Which country is the last best hope for Western Civilization?

>It's not the US
>It's not the UK
>It's not Germany
>Not Sweden
But who? Austria? Switzerland? Denmark? Hungary?

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You already killed it

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Unironically the Slavs are our future. They are the bottom of the barrel of "whites" but immune to whiteguilt non-sense.

North Cape.
Winter is coming.

Where it began. Italy and Greece.


>western civilization
>eastern country
probably correct

Looks like communists won after all, 'murrimutts.

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It's more like salvaging some of the intellectual, cultural, and technological aspects of Western Civ for the next civilization(s)

You can thank the (((Greatest Generation))) for that one.

Poland and Hungary
Historically it would be or Spain or Portugal or Germany or Italy, in terms of based stuff, (nationalism, fascism, NS) but they are being flooded by non whites too.

Brazil is a mongrel country, so no one cares, really.

>it’s not the US

idk, dude.
Im having kind of a good feeling for germany still.
Austtria is definitely based and many politicians here are still sane.

Sweden is off the rails and England is beyond redemption.
I pity France the most though.



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>Elected a nigger to Head of State twice

Nova Scotia

user, we can still save Europe as a whole.

We are getting beaned hard bro. Not nearly as bad as Islamic savages, yes, but the US is no longer a white country.

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this, but not much time left, and cooperation has to happen between euros

>It's not the US
You know, the only country in green there who voted against and prevented control from an extremist leftist government. Good call dildo.


Unironically south america , the high caste are not cucked at all and with a little luck it could became the best place to live and firm the resistence

>south america

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They are mutts, with indians dna and from slaves on big %

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Not the upper middle and upper class

How could those non-countries be any hope for western civilization?
If it falls into their hands, there is no more hope.

Only if whites ever mass migrate to south america

dumb eurospic

even those are. maybe less but are too, if they don't know their 4 grandparenst that came recently from europe, the probablity is hugeee

Well actually im , and place like chile have more future to live a confy life as a castizo or a white than the usa

Hitler didn’t even consider Slavs white. Read Hitler’s table talks. In the very first chapter he describes them as basically the equivalent of niggers

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You know it's your kind that destroyed the US, right? Fucking idiot. You're just as subhuman as your mutt babies across the sea.

Heard paraguay has some germans there

You fool! The international jew fears one thing and one thing only: White Unity.
It is not a single country, but the work of all white people spread apart in every country. The best hope for western civilization rests in the palms of white people world-wide. The jew HATES the idea that the white people can organize with ruthless cunning and will stop at nothing to undermine every attempt to bring white people together under a commonly shared goal.
The jew rightfully fears the organizational ability of white people, because only when a group of white people, dedicated to a cause, is unified can it overcome all obstacles and preform the impossible herculean task of obtaining liberty and freedom.

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Eastern European Countries collectively - Slavic Countries, Hungary, maybe Greece and Austria would manage to jump in.Then new block may expand to Italy. It would be hard to flip Nordics, but at the moment Sweden is doing well. Spain, France and UK are probably lost, non-balkanized Germany is lost, but in case of Bavarian secession we could brought them to us.

It's the Meds. Where it begins where it began.

>It's not the US
Yes, it is. If the US loses it's freedom of speech and the 2nd amendment the the whole world is fucked. ALL of the western countries will be saved though. Don't give into fear.

Less subhuman than you when our higher caster were capable of resist and asimilate the jews and every other foreign influence that could change the status quo while they totally cucked you
Close your dirty mouth before speak of any of us

No, your people are comparable to niggers. All of South America has an average IQ below 90. They have the worst crime rates in the entire world, despite no legal guns, and all of their shitholes are pseudo-communist.
You can call us subhuman, or 56%, but always remember it's entirely because of you and your spic kind.

Where do they get the funds?

Half of Pol is a only a million $ from saving the west.

Don't you think it's odd that no wealthy person backs WN?

Québec will unironically lead the West to prosperity.

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>Eastern European Countries collectively
Are a-priori not part of Western Civilization. Orthodoxy and the West are siblings, not identical

I need backup plan if country is lost

mexico. they are white


Nice trips. Aussi, va te coucher Pierre, il est tard et on est lundi demain.

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There are more and more Arabs in Budapest just so you know


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Careful germans, 20 years ago France was like you now, it all went downhill very fast with niggers breeding 3x faster than you.

It's not Denmark either. Culturally we are more lost than even the Swedes. Only ethnically are we superior.

Western Civ haves absolute influence in the entire world, what the fuck are you even talking about? Asians should be the ones worried their culture is dying to global capitalism


Irrelevant for what we are taliking about you cry like a little children for your incapacity to control the jews even if all america was pure white the same thing would have happen , like it happening in canada and australia

your government has been destroying the planet for the past 50 years and turning everything into a liberal one world government american satellite archipelago

It's pretty close to Niger. We'd have to build a wall. .. Again.

im ok with this


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Where we're going we won't need walls morty.

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This. We all move to mexico and turn it into a de facto european colony

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this isnt a bad idea

I wonder how safe it is.

No, they won't. They're just as cucked as France


The whole of Borea united.

Like it or not, without that us government you'd either be starving or speaking Russian.
You broke-ass toothy britcucks haven't had a real defense budget in half a century.

iceland dude. its literally the wests Foundation

It was not the jew civilization.

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Its Mexico

Our government is the most left wing coalition in all europe but we are still >90% white.
The poverty, not even niggers come here

You didn't actually fall for the Poland meme? It's a massive shithole rekt by jews

>sweden is doing well
>spain is lost
you're fucking retarded

Not poland for sure

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the former USSR states. Ukraine, Poland, Hungary Etc.

I know you all love to hate us but America is unironically the best, last hope we have. We have the numbers, 200,000,000 non hispanic whites, more than any other country on earth by far. We have the biggest, most advanced, most capable military the world has ever known. We have more unused arable lands than most countries have land in total. We have enough natural resources, including oil, to sustain ourselves indefinitely. Not to mention we already control things on a global scale. All it would take is to change a few laws, kick out the shitskins and were set.

Hopefully Canada