nonsense instead of having a children that would only hurt his life further...
Chemnitz and this is too little too late. You should have done something before you let the hordes in.
The only thing you are achieving is making a point for leftists and liberals. your "demand for national socialism" will outshine every crime migrnts will make, because for libcucks and the left your little shitty demonstration will prove that your country needs libcucks and the left more than ever.
Good job. You're only digging your grave deeper.
this is 100% V-Men
People realised that the whole chemnitz thing was bullshit, so they now put these stooges in to make the chemnitz thing seem legit
Will kek have a second coming 2018? It's only a small segment of video any more happenings in Germany?
do hues du recht, jempi. Kann mir net virstellen dat normal Daitscher sou op dstroos gin
wasted get
what you must understand German friends is that you don't play with these faggots.
If you confront them be ready to kill.
Don't think about the possibility that you hit him too hard and dies, because that will get you killed.
Whenever you're in a fight and even so if you're outnumbered, you have two options:
1. Run like a maniac
2. Attack to kill
If you're not working out or practicing any fighting sports do so now.
Feels bad man, good luck
Does anyone in Germanistan believe the old guard media any more?
time for the prinsenvlag to rise
I really fucking hope you Germans start destroying the cunts who fuck the niggers and sand niggers that Merkel brought in.
do u guys miss hitler? i would
I don't really want to learn german because i don't like the language much but if there's a serious movement there I'll have to do it.
believe me, it only take some more time until even the cucked West Germans wake up... just some more murders, a couple of more rapes and it will happen
Migrants kill another man in Chemnitz
Of course, it's a false flag, they even changed a 19th century slogan denouncing the SPD, so doesn't denounce the ruling party (which is SPD) anymore.
But these false flaggers might start something they never intended to.
>Following the stabbing, authorities said several foreigners were attacked in the streets. A Jewish restaurant was also targeted with rocks and bottles amid the unrest.
This, I could see why people might think it's a falseflag, but it's a risky one.
PewDiePie is the leader of the White race.
This video is a sign of the coming future.
See, when cucks like Jack and people like FemFreq and liberals try silencing us, we go underground.
With all of the free time we have being banned from social media, we will start our own movement. You won't know until it is too late.
The leftists think that they can silence people like this, and what they will soon find out is that by silencing us, the people who are freethinkers, who don't go with the status quo, who don't just roll over and let the elites tell them what to do or think- we are the people who will erase you and your entire history so that you are not even left with the idea of what you once envisioned. We will go after you, your families, your friends, everyone who cheered on while we were silenced. We will make sure that you know, as you take your last breath, that the reason you are in this position is because you left us no choice. The same way the marxist left created Donald Trump, with each voice they censor, they are only helping the movement grow stronger. You have been warned. No more warnings, we are going underground once again. The next time we show ourselves, it will be while you sleep and with the cold blade on your neck.
For the love of God, please start a war.
wet jews are funny
>find anons
>rent a fucking house
>get work
>pay rent
>anyone asks who you are
>we wuz good boy americans/brits/germans/martians going to church getting them programs
>keep making money
>save money
>get more anons in
>reach out to average family and do normal shit like talk about bullshit stuff while helping clean up the community
>continue under radar until normalised
Can't wait for these night time marches again.
Vid from 2013:
K-Keep me posted...
I'm from previous thread and I support this idea. I might discuss with le anons irl.
>Literally who
>50 glow in the dark niggers