Largest economy on earth

>Largest economy on earth
>Most powerful military in human history
>Country founded and populated by immigrants

How do you square those facts? Are the other countries just letting us win?

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good for you

Mostly legal, European immigrants, your point?

Plust a shit ton of Irish, Italian, Chinese and Africans but whatever.

Capitalism in all its ruthless but efficient glory.

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>Country founded and populated by immigrants
Wrong dummy. This country was founded and populated by Settlers and Conquerors.

If this was any European country then she’d be topless at the very least as they are in those better countries

American prudism is the ultimate Jew effect

USA is winning in one category though.

>Number of white girls blacked per capita
Sweden needs to catch up.

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Just like Rome, you fell asleep when you got spoiled user

>populated by immigrants
not immigrants but colonists.
there were no countries to migrate to. only forests with wild animals running around.

so it was colonisation of free land that didn't belong to anyone

inb4 injans are not human

everyone already knows american white women are bottom of the barrel

Let's just talk about this grill here. Any more pics?

Immigrants of which races, religions, ideologies, and values?

>Irish, Italian
You forgot to include worst public education on the planet in your op.

Who let Sven use Microsoft paint again?

Take a guess.

Cringe and bluepilled

White settlers and conquerors.

>a bunch of jews are making a ton of money
>a bunch of jews blow tax money on bombs to drop on whoever Israel tells us to
>country founded and populated by WASPs who had been living on the continent for generations by that point

>country founded by immigrants.
Which country did they immigrate to

>founded and populated by immigrants
NO it was founded by settlers and pioneers and now is being over run by immigrants.

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>Largest economy on earth
>Most powerful military in human history
Still controlled by a not-real state (Is)ael

>How do you square those facts?
Have you heard of the 2nd World War? That was when Britain lost it's empire and the USA gained their's.

Legal white immigrants you fuck. There was a time when Italian and Irish was the diversity.

They may have been illegal but those Italian and Irish were not white. checkmate

One of these things is not like the others tee hee

And by that I mean Africans haven’t contributed positively to American society.

Except that bit where they built it for free.

There were no real limits on immigration back then tho

Country founded and populated by British and Germans. Who the British ruled for 152 years.

>Country founded and populated by immigrants
fake and gay meme, founded by conquerers and then we let some catholics in everything after is their fault tbqh

Last time I checked everything isn’t made of cotton.

The USA was founded by white men settlers - there was no nation to immigrate to.

Listen to My Country, Tis of Thee:

My country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims' pride,
From ev'ry mountainside
Let freedom ring!

My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love;
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture thrills,
Like that above.

Get that? NAtive country. This is the land where the USA came into being, it is the only homeland we can ever know. The white man in America is not an immigrant, he is a founder.

A fucking swedencuck has the nerve to say this after the elections, better hide yourself cuck.

Over 200 million white people working together.
What's even the question here? Wtf?

The narrative of “founded by immigrants” is neo-Marxist bullshit. The founding fathers wanted the US to be made up of good, European stock.

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That's where you're wrong kiddo

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Per capita? That would be south africa, get better at trolling.

Country was founded and built by settlers, NOT immigrants.

The immgrants came later for the gibs and ruined things.

The Chinese literally built more than any niggers did.

Protestant work ethic, a culture of parents willing to sacrifice for the next generation, and a ton of blessings. Unfortunately for you you have given up on what initially made you great. Hubris. May be your Achilles heel

>Founded by immigrants
Pioneers, settlers, colonials, conquerors. Take your pick any of these are more apt.

israel is the most powerful country on earth senpai

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At least America has white babies.

Yeah that's why they imported all those niggers..

>italians aren't europeans

You need to leave my country you piece of shit nigger.

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What country did they immigrate to?

>white colonists make amazing white country

He is probably a Mexican, they are afraid of Italo Americans.

Those were slaves. They didn’t have rights. They pretty much didn’t consider them people. Read the fucking meme. They didn’t want free black people to live in our country

>How do you square those facts? Are the other countries just letting us win?

Founded and populated by immigrants who assimilated; who came here to be Americans.

During a time when niggers weren't seen as citizens, racemixing was illegal and only land-owning white men could vote.

....wait... is that really the girl from lazytown?
good lord

And the Irish. And the Mormons. And white people.

Fuck! Even Red Indians and Mexicans where more helpful that blacks.

Op is definitely a spic Sage this shit.

The multitudes of black slaves who toiled for decades to provide financial capital
>your flag is a weaker version of mine

they didn't build shit - they picked cotton and worked the fields

>Thinks white men prefer white american women

Oh my, how cringy those ladies look being almost naked with a few strips of flag cloth.
No class.

Send her in Iraq or any other of 100+ countries you zombies have destroyed. Just for a stroll. And let her tell how great her country is comparing to this shithole.

Didn't know slaves came willingly for gibs. Good to know.

prostitutes won't even sleep with black men

like your country did not destroy any other country ever

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>Are the other countries just letting us win?
Yes. From the moment they decided after WWII that empires were evil none of the irrelevant nations of Europe would ever matter again outside of an imperial context.
It was a soviet / american psyop to make them irrelevant cucks.

When you're building something you need to buy some tools first. That's what niggers were to them. Tools to be used in agriculture and construction.

no one knows?

shit bait, shit shoop, but you'll still get 20 (((you)))s out of it.


...white immigrants

Rulebreaking troll thread.

Mods do your fucking jobs.

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>italians are niggers and can fight
>niggers were weak and got colonized by white people

pol double think exhibit A

>italians aren't white
>whites had the best ancient civilization (Rome)

Pol double think exhibit B

Oh my fucking god american.... do you hear yourself talking?

The country was 90% white for the first 190 years of its history.

He's a spic. Likes to discredit italians by calling them shitskins, half niggers, etc while failing to realize america is named after an italian.

I really, really, really like this image.

I have zero problem with Italians or any other non-white. They make our country great.

Italy = europe = white. Jefferson's friend was italian and italians served as generals on both sides of the civil war.

Fuck you, kike.

As I said, zero problem with them and I respect their accomplishment and contributions to this country.

That said, if you think Italians are "white" with their level of Moorish and Turkic admixture then you're far more generous than I.

>That said, if you think Italians are "white" with their level of Moorish and Turkic admixture

You are a fucking jew. Stop talking before I hunt down your address.

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the amount of butthurt you've summoned with this post is hilarious.
i'll take this in consideration over your recent election win swemen

The United States corporation is one of greatest assets.

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Irish and Italians are white europeans, africans were used only as slave labour and there were few of them

it's shooped, her body isn't that good

>>founded by immigrants

No it fucking wasn't you kike shill. Conquerors and colonists ARE NOT LEGALLY THE SAME AS "IMMIGRANTS". Fucking tool

thats what being fit will get you.

They were settlers and pioneers you fucking mouthbreathing organ donor.

They're not letting us win, they're just crying when they lose.

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this country was founded by pioneers. not leeching immigrants.

It was the founding which was something special.

Never before in human history has an ideal of freedom been so elegantly distilled into pragmatic action and reasonable force of will.

Those Englishmen created something beautiful, but more than that wrote it down and had the grace and power to hand it on to the generations that followed.

>Just like Rome, you fell asleep when you got spoiled user
And like London that followed it and preceded Washington

Your meme...can we fucks her????

It's a dream. That simple.

That's why white American men spread their seed worldwide. Oubred by the nigger? Only at home....

>build log cabins
>build stone/brick houses
>build steel towers

>build mud huts
>build mud huts
>build trash shanties

its up to the people, most areas of the world have similar consrtuction materials

You mean rape? Yeah, you're right.