What is the source of white guilt? And why does it seem like very college aged white male is afflicted with this illness?
What is the source of white guilt...
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because only whites actually feel empathy
The Enemy weaponizes our virtue of Altruism against us.
Sad but true
White people sending their kids off at 5 years old to be brainwashed to hate themselves. Also the media. But this simplest answer is 'jews'.
I feel this answer is unsatisfactory, surely there's a more nuanced and simple answer than some globalist mastermind working towards something evil towards one race.
>learn all races are the same and we are all equal
>elementary school
>learn about abraham lincoln freeing the slaves and the holocaust
>middle school
>learn about slavery and the holocaust again, this time going into extra detail like segregation and the death camps, and how whites were the cause of all this
>high school
>learn about slavery and the holocaust once more, this time you know all the names of the camps and you've read all the required literature about how shlomo survived treblinka, and of course don't forget the women and the feminist movement
>all the enemies to these civil rights by the way were white men :^)
It's built into the public school system. You learn about nothing but white people's crimes. If you were taught about black people's crimes or (god forbid) Jewish crimes they were essentially footnotes or never mentioned.
If you grew up thinking all the time that white men are responsible for everything bad, you will naturally feel a little guilty for your race.
Jews propagandizing us with their ((( cirriculum))). 70 percent of Harvard grads are in the tribe.
A rigged system of collective guilt in our education system to verbally beat shame into our youth and then reinforce the conditioning in college.
It's an ingenious and insidious way to create an army of anti-gender and anti-egalitarian sheep.
Shame the normal, celebrate the abnormal, subvert society.
The end game is smashing everything down to a big beige "diverse" smear that only the few Marxist elite would control.
It's always been about control and if they can't control us, they'll try to shun us out of existence.
The npc meme is kind of true, most people are retarded and lack self awareness. They rely on the t.v. and crowd to guide them. This is why some people are able to take control as it were. Ok I'm going to leave your thread now. Fuck you.
Weakness, promoted by the left.
Unironically the Jews is the answer to both of your questions.
Making hasty decisions from the now without understanding the consequences of the past/future
White people fought world wars for the bad guys and are subconscioualy guilty because they know deep down this is all their victory
Should've listened to the Japanese when they talked about curing PTSD:
>You have regrets but you do not know why white man
>A rigged system of collective guilt in our education system to verbally beat shame into our youth and then reinforce the conditioning in college.
very true
I hate you instantly snowflake
I didn't want to believe it at first but now my kids will be homeschooled
1000s of years of Christian selection
women. i've not for a second felt guilty about being white.
>You have nightmares
>Every soldier has nightmares
>Every soldier that is ASHAMED of what he has done has nightmares
Spirit goes across generation like genetics but in a higher dimension
This is why you don't rape the women of your enemy if you wish your empire to last
I'm still going to explain why PTSD and guilt/shame exist in relation to honor
You know nothing about why I namefag
It's not like it came out of nowhere. These guys told their whole life that anyone can do anything. Everyone is equally capable.
With that piece of misinformation banged into them for 20 years, when they are told "the people who succeed are the oppressors of the people who fail. Whites succeed, can you believe white people like you do this to them? Isn't it awful?
i'd worry about them developing social skills. they won't have any opportunities to build friendships if they're at home all the time. at least make sure they have some friends to play with or hang out with. it's probably still much better than sending them to get indoctrinated though.
Subconscious Memories are passed down by the mother's DNA
Conscious memories become vivid dreams through the father's DNA
In Northern climates, humans developed empathy naturally to survive. Outside of Northern climates, humans stole and deceived to survive.
What happens when the two collide.
They will have embarassing social skills
Public school teaches ye how to be cool and not be a deadass
I saw the black panther movie today on netflix. It's core message was Us vs Them, us being the blacks versus whites of course. Blacks aren't your friend, and they won't protect you or advance human civilization. There's 3 major races on this planet, whites, asians and blacks. Blacks simply because they can out breed the rest, so your best bet is to pray for the asian overlord to gain souls and stop their bug people ways or this planet is fucked.
>being brought up on anti-white Hollywood movies
>holocaust and slavery propaganda in schools
>critical theory and post-modernism in college
Places that were too cold stunted advancement
Places that were too hot did also
High difficulty places with extreme weather in all directions bred the master race
No homeland has been hit by half as much as Japan has and no nation has stood longer
Christianity. Examine the morality of whites before. Examine it now. Of course there was a period of time when white Christians still burnt people alive, but look now. One can justify all manner of degeneracy and liberalism through the Bible. Whoops, have to let Jose and Ahmed in, we are all made in the image of God after all, goyim.
>*plunges world in two devastating wars* WHAT *funds terrorism* IS *fights pointless proxy wars* THE *muh white burden* SOURCE *supports artificial states* OF *commits genocide* WHITE *muh truman doctrine* GUILT *commits genocide (again)*?
The real redpill is that blacks did get shit on enough by racist Whites up until 50 years ago to destroy their social mobility and communities.
The problem is that there's now Black and Hispanic racists who want to hijack the programs Whites are using to try to fix the situation and reverse discrimination to the extremes they felt out of vengence.
Not to mention they also have genetic disadvantages causing lower average IQ in addition to cultural disadvantages exacerbating the issues.
Literal white supremacists think the solution is to deport them back to Africa or something instead of trying to fix the situation of a disadvantaged minority.
Nigga the african protag killed the basketball american street thug in that movie
Literally black on black killin
Tax whites to deport non-whites
Sounds fair
>What is the source of white guilt
a very long, occult-driven mental domination campaign for all of man's collective attention
the literal source of white guilt is evil, disembodied consciousnesses suggesting ideas to any human conscious experience willing to listen to them, and because of propaganda and conditioning many white college-aged males happen to listen to them
Maybe because public school curriculum gets politicized to shit and doesn't have enough time or money or even effort available to make people care.
Of course since we're a Western country we focus on Western history which is better recorded in Western languages and features Westerners (mostly white until recently).
And we totally learned about the fall of Constantinople and how Muslims murdered the people inside, but not before the Christcucks did the same and looted and pillaged over petty religious conflicts.
I went to the public school but I'm Autistic. I felt it was stupid to feel guilt for something you are arbitrarily born as. We are all random parts of the big bang.
I don't follow illogical rules because my brain can't process them. I just figured people being offended at me and getting in trouble were inevitable. It just happens and you shrug it off because you know it will happen again. It's predictable.
I ended up not taking the values of my elders or peers. Since I'm used to being guilted for arbitrary reasons and ostracized for autism I can be a NEET with no guilt but also an opportunistic speculator with no guilt. Life is about survival and accumulating what you need as an animal.
Try convincing the non-whites of that, but sure that's a plan.
How come I didn't feel guilt? I just felt annoyed. To this day I recognize when I am "supposed" to feel guilty but I don't.
I go to uni in the UK but I'm an EU national that went to high school in California. Frats unironically hold the line against leftist indoctrination and keep men men, and that is exactly why the rabid radical rabble want them shut down. It's far too late for Britain I'm afraid, just saying that Britain is a white country without any racist intent will likely get you expelled. I think Germany has some cool male quasi-military fraternities though.
Buddy I don't know what school you went to but I definitely wasn't guilted of my race when I saw all those kings, emperors, and conquerors from European countries.
All they're trying to do is make people realize that the great gains our civilization made were at the cost of lesser civilizations. I don't really give a shit about Indians but to say we didn't screw them over would be lying. I think they should stay on their reservations to preserve their lifestyle regardless, and come out only when they're ready to assimilate in part or in whole to benefit our nation.
Nigga if they payin for it, I'll find a european ancestor to get deported to
If I was black, hell yeah i'd go bavk to Afriva for an AK47 and 4 bananamags
>the frankfurt school
>post modernism
>jewish evolutionary nature
>cultural marxism
>actual marxism
Memes aside this might cause serious brain drain in the African American communities if only the intelligent ones see opportunity in going to Africa.
It's way easier and more desirable for them to stay in the West from their point of view.
We need to get their asses off welfare somehow, and deporting them forcibly probably wouldn't go over well with other nations. But we could totally do it, we're powerful enough.
>whites ended slavery and died ending it
>whites ended the holocaust and died ending it
Wow wtf is wrong with us?
Maybe we should sit out of rescuing mudskins next time eh boys?
I'm saying we are born as we are at random so we shouldn't feel guilt over it.
White Women are the problem..
It was all downhill when women were given the right to vote.
The hood could actually be rich in Africa
Sell all they shit and go be slaves to a black man they respect
Give those niggas a black panther to follow
The reason the Chinese seem like bugmen are because there's literally so many of them there's no efficient way to administrate them outside of authorirarianism.
They have over a billion people. The US only has around 325 million. The Chinese have 3 cities bigger than Chicago, with roughly 10-12 million people each.
If even 1% of the Chinese population goes rogue or are criminals, that's 13 million, a cities worth, of bad individuals.
Since most of their population is concentrated in a smaller landmass than the US and Russia or Canada, that means you're statistically much more likely to encounter a criminal in China and the Chinese government would have a very big problem if anything close to 13 million people showed up angry at their doorstep, hence why they're so brutal.
It's easy to disregard them as soulless, but that's how their population dynamics work out. And I've met enough Chinese students to know they're not bland, robot people. It's the same mixed bag as any other nation.
Yes, you shouldn't feel guilt. But it should be recognized that regardless of your own race there will be others who will single you out because of it.
We can either combat that behavior or embrace it.
Mass quantity
Low quality
I feel bad for the chinese and hope they improve life for their people in China
You are born with ancestors no matter how shitty and genetics no matter how defective and spirit no matter how weak
If you are proud of your ancestors, subconsciously you will experience the shame too
The reason the Chinese put up with the CCP government is because they've brought stability and economic growth to China, which if you study it's past is very hard to give up willingly.
The attitude among the students I talk to is very much, let the party stay in power until China has finished growing it's middle class, then they'll try to ask for more democratic and open governance.
i would feel bad but they've imposed upon us too much. i resent them for their thoughtless and selfish ways. they're no good.
There's good people among them like any but I think their government and their upper class needs a hard shakedown.
i don't care. they've crossed me severely and i can never forgive them.
Also, if you want to look into why the Chinese in general may feel anger at the West, look up the Century of Humiliation. China got carved up by the Western powers and they attribute much of the end horror of the Qing dynasty and the Warlord Era to foreign powers, mostly European but Japan too.
I can tell them to fuck off. I don't have to listen. Social pressure doesn't stop me.
If this is mysterious to you, you are probably a boomer and are complicit in the shitty schooling
>Social pressure doesn't stop me.
social pressure only works on people who have social capital to begin with. i never have and never will, so i might as well just say what i'm thinking.
You're free to feel that way, that's the beauty of America.
I'm not too nicely disposed to them either. But it's much easier to handle them if you recognize that any major conflict could topple the CCP from within so long as you promise not to destroy their nation and economy afterwards or in the process of helping remove the CCP.
Being blindly angry at the Chinese people will just push them voluntarily deeper into the protection of the CCP.
It's mysterious to me and I'm Millennial but I'm Autistic. I don't know why they all decide to feel guilt because the TV says so.
I feel white guilt when I see whites on Jow Forums and other such places spread their ass cheeks and pretend to be girls. Don't see blacks doing that.
>You're free to feel that way,
that's not the case though. i'm not free to feel that way. i feel as though i have no recourse, no way to address my dissatisfaction
niggers commit genocide and fight eachother all the time. how come we're the only ones who have to feel guilty?
I see two main sources of the problem, one external, the other internal. The external source is none other than:
>The pamphlet, "White Blindspot", containing one essay by Allen and one by historian (((Noel Ignatiev))), was published in the late 1960s. It focused on the struggle against "white skin privilege" and significantly influenced the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and sectors of the New Left. By June 15, 1969, the New York Times was reporting that the National Office of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was calling "for an all-out fight against 'white skin privileges'".[17] From 1974 to 1975, Allen extended his analysis to the colonial period, leading to the publication of "Class Struggle and the Origin of Racial Slavery: The Invention of the White Race,"...
The internal source is a little less clear, but I believe it has to do with poor parenting. Through various dysfunctional means, many kids never develop healthy boundaries and becomes overly neurotic, thus feeling guilt for shit no one should ever feel guilt over.
>A key to boundaries is knowing your inner self: your beliefs, desires, needs, and intuitions. When you know your inner self, it will become nearly impossible for someone else to manipulate you. None of us who were controlled by someone with a personality disorder had healthy boundaries in place.
You can on here, and if you're talking about in public sensible people will be willing to hear you out, if you can hold your ground in a debate or conversation.
Just avoid Antifa like you would avoid literal Nazis if you were a nigger.
Same. I have no social capital so I don't even feel bound to have the views of my peers. I can be a NEET and feel no guilt and I can be a speculator and feel no guilt. I'm here to survive and if society decides to make it harder I'll just do whatever I want to get it.
I don't care about how normies are offended at what they say. Normies say 9 year olds can consent to puberty blockers and allow their 10 year olds unlimited access to porn but then shreik and say 17 year olds can't consent to sex as if this society is so pure.
"Normies" are a broad group.
A lot of the things you mentioned are either because of Protestant attitudes, solutions to the problems caused by those, or simple legal boundaries
I'm logical to the point of ruthlessness and am unable to be guilted or socially swayed by anything I deem illogical. I'm ruled by my animalistic fight or flight survival response. What kind of upbringing causes this?
>What is the source of white guilt?
see pic
I used to categorize like that when I hated mainstream people too, because I never once felt like they actually had the dimensionality of a real individual.
It's only when I started to talk to them outside of school and leaving for university that I realized they aren't all vapid cunts.
>Just avoid Antifa like you would avoid literal Nazis if you were a nigger.
i have nothing to do with antifa. even if they're not just a contrived media stunt i want nothing to do with dirty hippies or anarchists.
>I resent them
I don't.
Ungreatful losers
Japan liberated them from European imperialism
Every time I go online I'm proven that 80 percent are literal NPCs. It's like they can be conditioned to believe anything. It's why we have nonsense like "My 3 year old is trans".
good for you. there are too damned many of them. they're like mini jews but they're not even good for bants.
>"My 3 year old is trans".
anything that insane is likely controlled opposition or social engineering. nobody's that crazy. you can safely ignore people like that.
Selection bias
Only the shit absurd enough to make it to articles gets covered or posted on the net and here.
The Internet makes it really easy to be inadvertently selective of vocal minority news.
Again, I did express some doubt about my answer to the internal causes. In your case, nature has probably taken over, because there are simply some people who will never be manipulated in that way. My suspicion is that people who tend to be agreeable when abused or neglected become neurotic in the way I mentioned. You are most likely disagreeably by birth, and that would protect you in the event of such abusive environments from ever developing such weaknesses.
Here's some reading on agreeableness:
Also that's a literal click bait title
They also butchered the Chinese you dumb cunt
da joos
But comments and people on social media support it. They have no logic.
>brain drain in the African American communities
brain drain can only happen when a substantial portion of your population have brains to begin with. blacks are afraid of "brain drain" in their communities? don't make me laugh. compton was white at one point. all the eggheads have already left because blacks can't help but behave like chimps.
Altruism and empathy should only be for whites towards whites. Non-whites aren't people
>no smart Blacks left to lead the dumb ones
>none of them want to go anywhere or do anything
Enjoy convincing them as a wypipo why your plan is going to work or why they shouldn't protest
When I'm abused I feel like a wounded animal fighting for survival. Only fight or flight happens. So I suppose you're right.
sadly this. time and time again, we are only taken advantage of.
you live in peace and prosperity now
it's time to own up to your actions
the niggs will be condemned too once they reach this phase of civilisation
The Frankfurt School's long march through the institutions didn't just end with the fall of the Soviet Union. It continued on. The Cold War never ended. Now we have the European Union, and an infestation of Marxists, Communists, and modern day Bolsheviks in governments and academia.
Nobody's that crazy? Look at the college campuses now. It's SJW central.
Ask them why maybe, or look into it yourself.
People make decisions based on emotion too, that's why politics get so heated. Humans aren't just logical entities which is why appeal to emotion is a rhetorical device.
You can also say feelings have physiological basis, in which case you can tie them via medicine to logic.
I'm white, should I feel guilty?
Medieval selection pressure caused by manorialism. Wh*tes are genetically predisposed to being natural cucks.
>Many commenters on this matter like to blame Jewish influence for these shifts in social attitudes, and it is true that Ashkenazi Jews commonly hold and have promoted progressive agendas. But what these commenters ignore is this: why do people listen? Or more to the point, why have some people (and peoples) embraced these views and not others? A promoted agenda is only as good as the traction it gains. Clearly, the trend towards universalism has been the purview of Northwestern European societies almost exclusively. If Jewish influence has had any role, it is only in the form of a rush in a much larger prevailing current.
>Indeed, Jews are a vanishingly small portion of the population in many of the most progressive countries, such as the Scandinavian ones. Sweden for example is known for being a foremost champion of progressive causes.
Wait scratch that, the wikipedia entry makes disagreeableness seem like some aberration when it actually isn't and only becomes a problem when someone is too disagreeable. Fucking ignore that. I'm sorry for sharing it.
This is Juden Peterstein, I know, I know, but he summarizes the differences here pretty well:
Ethos, logos, pathos.
And remember, there's wackos in every group, like religions or fandoms or ideologies
>It's why we have nonsense like "My 3 year old is trans".
they treat their children's gender like it's the newest marvel cape movie