the eternal boomer
Looks like your standard Democratic Convention of the day
wtf I thought the Democrats were supposed to be the good guys?
Falling Down guy
I hope that fucking boomer dies in pain.
They were sensitive against decadence, not against faggot non-issues.
There are objective truths about reality.
Being mad about a bad thing is fine.
Being mad about a dumb thing is what's laughable. Not the act of caring, but what you care about.
Ending segregation was a disaster for both whites and blacks.
oy gevalt
I hate this fuck. He has literally never earned a single dollar doing anything but acting. He thinks he knows what it's like to be blue collar because he pretends to be one for a few hours a week.
>communist jews behind race mix
based as fuck
The bottom pic is actually opposing real problems though. Allowing niggers into your school does actual damage due to the nature of how behavior spreads.
Children and teens learn by observation. Therefore whatever takes up the most of someone's attention is what they most observe. Children who do their work and stay below the radar therefore rarely become peer role models while niggers who act up and spend every waking moment trying to capture everyone's attention become central behavioral models in the classroom.
If only people had listened to them
Agreed. Whites and niggers want their own areas. Ask niggers if they want to be around or go to school with whites.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dirty jobs was very entertaining
share in my pain
>implying that desegregation didn't completely destroy public schools and turn every pristine public restroom into an unusable shithole
those picket signs are actually pretty prophetic considering the state of the modern American education system
Privatize schools and the people will naturally self-segregate.
Turbo basee
I'm not saying his show isn't entertaining or informative, he is a charismatic guy and a decent actor, I am not denying that. But like most actors he needs to know when he's talking out of his ass and to stfu
Boomers are not people
I consider a nigger to be more of a person than a b**mer
negros are ok, sodomites are not.
I'm sure even the most ghetto blacks despise them too.
>show up early and stay late
Fuck off
>everyone is created equal
>implying the white people on the bottom aren't based as fuck
But the left is now advocating for segregation once again.
So those boomers were right the whole time.
Instead of segregation they forced on negroes unification.. Did blacks want to go to the same schools with others, did anyone wonder?
Private schools actively discriminate, they don't want lazy, dumb kids of any kind.
So the govenment says "no, this is discrimination in a bad way, here is a quote you need to meet for mentally disabled students and niggers."
This is GOOD discrimination and much better than filtering based on the students ability to learn.
boomers were kids when segregation was ended
Ironically, schools today are actually more segregated than they ever used to be. Rece deniers are just pretending to be retarded. Even those hyper liberals self-segregate harder than people in a time when races were accepted as being different species.
The difference is boomers were right
t. boomer
Where's the lie?
They were 100% correct.
If only we listened to the people in that picture, the country would be a better place
Man why were people such dicks? I get demonstrating for school segregation or what not but let it out on the black qt for trying to learn? Or for whatever top right is doing?
Fucking bitches this is why they lost.
I’m retarded can someone explain how removing segregation in the public sector leads to this even though it’s restricting other races from having quality facilities
I’m okay with private businesses segregating since it’s their business and they can do whatever the hell they want but when it comes to areas that you must be a part of shouldn’t everyone have that opportunity
Based as fuck. I bet he had 12 kids.
Yes, I always listen to what alcoholic drug addicts have to say, especially the ones that blow their brains out.
>let it out on the black qt for trying to learn
She wasn't just trying to learn, she was trying to learn in a white school. I went to public school as a white minority and I can tell you I was oppressed by all the monkeying around, so to speak. I wish I were a boomer
No she was trying to learn in a desegregated school. And I bet you everything in the world she wasn't "monkeying around".
Brilliant argument. Because she was behaving herself doesn't mean that blacks as a whole don't hold down their peers. You wouldn't know how bad it is, Hans.
Why are you fags upset at this?
If you don't want your kids being forced into a school where they will be assaulted, raped or murdered and won't be able to learn because others are disruptive, obnoxious and violent during class you're sensitive.
Truth. Can all niggers move to alabama?
Mega kek
>I get demonstrating for school segregation or what not but let it out on the black qt for trying to learn
I addressed all of that before you even spasted out but I assume your 56 percent brain went straight to disagree.
>I’m retarded can someone explain how removing segregation in the public sector leads to this even though it’s restricting other races from having quality facilities
How so?
Why can't a blacks only facility be a quality facility? Is it because the only people that use and maintain it are black?
They were right, though. Nog infested school systems are now zoos full of feral animals who are brain damaged from their mothers’ drug use during pregnancy and/or their abusive and negligent homes. Each generation gets worse because no matter how stupid they become, they can still put their dicks in sluts’ holes and pump out spawn that is even more retarded than they are.
The government in their public facilities always favored whites. Just compare white only water fountains to colored only ones.
What a dishonest degenerate fuckstick.
Only half of what hes ever said is in line with being moral. When he planned the coup of small white mountain town, he painted the sitting mayor as some backwoods, unenlightened, non-evolved, hillbilly. He had no reason to attack these people and try and lord over their town other than his own misguided vanity.
Then he lost and cried like a birch. Seriously fuck this clown I'm glad he shot himself. Hating george Bush is only half the equation and doesnt make you righteous when you support the degenerate asshole waiting at the gates.
Ah.... the good ol' days.
Because they want national socialism. People on pol want to be the niggers of America and not work
This post has the opposite effect you were hoping for, ya stupid leaf.
Number 5 is the only good redpill. The rest are cringe, destructive or basic knowledge.
The single most important factor in the success of a school is the raw intelligence of the student body. Everything else is secondary. Smart kids will do well in a tent, dumb kids will do poorly in a $50,000,000 building.
Stop replying to worthless, rulebreaking troll threads.
Mods do your jobs.
>whomst'll do thusly?
God, bless this user
Regardless, better facilities still help. A smart kid can probably do more if they have more than just a tent.
First of all, school funding doesn't change anything, period.
Second - School funds during segregation were based on how much taxes people paid. Blacks payed nearly no tax and therefore their schools had less money. On top of that whites were already paying 50% for black schools as much as they did for white schools. Black schools still had less money, even with whites footing the bill.
It's no more fair to force whites to pay for blacks to go to school than to forcefully redistribute thousands of dollars. It just appears different on first glance.
Even after ending segregation blacks are still poor, and without a significant IQ increase. The percentage of blacks in schools can be correlated directly with the wealth of community. Niggers are drawn to poverty, and in turn create their natural environment.
Blacks often get better, brand new facilities in the city public school systems and often get a multitude of free perks to go with them such as free ipads or laptops. Blacks trash every single thing that's given to them.
He had rare moments of self-awareness and clarity.
Your entire argument is shit though, even if you're right about "muh facilities." Lets say better facilities help for the sake of the argument.
Better facilities still help, so therefore distribute billions of dollars that whites would use on their kids to blacks.
Better facilities still help, so therefore whites can't have their own schools, we must put blacks inside them.
Better facilities still help, so therefore even if blacks pay negative taxes we should continue spending more on them than they put it to the tune of several thousand dollars per black.
Fuck off with your anti-white politics back to tumblr or wherever you came from.
I'm going to spam this shit fucking everywhere
There's a secondary issue that any teacher worth a shit will GTFO to a better school the second she can.
You make a fair point, but could you at least source the pic?
They will leave to a "better school" as in a school without a bunch of niggers who shit up the place. If you have a poor school with non-shit people in it teachers won't just pack up and leave.
You could have just searched for the name of the graph, it would have taken less time and been easier than asking for a source.