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Democracy or White Race?
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Well duh, if something doesn't serve me why would I keep it?
democracy is a meme and a tool used by the jews to make european countries and european descendants in other parts of the world weaker
direct democracy or no democracy at all imo, and don't let women vote
democracy is a joke
Of course. Down with democracy!
Which is why we are a republic
I'd abandon democracy even if I wasn't white tbqh
I forgot to add that. You know what I mean, though. Democracy/Republic
Is this even a question?
It is to those who wonder.
Nobody in their right mind would seriously abandon democracy. But since you guys live in (((democracies))) anyway, you can just abandon it as well.
(((democracy))) is what allowed (((them))) to subvert us
I know, but knowing that Islam and China will eat us alive by the end of this century, I don't think there's a real alternative to getting rid of the current corrupted """democracy""". Once Muslims are in power in Europe, Chinese in Canada, Australia, etc. it'll be the end of democracy anyway.
democracy is shit lmao what kind of poll is this
anything is better than this shit
fuck democracy
what kind of question is this?
I don't know what you mean as they aren't the same thing you fucking 16 year old.
Who the hell actually believes in democracy anymore? The power the media and social media have nowadays and how they affect politics have completely destroyed democracy.
>abandon democracy
>preserve an entire race of people
The answer will always be yes. Democracy is not the golden cow it's made out to be to school children.
Less and less of a republic as time goes by.
You npcs and incels will be the first to go without democracy
We democracied and republiced our-self straight into a bureaucracy.
Also, how's this even a question in pol? Nobody here likes democracy, system most prone to brainwashing giving entire control of the future to press/media and education, which are both sectors that generally attract nu-males and women...it's a rigged race if we want any kind of system that's not Marxism.
democracy is a meme
You are so fucking stupid. Democracy is Satanic
kek, 90% yes/10% no.
There's no democracy to abandon. It's already failed miserably, it only serves for Australopithepedes to vote themselves gibs.
Ofc. Democracy is a meme. Its some some ultra sacred institution to be preserved above all things.
>the white race
>your people, your family, your children, the promise of a stable, high trust community you and yours can thrive in
>system of government that inherently benefits ((((those))) who control means of information distribution and mass media; nonwhite immigrant trash is given an equal say in your society as someone who's people have been there for hundreds of years
wow so hard
of course
Just so you know, All the 'no' votes are non-whites.
reminder that yang repeatedly btfo reinhard and the empire probably became a constitutional republic like 5 years after reinhards death lol
Obvious answer to a stupid question
Democracy is only possible in a white supermajority state, otherwise the nogs will vote for gibs and not enough people will work to maintain them.
Democracy is a failed political system. We should abandon it regardless.
shooshoo fischbein
Fuck democracy. The inherent problem with democracy is high time-preference. Why care about the long-term consequences of your policies, if you're going to be out in 8 years and then someone else can take the blame for your mistakes?
Having the possibility to vote for the least disgusting pack of liers every four years is nothing but a bad joke. No direct democracy = fake democracy.
Kill 2 birds with one stone? Hard yes
>do you prefer the jewish system or your people?
Democracy is shit though. White people are chill.
>The inherent problem with democracy is high time-preference
Also, the media ends up having the power in a democracy because they can just brainwash retards to vote the way want them to vote.
fuck off jewgle
>not 88%
race is honesty overrated
I'd rather live in an intellectually pure society than a racially pure one
is this even a question?
democracy is tripe
>I'd rather live in fantasy land than reality
Getting rid of democracy would help save the white race.
What the fuck are you talking about, OP? We already did it.
Bad poll, do you mean liberty or democracy?
Democracy (in practice) is absolutely nothing like what its believed/supposed to be. It just might be the deepest, psychological scam of the last few centuries.
Fact 1: if you can control thoughts and opinions, you can control "democratic" outcomes.
Fact 2: A tiny minority already does control thoughts and opinions.
Fact 3: This tiny minority is the oligarchic ruler of worldwide "democracy"
Fact 4: This oligarchy has no alegiance to any of the peoples or places they control (as traditional rulers did)... but only in soaking as much money up as they possibly can.
Fact 5: The wonder of this system is that all the ordinary people who are paying 75% of their productivity in life and death taxes (so they can pass nothing on to tjeir kids) think that THEY'RE the ones directing the action.
Fuck Democracy
no , the white race should not be preserved under any circumstances
This should have been the first post.
Democracy had a good run, but it got corrupted by the Jews. We need a reset.
>implying there wouldn't be democracy with a white race
user, pls
And why is that?
I would abandon democracy for much less than the white race
U.S. Military needs to perform a Japan tier coup on congress. Bar all previous politicians from public office and elect a new congress with term limits hardcoded into the U.S. constitution.
white's are degenerate and are only good at corrupting and destroying civilization , they're holding humanity back from exploring the galaxy
Idiotic dichotomy. No wonder it comes from a leaf
stank ass honkeys eatin paint chips as a child
ya'll didnt even learn that democracy made ya'll rich
86% yes...
there must be brown people voting yes to get this
based and whitepilled
Nice projection there, Schlomo.
Name a better system
Monarchy you filthy waste of life
am conflicted
on one hand i hate wh*Te dogs
on the other i think democracy is lame
Smart man
you mean dictatorship
i don't want the offspring of a literal retard to be in charge of a whole nation
Monarchy has a much more successful track record than dictatorship.
>jews are degenerate and are only good at corrupting and destroying civilization , they're holding humanity back from exploring the galaxy
redpill me on monarchy pol. why is it better
a republic is better
just make sure the only requirements are to serve in the army and no women should be allowed
I think you got whites and (((us fellow whites))) mixed up there.
If Monarchy had been still worth a damn, the intermarried royal houses of Europe would have prevented WW1 and by proxy the rise of communism and made Hitler unnecessary. Monarchy bled to death in WW1
Constitutional Republic with heavy Democratic traditions and legislative regulations.
>just make sure the only requirements are to serve in the army
oh boy, imagine an america where dying for israel isn't just encouraged, it's actually mandatory
how about you suck my dick instead you retarded faggot
Look up the iron law of oligarchy, user. Theres no such thing as "democracy" in the real world.
fuck off leaf democracy is a sham that only dipshits believe in.
>and no women should be allowed
This never works, women always sooner or later end up with power.
They don't.
Blame, responsibility, and authority are all concentrated in one individual who is not subject to fleeting whims of the masses.
In a democracy, citizens are made into enemies of each other, their choices selectively manipulated or ignored to serve the interests of the moneyed elite that actually has power. However, by maintaining the smokescreen of "democracy", blame is diffused among the populace and abuses of power (which in a monarchy would encourage revolt) are never able to be accurately countered, since nobody can truly know what is behind something.
Also, by its nature as a popularity contest, democracy is assured mediocrity in almost all cases, whereas an inherited position--while carrying the risk of having a retard or tyrant (who is still going to be held responsible)--gives a much higher chance to the truly benevolent and effective leaders who simply lack the sociopathic ability to manipulate feelings.
I'd abandon democracy at any cost. Preservation of Whites would simply be a bonus.
>imagine an america where dying for israel isn't just encouraged, it's actually mandatory
i never said that
The numbers on the poll are moving rather quickly. I think (((they))) found it
Holy fuck 80% of pol is nonwhite?
How did it get rigged?
No, goy, it's just that you're on the wrong side of history.
Who the hell wants democracy? We have a Republic here leaf. Now, would I be willing to give up the Republic toe "preserve the white race"? This is a dumb question. Without whites the Republic will fall anyway. So no. Now would I consider another form of government that ensured a flourishing and massive expansion of the white race as well as a permanent white super majority?
Holy fuck you are stupid. Yes they have, while not in name they certainly had the power. Agrippina the Younger is a easy example.
Fuck you cucks who voted no
>everyone hates democracy in the thread
>the poll is somehow in favor of democracy with 80% lead
(((they))) are manipulating the votes again
getting tired of these mutts shillign that talking point
Some scriptkiddie fucked it
You bet I would.
Whenever I'm told I'm on the wrong side of history I know I'm on the right side of history.
lol if we were a true democracy we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place, the small voices would have been silenced long ago