My family

so my family had some high tier connections to all the way up from the second world war to the DDR time

i am considering turning against them to destroy the entire german system and maybe take some other countries down with me

i realized i allways had all the tools i needed right in my family.

what to do i do Jow Forums?
i can give you all their names and you can look them up.

you can look up which family members they have and then find out that i am part of their family.

help me out Jow Forums, what do i do to bring the entire civilization down?

ITT i will post my story.

if you have any questions to details, ask.

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Was Ichigo best girl?

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ok so lets begin:

my moms grandfather was a SS officer in the Totenkopf, his rank was Obersturmbannführer
after the war he got sent to siberia and when he returned he allways lived in the same town my entire family allways lived in, which is the same town i am in right now. Schöneiche Bei Berlin.

his wife got over 100 years old and i got to talk to her a few times.

Nice blog Faggot.

moving on to my grandma, mothers side

her first name is Ursula and her last name is Stark i think, not sure, my memory is a little fucky

she is pretty cold still, from her dad
her husband, he was an architect.

i dont know all their names cuz fuck my brain and shit

i can ask for details and return next time.

anyways, moving on.

oh yeah, my grandma mothers side, ursula, she lives in waldesruh, on the outskirts of berlin.

Black Nobility:
>Stanley, Morgan, Goldman, Kuhn/Kohn/Cohn/Cohen, Oppenheimer, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Spencer-Churchill, Stuart/Stewart, Planck, Smith, Jasper, Levy, Palmer, Gordon, Moore, Fitzgerald, Kennedy(Cavendish), Noble, Bennett, Forbes, Beresford, Bancroft, Barclay, Cabot, Higginson, Adams, Baker, Coffin, Cooper, Delano, Gardner, Otis, Quincy, Rice, Bush, Lehman, Tudor, Sassoon, Shermans, Clarkes, Royces, Lindsays, Raffles, Robinson, Pratt, Bartlett, Abraham, Guggenheim, Loeb, Strauss, Sach, Lazard, Seaf, Schiff, Morgan, Schroder, Harriman

>Aldobrandini/Borghese, Breakspear, Borja/Borgia, Chigi, Colonna/Cologna, Conti, Farnese/delle overe, Gaetani/Caetani, Merdici/Medici/Domedici, Orsini/Maximus, Pamphii, Somaglia, Este Estence, Flavian

forgot to add:
Council of 13:
>Bruce, Cavendish(Kennedy), De Medici, Hanover, Habsburg, Krupp, Plantagenet, Rockefeller, Romanov, Sinclair (St Clair), Warburg (Bank), Widsor (Saxe-Gotha-Coburg)

anyways, moving on NOW

my mom

she was in her youth secretary of the DDR, she sat on the position where all important phone lines of the DDR went to, she sat behind all the phones connecting the DDR with moscow, etc. so really high tier shit.

her name is Maria Kroll.

later she worked in the TV and even made a movie.

she met a person there, who also had very high connections all the way up in the DDR.

Can you overthrow Merkel?

his name is Burkhard Schilling

hes 74 or so now and he preaches new age shit and claims to be a "healer" and reiki master.

anyways, back when he worked in the TV with my mom, he had connections to the highest instances of the DDR, the advisors of the leaders of the DDR. forgive me that i dont know all the names.

I'm guessing Honecker was on the list?

his friend was the direct advisor of the highest leader of the DDR, i dont know who that was at the time cause i am fucking retarded.

and now my dads mom

she was politically very active and member of the SED.
i live in her old room and we recently brought all her old stuff including her documents out

if the rain hasnt hit it now, it could all still be intact. i had it al in my room up until recently but never really cared.

documetns about her SED mebership and all the other politically active stuff, literally thousands of documents.

it might still be in the little holiday house in our garden, since thats where we brought it to, but my dad is about to sort it out.


actually i think HER name was ursula kroll,
scratch its all very fucky in my head.

but if you want to know details, i can ask for them.

shitty larp thread


Egon Krenz?

list all leaders of the ddr pls.

What did he mean by this

In a situation like this where one person claims to have information that could ruin an illuminati family, the only information which will matter is the secret information the family holds over the other illuminati families.

Let's say for a moment that you're not full of shit, OP; what would happen when your family is exposed and then collapses under pressure? They would lose their holdings, their properties, their wealth and standing. They would face crimes and would be humbled, even if not convicted. To us, it would seem that they've lost everything. We wouldn't see who picks up their properties, holdings and wealth though. You know as well as I that other illuminati families would have been waiting for them to falter, and once that weakness was made available it would have been capitalized on and siezed. Your family would lose everything, the illuminati families would still retain the same amount of wealth, and we'd be in the same position as before.

So what information is stuff your family would know? Who's going to make a grab on the power vacuum left by your family? Why would they and not others do it? How do we learn from these actions so we can read the upper level power struggles to determine who's anxious and who's dominant? That's what I want to know.

Those two and Walter Ulbricht.

Ok post proof

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ok Jow Forums tell you what

im going to the garden shed now and bring the documents all here to make pics with my webcam.

keep the thread alive

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don't dox yourself on here retard

Jews and governments use this board

>newfags don't know hanz and his faggotry

bamping for truth

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Is this the same Hanz that has been posting up a storm here recently?

he's a schizophrenic whos been shitposting here for a long time

ok im back

so i wanted to show you guys all the medals she received, there was an entire box, but i couldnt find it, i only found this document here

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these are from her brother btw

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go back to /x/ hanz


i just realized i have a scanner

you are a scanner


does he see darkly?

As a member of the Breakspear family you sir are a faggot

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Why would you post your face on here

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I wouldn't have posted your face user - you know how leftists are.

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That could be anybody.

Hanz you exposed your face, and family names you better be ready to go all the way kid. I'll pray for you.

Kônnen Sie mir eine Wg in Berlin geben? auch dies ist für die Zukunft schlecht, stoppen

i am.

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he started on /x/

diene Zukunft *

So instead of actually making meaniful change, you will piss away the opportunity by doxxing yourself on a pol shitpost. Way to go Mohammad.

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nope, same one who lit his house on fire and got tackled by german swat

and now i know why people gangstalk me.

cause my family has had high connections to the german state.

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sry hanz but these urkunden wont destroy >the entire german system

>be kraut
>autistically keep records on everything
>autistically store said records for decades
>autistically post records to support autistic theory

Don't get me wrong kiddo, I respect your kamikaze bravado. If there's anything there autists will autistically find it.

this last one contains something.

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Cool, and you have literally ZERO POWER, and you dox yourself with some participation awards to faggots who lied about the "nazi" in exchange for survival. Sorry to break it to ya kid, you're a nobody. Take your meds and hit the gym.

This is actually one of the best threads of the day. im saving all of this, someone screencap or smth.

>hanz the meme poster has actual family connections with the elite and the russian ddr

what fucking time line are we on, did we shift again.

why arent you trying to get into powerful postions or some shit, do something.

not the documets itself.

the documets are just to prove that i speak the truth.

read what i wrote at the beginning. my family has had high connections within the german state.

you can dig yourself and get some details, you can also ask me.
and i can give you the email of that guy who was friends with the actual guy who lead the DDR, the top advisor of back then's leader.

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that was all of this thing.

but there are lots of boxes in the shed with all sorts of shit.

also my mom was raped by the stasi 3 times.

dont post the fucking email here, instead give me an email
[email protected]

nope, no private emails. fuck you.

either you get the email here or not at all.

i want every user to have the option to dig into it.

Are any of them tied to IG Farben/Bayer Mafia?

I had it coming

your gonna get alot of guys calling the guy a fag, what ever post it here. Im interested and willing to dig into it. Im a bored neet thats doing one college course to get my aid back, so lets have a lil fun.


Do not Larp as one of us.

We do not tolerate humans such as yourself.

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Imagine millions of sheeps that believe it. What a blast! It certainly looks like hell.

Kroll definitely sounds familiar.

hes literally not fucking larping, he posted ussr documents of membership as proof, and other shit.

i think hanz got swatted

oh god why do people fall for threads like this, is it a NPC board? fucking kid posts "omg look I have secret documents in my SHED" (lol), i have email of a friend of a friend who was frends with the guy who was friends with the advisor of a top leader back then lol, guys, seriously?
this is the reason people laugh at this board

Just tell us what's under the Sphinx. If you're not a larper you will know what's in the Hall of Records.

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fuck you stupid kike, this is literally a gold mine if he posts more shit.

i just want you guys to look up my family and its connections and use it to bring down all of civilization or dramatically change the system.

im looking for the email right now but i cant find it, in any case, my mom has his card, its all on there. but her door is locked, not sure how im gonna get in. maybe she will wake up during the night. then i can get in.

Send everything to [email protected]. There IS a plan.

>memeflag shill doesnt want to deal with contianing a hazardous info dump tonight

sorry no easy Sunday nigger.

i will send it to you AND post it on Jow Forums. how about that?

Fair enough.

>tfw you see Hanz and his girlfriend on the emergency broadcast system the day after the apocalypse

We will not survive as a country, so we will need to survive as a group. And this is part of the plan.

Post documents. Would be great to see

so far sleeping mum is stopping him from bringing all of civilization down

fuck you burger and kraut goyims, you're so dumb that a couple of low tier iq jews can take you over

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fuck of somewhere else stupid limey irevelant brit.

fuck off*

if you can't speak the ONLY language you know properly, are you capable of inner dialogue drunk goyim?

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Bring down Merkel, save us from shitskin hordes. By any means.

>>hanz the meme poster has actual family connections with the elite and the russian ddr
>what fucking time line are we on, did we shift again.

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is hanz still here

i also forgot to mention, his name was Ewald Möbius or Moebius