Okay here's the plan i need some help with the details.
>all of the lgbtoeoio acronyms all start with lgbt >this is offensive >somehow get a movement to completely rearrange the acronym and make it even more fucked. >all the while starting an internal fire
What we need is a cultural shift towards remembering what privacy means. I don't want to know, let alone label or discuss, anyone else's sexuality. This politicization of sexuality goes hand in hand with the totalitarial infiltration of data-gatherers into everything that used to be intimate and private.
Henry Green
Can't spell LGBTTQQIAAP with out QQ
Brandon Gutierrez
lmao maybe that would be a better approach but I think a shit storm planted by our seed of doubt would be much more entertaining
Why can't you just let weird people be weird? I think incels are weird for hanging out in their rooms all day and fapping to loli hentai, and I think furries are weird for banging each other in colourful jumpsuits. Just let weirdos be weird, it doesn't affect you so why are you mad about it?
i think making how and who you most like to fuck your main personality trait is ridiculous and that in making the culture seem even more ridiculous outsiders would be less sympathetic.
Adam Torres
This. Not only should your bedroom activities stay in the bedroom, but you should also define yourself by more than what you do behind closed doors.
Ryder Campbell
Furries, incels, weebs, faggots, trannies. They all deserve the rope.
Liam Richardson
im for doing weird shit and not being made fun of but the fact of the matter is the culture is invading into my life. Whether it's leftie culture making me censor myself or men in womens bathrooms the whole idea that there needs to be a nation wide movement for 3% of the pop demands to be recognized by their sexual proclivity is at the least annoying annd at the most tyrannical.
very forward thinking, enjoy your social credit points you can eat today.
Nathan Morris
No man is an island.
Thomas Jenkins
syllables need vowels, they put all the vowels at the end.
It needs C for commie, and P for papist pedos
Ryder Morris
Obviously put trans, asexuel, otherkin at the beginning and push th black and brown bars at the top of the rainbow flag and call anyone who disagrees a transphobic racist. Of course most of the lgbt are gays and lesbians making trannies and poc marginalisation minority in the lgbt sphere. If gays and lesbians object to trannies and poc being put in front of them it is a form of oppression and they are exercising cis privilege.
I'm not joking this all makes sense in their psycho philosophy, you could get them to really hat each other very quickly.
Everyone has fetishes dude. What are you in to? Feet? Legwear? Latex? Bondage? Let's say you're really in to thick thighs. What if someone came along and said "all thick thigh fetishists deserve the rope", how would that make you feel? Surely you'd just say "there's nothing wrong with thicc! It makes my dicc hard!" And you'd be right, as long as you're not hurting anyone else.
>the culture is invading into my life Really? How has it affected you personally? Please tell me how you have been DIRECTLY affected? >leftie culture making me censor myself In what instances have you been censored? Be as extremely specific as you can, I'd love to know the exact things you said that people attacked you over. >men in womens bathrooms What are you doing in women's bathrooms? >most tyrannical Oh shit those queers sure are raining hellfire on you aren't they?
>intersex Why is that even included with fags? This is a medical condition. I don't think people with Klinefelters and Turners syndrome want to be included with these other freaks.
>Really? How has it affected you personally? Please tell me how you have been DIRECTLY affected? being constantly bombarded with double think and being told my thoughts are not allowed. ie not being able to speak my mind outside of this african glassblowing board without fear of physical assault >leftie culture making me censor myself i didnt buy a maga hat or wear it (dress being a form of speech) because of worry of some dindu hitting me in the back of the head with a diversity rock in a sock >What are you doing in women's bathrooms? not an argument >Oh shit those queers sure are raining hellfire on you aren't they? no not being able to say your thoughts without facing persecution is tyranny. not that they would be the ones to enforce it but on the subject of pc culture and its role in undermining freedom of speech.
this isn't meant to do anything to your everyday fudge packer things of this nature are to undermine the suppression of open thought such as not being able to misgender someone without losing your job.
Anthony Hernandez
ALL fetishists deserve the rope. Fetishization is a sign of an unhealthy, hypersexualised mind.
Parker Gray
>being constantly bombarded with double think and being told my thoughts are not allowed. Stop and think for a second. Please I'm begging you. Don't just snap reply to me for the (You) or whatever. Who is bombarding you? Who is telling you you're not allowed to think? That's at huge accusation to make. Tell me who is doing this to you and maybe I'll rethink my position. Let me reassure you man. If your thoughts are "I'm uncomfortable with people different than me" that's fine. You're totally allowed to feel uncomfortable. It's unfortunate that it hurts your feelings so badly. I'm uncomfortable with people like you, who think different to me. But I don't take my uncomfortableness and my hurt feelings to the voting booths like you seem to. I don't hate people who are different to me like you seem to.
Not that it's any of your business but I'm actually a straight white guy in a long term relationship with a straight white girl. I just don't understand why you people have to get offended by shit that has literally zero effect on you.
Hi, please provide sources for points 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Point 4 is a legitimate concern that can be solved with better health education but the rest of that post is horseshit.
Joseph Sullivan
You're assuming a discomfort that for the most part isn't there. Again my issue is not with the thoughts of others but the fact that people can be doxxed in seconds for saying the wrong thing. any group that exploits are the ones i have an issue with. Also take my feelings and uncomfortableness to the voting booth? what is there to vote on. Last i checked there any ballots for "should you be thrown in jail in western civilizations for misgendering someone." or "where is the line drawn for public nudity." I'm well aware that at the moment you can do that freely (by law) in america my issue is with that changing.
Jack Howard
the very fact that the health education can't be more thourough is because gay hook up culture is a major factor in the spread of aids. not being able to properly educate people on the spread of aids is solely due to the fact that people would learn that of gay people and may think differently of them. which apparently is a much worse outcome than people dying a slow, expensive, painful death.
Joshua Davis
>the fact that people can be doxxed in seconds for saying the wrong thing Who got doxxed? Maybe I'm misinformed because I don't spend all day on twitter and reddit and facebook but I've never seen this happen. Please provide examples. I'm sorry if I sound sarcastic, it's 9am for me and I've been up since last 9am.
>what is there to vote on. I'm sorry. Very recently there was a plebiscite in Australia that was a public vote on whether or not to legalise gay marriage. A ballot paper was mailed to every citizen with literally "yes or no pick one" written on it. Thankfully the result was a resounding 62% yes vote. Sometimes I forget that aussie politics are different to american politics because our politicians and corporate shills try their hardest to copycat yours.
Levi Brooks
If you run with "Bi" being trans-exclusionary, it gives you a reason to remove the B. If you're already removing something for being trans-exclusionary, starting with the T is a fitting new standard If you're re-ordering things, then you should adhere to the progressive stack So I'd recommend TLGTQP (Trans, Les, Gay, Tran-sex, Queer, Pan) You could even fuck with things more by changing the B to 'Black', but I figure that would be noticed as a troll.
>Who got doxxed? Zimmerman. Come at me, you wretched woman.
>what is there to vote on We put in Trump and faggots like you can’t stop lying and committing sedition to insure our votes were for nothing.
When you ignore or encourage the decline of your country, you take your life in your own hands.
Logan Jones
>combine them all Holy shit it results in Dream Theater. Well, no surprise really.
Connor Murphy
>Stop and think for a second. Please I'm begging you. Don't just snap reply to me for the (You) or whatever. Who is bombarding you? Who is telling you you're not allowed to think? That's at huge accusation to make. Tell me who is doing this to you and maybe I'll rethink my position. Let me reassure you man. If your thoughts are "I'm uncomfortable with people different than me" that's fine. You're totally allowed to feel uncomfortable. It's unfortunate that it hurts your feelings so badly. I'm uncomfortable with people like you, who think different to me. But I don't take my uncomfortableness and my hurt feelings to the voting booths like you seem to. I don't hate people who are different to me like you seem to. Sure, just I'll just swallow as much propaganda as I can, then refuse to do anything about it when my children begin chopping their dicks off and people try to get me arrested because I called a hairy beast a man when they think they're a woman.
Here's one documentary to download. Anyways, upload it after downloading on bitchute, real.video, vimeo.com, vid.me and d.tube Never forget youtu.be/0R7DXnqkfJw It would outrage gender ideologues