Movie about a black woman getting COLONIZED

Movie about a black woman getting COLONIZED

Is this Jow Forums the movie?

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Why couldn't it be a cute monkey loli like Navia Robinson?

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damn she cute.

This is powerful as fuck. Good movie.

Oh you saw it already?

Is COLONIZED our new blacked? I like it. Spread it through the normie sphere so we have a major word in circulation they have to attribute to us. For too long the niggers have called us saltines well today no longer friends, we are COLONIZERS.


I wish. I don't think its out yet.

I'm seeing it on premiere night.

She is a lesbo in real life.

Shes purple pilling a good German boy. How is this /ourmovie

we take them from the jungle
we give them a job
we give them a home
we give them support
and they hate us

It's playing at TIFF next weekend I think. I for one am gonna be attending.

because she recognizes how much better /ourgenes/ are

The only ever compatible race with white are spics, I know it you know it.

Is the only one who willingly got COLONIZED and still do.

Asian women???

Asian women are fucking meme.

>we take them from the jungle
You stole them from their land, doesn't matter if it was jungle or desert

>we give them a job
Slavery is not a job

>we give them a home
Your grandparents need them alive to do their job, don't expect them to have slaves in the wild

>we give them support
Flagellation is not support

>and they hate us
hmmm, I wonder why?

Every day this board convince me right wingers are fuckin' out of their minds.

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Our grandparents? When exactly do you think slavery ended?

You suck at math.

Pic related.

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> tfw youll never gas your share of the 6 gorillion by the day and go home to your little dark secret in the evening

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How can this be wrong when it feels so right

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>and the white nationalism just melts away

race mixing propaganda is ultimately not just to mongrelize white ethnicites beyond the point of self-determination but to also get blacks living in multicultural western nations on board with the idea of selecting against majority black ancestry. they want blacks to blend themselves out over time and everyone to god's perfect mongrel

They're not the ones making this poor excuse for reminding people about the 6 gorillion, goy

at least have some god damn taste

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