China cannot win a trade war against the US. The US is their dumping ground for cheap shit. Where else are they gonna peddle it.
China will fold after Christmas. The biggest shopping season is coming and if we don't buy their shit during Christmas season they are fucked.
>anonymous source
China trades with plenty of other countries worldwide.
America is the only country right now that is purposefully trying to ostracize itself from the rest of the world, including our closest allies. It's not just a trade war with China, but also with countries like Canada.
All these other countries will just realize they can just offset their losses to America by trading with each other - leaving America completely out of the equation.... that explains why our trade deficit has still been on the rise. This is the natural consequence of globalized market dynamics. Supply will meet its demand. If America refuses to supply it, another country will step in.
Instead of planning some sort of joint western front against chinas commerce, faggot threw a tantrum and attacked pretty much everyone, thinking the entire world economy is only the US.
What a dumb shit! He effectively trashed any future hopes of an unified action against the chinese industrial supremacy. The fucking zionist piece of shit!
I love how this fucking idiot is going down
you made a gross exaggeration of the extent of the countries that America is refusing to deal with, why dont you look at some hard numbers and get back to us with a neoliberal headline
>China cannot win a trade war against the US.
But the US can lose a trade war against China.
>The US is their dumping ground for cheap shit. Where else are they gonna peddle it.
Everywhere. China is #1 provider of chinkshit for every country in the world except the other China. You take away 30% of their market and with that you also remove 95% of your chinkshit supply and replace it with something more expensive or let scarcity happen. And then it surprises you that your economy is going to shit faster than theirs? Top kek.
Oh wow another 10% we can apply tariffs to lol.
>Thinking that other countries can fill the void of the largest consumer nation I'm the world, that is also the 3rd largest country by population
I have newa for you the consumer market in the USA is larger than most of those other nation's populations with the exception of India who doesn't seem to want to consume anything that isn't Indian.
Seriously guys. This week it’s over.
china doesn't want all that shit they make. they better stop ripping us off soon, or they will be buried in shit
>joint western front against chinas commerce
This. The only way the West can actually stop China's economy is through a unified front. China trades with far too many other countries for any one country to make any lasting impact.
Trump squandered all hopes of that by belittling our allies. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if our allies are now more willing to work with Chinese companies than American. The Chinese have plans to invest trillions into foreign infrastructure (One Belt One Road) with the sole goal being to sell more shit.
OP is the definition of brainlet
Me too. It's finally over, this time, for sure, I promise.
The economy is doing so well that more cheap, Chinese products are being sold.
>now he turns the screws tighter
>Instead of planning some sort of joint western front against chinas commerce
Not only that, but he did the opposite. One of the earliest things he did was to scrap the TPP, which removed a lot of pressure from China. Then last year when China started negotiating our own anti-US TPP with Latin America he tried to backpedal and said that he wanted to bring back the TPP, but nobody cared so he stopped mentioning it.
>Gdp goes up substantially
>Trade balance follows the trend and goes even more in deficit
Unexpected, really.
Archive to not give cnbc fags Dem webclicks
>gross exaggeration
As gross of an over exaggeration as China will fold after Christmas?
China sells far too much shit to everybody across the world. They are a manufacturing powerhouse. America isn't and haven't been for several decades.
Why dont you retards just stop buying chink shit?
rofl rofl
I see you have no argument. Just a personal attack. Typical.
Because everything has chinkshit inside. Virtually every electronic has chink components; you might as well ask why people don't stop buying things.
Because the US has practically no tariffs on chink shit.
Hes losing the trade war he started. He's reaching levels of incompetence that shouldn't be possible.
why does he have cum on his lips?
He comes through in the end. That’s what winners do.
China's a commie shithole and you know it.
>why would someone have cum lips
Once America brings its navy and other big toys home, the rest of the world will crumble. All we have to do is show up with our big guns and demand whatever we want. The truth is, we don't need anything from them for the next century or longer. We are better off letting them burn to cinder.
Who do you think pays those tariffs? We will. China still sells to us, we just end up paying more. Great strategy dtrumpf!
As far as I can tell from what I've seen is China is bleeding a lot from these tariffs. Their economy is very new and fragile and completely dependent on our markets.
They can't keep this up for much longer it will effect them sooner or later and when it does it will hit them really hard. Great Depression kind of thing.
Pedro giving advice on the economy, ladies and gentlemen.
How is the Yuan doing? If you look, you will see it has slid ~10% since January, coincidently.
But they have been telling us the trade deficit doesn't matter
When Trump talked about the trade deficit, all anyone ever talked about was that it didn't matter
Now it matters?
make no mistake, the only thing you will do is serve your kike masters.
This is due to the mad dash to buy up months worth of chink parts before the price changes due to tariffs kick in.
It's amazing to me, how many people don't know how tariffs work. It's not an embargo. It just raises the prices for everything we buy from China. That means, next year when you change your (wife beater) tank top, or replace the dangling balls on the back of your 2001 pickup or buy a toob-top for your sister/ wife, you're going to pay more for it.
Of course. Israel will benefit the most from American isolationism.
nice fake article .trump changing his price tag hasnt affected anything. the only data we got is on july right now
the trade deficit with china grew 9.5% and was purely on their side not buying our shit and its at $50 bil . you can set what ever price you want on it its if people buy it or not. our companies dont have a choice
Israel is America
They produce stupid commodities and american flag toys. Most influential would be MOSFETs and other SMD componets/PCBs, but Taiwan/Japan make enough of them already. Any product worth anything uses Jap capacitors.
Please don't speak about economics again.
Source on him losing? Our economy is nothing but up, Merkelsucker
Yeah up but drastically slowing. Job growth, wages everything is hitting that slope at the top of the rollercoaster. It's gonna crash hard. Inflation is already ramping up.
Yeah keep telling yourself that mutt. Your near religious belief in daddy Trump is pathetic.
>China trades with plenty of other countries worldwide.
Yeah and almost all of those countries are clamping down hard on China too. Europe, South America, Australia and most of Asia are sick of the shit China is pulling and they are all either imposing restrictions and tariffs on China, or pushing China to change or else.
You only hear about Trumps tariffs on China (which by the way are entirely legal and follow WTO guidelines and are supported by both republicans and democrats almost universally) is because the media is obsessed with Trump and everything he does.
Good, nothing gets politics moving faster than an economic depression, give us some hard times and all this pussy shit will dissapear
It's also about his tariffs for Europe and Canada which were completely unwarranted.
Mods do your fucking job.
>Trump squandered all hopes of that by belittling our allies.
They were never going to work with us, they are not our allies. They're fucking leaches.
But that is false too. Europe and Canada have many tariffs on US goods while the US had almost none on goods from these countries.
Trump told them either remove those tariffs or the US will apply equal tariffs on EU/Canadian goods.
Trumps entire goal is to put the US on a level playing field with every other country it trades with. This means other countries either remove tariffs on US goods, or their goods have tariffs placed on them.
China is an exception to this though since the US and China are in a cold war right now (this isn't bullshit, this is the actual words used by higher ups in the US government). China has been aggressively trying to ruin the US economy for a long time now among many other things (stealing technology, military secrets, influencing politics and even mass importing drugs into the US). A large part of the US new military budget is actually going towards combating the Chinese threat, which is very real.
So there it is. The butthurt is because you're free ride is over. Get bent.
You have no clue what any of that means, do you?
>tariffs on canada
>ever unwarranted
You're not gonna get CETA you slimy non-country
Crashes are caused by past state interventions. What of those have we had?
>Source: Economist at (((JPMorgan)))
the cracks in China started showing immediately after the trade war began, and they steadily become more and more apparent. even msm propaganda can't keep the false image up.