Ask an israeli jew anything. You talk about my country alot but dont know jack shit about it

Ask an israeli jew anything. You talk about my country alot but dont know jack shit about it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

chag sameach

Why don't you just forcibly resettle the Palestinians

Also why does Israel deserve an ethnostate but not the West
A lot of Jews in the US advocate for multiculturalism here but not over in Israel

Ever Jew a goy?

Are traps gay?

Its not september 11 yet


What's the deal with Netanyahu talking shit about us before the Obama election? Why was he including his mother in the discussion about politics? Why are Jews the male version of women?

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Can't you just fucking kick WWIII off already?
I'm fucking tired of this fucking clown world, the whole thing needs to burn. Maybe from the ashes we'll be able to build something decent again.
Come on, just do it.

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>ask about my country
It's Palestine

Just a daily reminder..
Pic related

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Why do you sterilize Africans without telling them?

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>israel is an ethnostate
This is the main reason i made this thread. This is complit bullshit. We are the very deffinition of an imigrant state. We have arabs, blacks, slavs and phillipinos here, they mostly dominate the market of the people we pay to stay with our old folks

How to get a Israeli art-student gf?

why are you kikes such insufferable faggots?
do you all have autism on top of the other genetic diseases you carry?

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be black

>Do you actually hate goys/Europeans? Do most Israeli Jews do or is that just a meme?
>His hard is it to learn your language?
>Would you consider yourself an ethnic nationalist?
>How's the food over there?

Also why do most Hebrew women have such Amazing god tier tits.

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Yes but a russian guy at work. But i imidiatly told him about it and we both laughed it off.



sounds like something a phonecian would say

No argument here. Thank god i am mizrahi

I recently went on a date with a conservative jew (israeli) living in the US. What do I need to know?

l'shana tovah

what are the best english books to understand the period of the ~1930s-1960s?

How do we stop the diaspora from ruining our countries? Will you help us by coming in and bringing them back to your country?

it’s full of jews jewing jews

what else is there really to know?

What's the deal with Netanyahu talking shit about us before the Obama election? Why was he including his mother in the discussion about politics? Why are Jews the male version of women?
When I criticize women I'm a "misogynist", it's the same as when I criticize Jews, I'm an "anti-semite"

>NPC Post

I am a carpenter. Also why do you believe israel is some hivemind orchestrating all the machiavelian events around the globe? If anything you should accuse america they are the strongest country in the world

Are there really "Fake Rabbi's" wandering around offering fake blessings?.

Is the food good?. Schwarma in particular.

Do Jewish girls like Australian men?. I'd love to Marry a nice Jew girl.
What is the Jewish girls Temprament?

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How's your school systems set up?

How does it feel being below us humans?

Why do refer to us as gentiles, call yourselves the chosen race, pass on your lineage through females, and only eat kosher foods?


Come visit. Ethiopians and erethrians have plenty of children here. Only things they are injected with are vacines against viruses native israelis dont have

What do you think of mountain jews?

I always imagine Israel to be a mutant country, ala Turkey, but richer. Is it true?

How common are interacial marriages in your country? I know Jewesses love the BBC.

No question, just wanted to say that documentary "Shadow of Truth" was excellent.

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Oh. Is it monoreligious or do you allow christians, muslims, etc?

How much trouble do they cause?

how do european israelis avoid getting skin cancer since they arent native to middle east?

> Also why do you believe israel is some hivemind orchestrating all the machiavelian events around the globe?
Video footage, mainly.

Do you believe in open borders for the west?

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Is Kibbutz still a thing? I wanted to put my miserable life on hold a while back and go larping as a commie jew farmer but it doesn't seem like something that would still be really active.

What will happen to me if I name the jew?

Haw ya like living in a sand shithole? How you feel about the 6 bazzilion dead jews media fake news story falling apart? How you feel about getting your're first blowie before you were 60 days old? How you feel about getting blown by some sleazy shitbag jewshit?

Why do you deny the fact that your country injected birth control into those people without their consent?

I don't give a fuck about your illegitimate land claims, 6 million of you cut-dick autistic Iranians LARPing as jews weren't burned to death.
When 6 million of you cut-dick autistic Iranians LARPing as jews get burned to death as a sacrificial offering only then would I even consider thinking about it

hope you are enjoying palestinian terrorist attacks schlomo. You're next.

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what the actual fuck

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Why do I need to know anything about your fake country? You do realize that it won't be around in another 50 years, right?

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Is the obligatory military service a problem?
Is there any bullying in the army?
Forceful conscription tends to turn bad in most cases.

were you drafted? wats it lke?

What’s up ?

History repeats its self
Not a question
but a statement

>ask a group of people who lie so habitually their race became a stereotype for conning people anything

Can you guys just leave us alone, thanks T-white people

Are you a practitioner?
good level of life being a carpenter in israel?

Stock Photo - Fake and Gay.

Jews in Isreal give money to blacks jews for them to go.

you have 1 comfy century and you think you are king of the world. your people will be exterminated soon.

Export sand

do not listen to the lies of the jew

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can you please stop drinking the blood of young gentile children thanks

This x2.

Can you explain that? Why do Jews historically eat children, Simon of Trent for instance being an example.

How do you feel about Iran going to destroy you and that no one likes you slimy, disgusting Ashkenazi (= Turkic Khazarians) ''jews''?

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The Kike is even bad at this!

Is soliciting a prostitute kosher in Israel? I visited there once and it was crawling with Russian and Ukrainian hookers. I thought Jews were more moral than that.

>pick one

get screened

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Kike b8 with imagery of anti-white miscegenation.

You don't know jack shit about holocausts.

>you will

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Israel is a developed country,how do you have such high birth rates?


How do I enroll in the IDF and move to Israel?