Breach of tradition

Was Obama wrong for violating the long standing, etiquette of former presidents, to fade away gracefully. Or was his message important enough to outweigh the norms. I'll admit his latest speech was good.

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Obama is a cultural marxist who views everything, including “traditions”, as tools of oppression.

He was a gay Kenyan nigger communist ... you thought he would adhere to our traditions?

Of course he was wrong. On the bright side, he can't retreat into private citizen mode when the #Spygate questions come raining down on him.

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I see the way he still actively campaigns for Democrats (ie the Roy Moore election) a sign of desperation for their party. Like, they have no young leaders and no unifying message.

I think kamala harris has potential

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Message? He encouraged division, perpetuated a lie about Benghazi, disparaged the sitting president, and referenced himself over one hundred times in a speech that only supports the leftist democrat agenda of “fuck trump!” I’m 75% confident that the shit is about to drop right before midterms and trotting this nigger out was a sign of desperation and possibly fear on his part. But, just for his disgusting behavior of breaking tradition—for a fucking midterm nonetheless—he needs to see justice.

What was his speech?
Me me me me me me me me me
How is that a good speech?

He was quite for a year and a half while Trump violated every presidential tradition he possibly could. Should have come out of silence sooner.

It was good because he called out the left for playing "ID politics" remember we all used to be democrats during the bush years.

His speech was so full of shit. He is passively allowing his side to goad people into getting at each other’s throats. Let’s be honest here—only one side is consistently militant and divisive when it comes to Trump.

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What longstanding tradition?
Bush went off and complained about Obama cleaning up bitch boy's mess.
Clinton, hello still around
Bush sir, also was, emphasis was, around until dead.
Reagan mucked and pushed when the alzheimers didnt get him
Carter is up and everywhere

Does Obama have any humility? I don’t remember a time when he was actually scrutinized by his own party.

>don’t remember a time when he was actually scrutinized by his own party
That's ridiculous.

Can’t keep a single nigger for obeying the law & traditions.

Let this be a lesson to all of you.

Just watch the SCOTUS hearing she won't stand a chance in the public. Her demeanor will turn people away Alone

Obama will die in Guantanamo Bay.

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>perpetuated a lie about Benghazi
cool feels, bro

>ummm uhhhh okie doke, Poland used to bring immigrants over here and that turned out ok, so we need more muslims and niggers, okie doke?

I hope it was worth it to get back un the spotlight as neo liberal shill

>horseshit and buzzwords

I don't have much of a problem with him giving speeches again. It motivates Republicans to get out and vote.

This isn't new, he came out in support of Clinton, she still lost.
Maybe this will get more Republicans out to vote.

Cory Booker is a joke too.
He voted against a bill to decrease prescription prices with an increase of imports. He claims it's because safety is a factor, even though many drugs are already imported. Some also defended him and "Big Pharma" claiming they're still his constituents and the bill being pass would hurt them.
Now he's Spartacus for threatening to release classified documents, which were already declassified the night before.

Mods do your fucking jobs and purge worthless, rulebreaking spam like this.

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I don't see any other presidents ever doing this. He clearly wants to see america destroy.