What the fuck happened Sweden? I'm so fucking angry and depressed about this. Seriously you guys had a chance to make SD number 1 and get AfS into government and you blew it!
Fucking Jews hacked the election.
Kill me. Somebody just fucking kill me. It's all over for Sweden now. The kikes will now speed up immigration to make sure you never succeed.
I fucking need a whitepill. Jesus fuck someone give me a whitepill.
Sven >F We are next brother but they can't stop the inevitable only when we are losing everything, maybe then when it starts to effect the sheltered Normie's in a big way will the true madmen prevail. Some of us are already sharpening everything we have.
Lincoln Ortiz
In Sweden of the seven largest Swedish dailies five are owned by jews and the remaining two by American investment banks, one being Goldman Sachs. The jewish Bonnier family in Sweden have the largest monopoly owning four of the biggest papers 96 book publishers, 42 business and trade press newspapers, 105 digital news platforms, 9 film companies, 176 magazines, 23 major papers, 33 TV stations, and 33 “other” media outlets.
.. in fact the open borders campaign in Sweden started in 1964 when David Schwarz penned "The Immigration Problem in Sweden" in the Bonnier owned Dagens Nyheter. This started a fierce debate led by Schwarz & his jewish co-thinkers. All jewish contributors favoured multiculturalism and this campaign resulted in an immigration bill in '75. The Conservative rightest party which first embraced multiculturalism was led by Gunnar Heckscher, of jewish descent.
Israel even pays migrants $3,500 to "relocate" to Sweden.
Worldly things are meaningless because they are only temporary. Focus on the infinite or even the possibility of the infinite.
Chase Gutierrez
Chillax mate. SD didn't gain as much as they could have, but they still gained a lot. Moreover, given the party block system, SD wields a disproportionate amount of influence. It will be very hard for the cucks to form a government, possibly leading to new elections
TL;DR don't despair, it wasn't that bad and we've only just begun
It's right that you be blackpilled, quite frankly. Sweden died today but yours is also on its way out. You don't have a political solution either, your "conservative" party is lead by SJWs just like the others, except UKIP, who you won't vote for. And like Sweden, you don't have the moral courage to rise up, so you are doomed.
So here is the true blackpill, this is not the work of jews. Sven did it to himself, just to feel good for a single fleeting moment of self-righteous ecstasy.
Brayden White
It's Sweden mate, we chalked them up as a loss a long time ago. May they serve as a warning to your countrymen.
And how do you think they are going to fight, with dildos? They have no right to own a weapon when Muhammad gets a shipment of illegal arms from his "donors" in Saudi Arabia. Let the cucks stay with the invaders and let it burn to the ground
You're literally the most Jewish country outside of Israel. And your Globalist NY and Californian politics is large reason why the western world is dying. Get fucked.
is it jewish to want to make America white again? As far as I'm aware we are the only white country to give people the right to defend ourselves, don't talk shit when you can get arrested for defending yourself
Ayden Cook
He's obviously a shill. Don't invite Swedes to come to our country, though. They'll just fuck it up like they did theirs.
Christian Jenkins
Let the smart ones come, the cucks are probably think they are too good to come to america
Cameron Parker
What does SD stand for?
Noah Thomas
According to the polls, only 17% of Swedes oppose being sodomized by a Tartar. I don't like those odds.
Caleb Edwards
>Trusting the eternal Swede
Served you right. It is baffling how the deceitful nature of Swedes escapes people when it is common knowledge in every Nordic country.
Leo Scott
Dude I'm sure that there some decent swedes out there, and not just Swedes, but Europeans in general who are tired of the muslim bullshit. I personally would welcome as many as we can Trump really needs to pass the RAISE act asap