David French is a high-profile conservative author with the National Review and other publications, and he is officially leaving the Republican Party due to Trump's behavior. Is American conservatism collapsing? Did Trump kill the Republican Party?
I evaluate each race on their merits as well. That's why I'm a white nationalist.
take all the jews and cucks with you
The fuck are you talking about? Trump has always been at odds with neocon faggots, look at McCain/Bush/Ryan/Romney, christcuck frenchie boy can go virtue signal for his globalist masters, its no surprise and makes no difference to me
Boomer cuckservatives get the pillow
>another fake conservative leaves
wasn't this the secret weapon of billy kristol to stop trump from winning the election?
Trump must be over target. French is a top drawer piece of shit that sucked Obama`s dick for 8 years and lusts after Hillary Clinton fucking him in the ass.
>National Review
lol, literal communists
Actually, he's 49, which makes him a Gen-X'er. Most conservative Gen-X'ers seem to hate Trump: Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Ben Sasse, etc.
American conservatism is really a rigid and boring movement
Their hierarchy of priorities never changes and the problems are always exaggerated
Which is why american conservatism revolves around constant attacks on the Left for its supposed constant, imminent threat to free speech and guns
This is the characteristic of american conservatism. Always the same set of problems
Last thought, Trump is a "RINO" in the sense that in a perfect world he would have run third party. RNC was acting like a complete disgrace leading up to the 2016 election, along with all the half-assed Republicans acting like they were offended by the pussy tape. It's no secret that Trump and a portion of the Republicans don't like each other, but these Republicans gave us Bush and Romney and the immigration disaster we're in right now so it doesn't bother me if they continue crowing. It's funny to me that Democrats are now all for these Republicans, solely because of Drumpf
>I evaluate each race on the merits
So he's a Nazi?
>a literal who
>is American conservatism collapsing?
Yes, and good fucking riddance. American conservatism failed to deliver on its promises and the voters have more or less abandoned it in favor of Trump style populism and I don't see a resurgence anytime soon. #NeverTrump gets a little weaker every day, the neocon era is over.
>did Trump kill the Republican party?
I hear this a lot from liberals and cuckservatives, but the GOP is the most powerful it's been in decades and that's largely thanks to Trump. Before his nomination it was widely expected that Hillary would take the presidency and the Democrats would coattail into the house and senate. Trump gets voters to the polls, the GOP brand doesn't. I'm curious as to what these people think success for the GOP is, generally I judge a political party on electoral and policy success not how many favorable articles it gets in opposition media, it would seem that you OP and many like you think the opposite.
>evaluates each race on their merits
Wait, each race has different merits?
That actually sounds pretty racist, I thought we were all the same?
>National Review
Lol the National Hebrew.
David French is the faggot that Bill Kike Krystal wanted to run against Trump.
Him leaving the GOP sounds like a bonus.
Although I doubt it makes any difference whatsoever.
You must be young. It used to be concerned mostly with abortion and gay marriage, which did a permanent blow to them.
>Evaluate each race on the merits
So does Dicky Spencer
Gen-X masterrace reporting in, can confirm hatred of the marmalade messiah
Neocons go home
>jew with black kid no longer pretends to be pro white
What are they conserving exactly? I never understood the american "right".
(((National Review))) is a neocon rag
>Trump has always been at odds with neocon faggots
oh totally, user, with the exception of:
>every neocon hannity has on
Neoconservatsim is throwing a tantrum. If I could gas one group it'd be neocons. You'd score enough jews doing it to get a 2 for 1 deal.
Conservative Under New Titleship
Suck am endless dick.
Gen X reporting in, many many more who actually work for a living hate liberals with utter disgust.
Main reason to vote for Trump...low taxes.
Gen X only cares about making money these days and will vote for person who lets us make more.
In other words, we are Trump loyalists who will give Michigan, Wisconsin and other former Dem states back to him in 2020.
>It used to be concerned mostly with abortion and gay marriage, which did a permanent blow to them
American conservatives long ago abandoned the issues of abortion and gay marriage. It appears only from time to time
Generally american conservatism is morally indifferent. It exists only because of petty and artificial attacks on the Left for supposed threats to free speech and guns
oh no what will we ever do without him
As his surname suggests he surrendered.
Someone wasn't paying attention to the 2016 election
Also, maybe half of who you listed are true neocons and hate Trump so congrats on listing 6 people that get along okay with Trump I guess? How fucking clueless can you be?
And don't even act like you listen to Hannity lmao
oooh, so he's a flip floping bitch that should not be taken seriously! How can I trust him if he can't even be true to his party? I bet tomorrow he'll renounce god and jesus because it's more trendy being a satanist!
>Did Trump kill the Republican Party?
God I hope so
fuck the republishits
cuckservative is literally on his wikipedia page
He's a cuck with an adopted niggerbaby. Good riddance
Its a battle between conservatives that want to conserve America and rino conservatives who takes bribes who want to conserve the corrupt status quo
>some literal who is leaving the Republican party
Okay? And?
Dershowitz is as much a Neocon as Queen elizabeth is french
Hopefully he takes his wife’s black daughter with him.
Neocon scum should be hunted down,
They are globalists like Mccian and Kristol, Trump is forcing these vampires into the light.
Bullshit! The Left has been openly pushing gun control since the Stoneman Douglas shooting in February. And they've been censoring like crazy this year as well.
The term became popularized thanks to his brief consideration of running Independent in order to stop Trump. Than we discovered the "contract" he had with his wife because he was terrified she would cheat on him while he was away on deployment (he's a reservist). It was creepy. He was basically the face of "cuckservatism" when that phrase became widespread for the first time.
>Is American conservatism collapsing?
I hope so. Fuck conservatism.
>I'm a christian
yup here is more proof christkikes are fucking lying shitheads on Jow Forums
David who?
These faggots are nobodies until the ((maynstream meteor)) make them prominent
The same is true of Rick Wilson. How many "conservative stalwarts" in Never Trump are middle aged white guys who are balding, have poorly maintained beards, an adopted black child in the family (child or grandchild usually), appeal to religion but don't seem to be all that religious otherwise, and have had no actual success in politics but won't shut about being involved in politics for a long time. It's like they're made in a factory somewhere according to a specific template.
This might be in anticipation of a third-party run in 2020. Maybe he could start a new "Not Racist" party for all the neocons and RINOs.
In case any of you forgot who this fag is:
Rick Wilson is such a fighter for conservatism that his son got on reddit and wrote about how the best way to manipulate women into being whores is to piss in their faces
good, he can take the other kike cumlickers larping as christians and the neocon trotskyites and globalist whores with him
David French, David Frum, William Kristol, and the other neo-con scum fucks who the #Resistance have embraced have the blood of millions on their hands.
They are the true enemy of all humanity.
Look at this cucboi
Reading this upright, prim and proper normie sphere dweller recount and describe the harassment and troll tactics of autists is fucking hysterical. Top kek.
I certainly hope so, it would be nice if it became tumps party
but Americans alrdy have bought out millions of guns and the world is much more complex than just muh guns and free speech
literally adopted a baby for social brownie points.
>National Review
Oh no, the kikes are protesting Trump?
He looks like a weak cock sucking Democrat anyway.
Good riddance
Not everyone at NR is as cucked as French. Victor Davis Hanson is pretty based. Andrew McCarthy is generally on Trump's side.
>Bill Kristol is a Republican
Ha! You can't even disagree with anything I said. All you can do is whine that "none of that really matters, does it?" like the total faggot you are. The Left opposes guns and free speech and people care about those things. Now, adjust your chastity cage and go be a disgrace to Poland somewhere else.
He didn't adopt it.
It's his fucking grandkid lol
>and the world is much more complex than just muh guns and free speech
No it actually isn't.
Gun rights and free speech are where the rubber meets the road politically.
apologize Jow Forums
>National Review
Praise Jebus! The less neocohens the better.
>Republican Politicians are nothing but Neo-cons and cucks
>Trump only join the republican party because of the 2 party system and the fact independents never win
>Trump and his supporters are all RINO's
>Caring what a literal who thinks
Only faggots think calling themselves republican is a good thing
He's in luck, she will do it if the payment is right.
>Tucker Carlson
o i am laffin
Literally who?
neocons deserve to be shot at
I want these faggots to suffer
>conserving what?
White Americans
White culture
this is the dumbest post I've ever read on Jow Forums
just another neo-con cuck revealing the traitor he really is, his next job will be to write Pro-Chinese articles for his new handlers.
Literally never heard of him, goddamn you're a fucking idiot.
he is a neocon kike and business partners with (((bill kristol)))
the beard is there to hide his total lack of a chin
Just lmfao
Every time
The neocon "conservative" republican party is dead, Trump murdered it.
Good riddance, that shit was the right leg of the uniparty system that was killing america.
Split the party, is that you shill's newest answer for the oncoming red wave? Who cares how anyone votes, aren't you all so confident that the blue wave is gonna be a thing? Fucking desperation, you had to use all caps too, psych trick to draw attention to your shit bait thread. Sage and kys, you slide thread faggot.
trump saved the republican party. the neo-cons didn't want it to be "saved", they just wanted more of the same.
My problem with him is that he’s a used car salesmen. He’ll promise anything to land the rube.
Gross. He's also a voicelet to boot. How do effete men get to reproduce?
Omg you can’t get more conservative than national review. William f Buckley is rolling in his grave.
remember when he was Bill Kristol's "independent conservative" nominee who was going to take down Trump?
>I don't know what a neocon is: the post
>Trump creates too much backlash for advertising money
>muh principles
Why cant he be honest for his reason for leaving?
I want lower taxes but I don’t want to bankrupt the country. Spending has to be cut, most conservatives understand that government must spend less if it’s bringing in less. Ramping up military spending means we need more tax money.
No one gives a fuck about a balanced budget, that ship sailed a long time ago. If America defaults it means the whole world is eating shit already because we're sitting on the top of this pile. Collapse is the only outcome, even before Trump, and we'll still be doing good in a relative way because the fundamental qualities of the US guarantee we have an edge over everyone else unless they can manage to form strong economic unions of many nations to directly compete.
> prominent