Leaders represent country

>are in better shape
>more inclusive
>speak more languages
>more modest
>the envy of the world

It's truly amazing how easily you can compare two countries just by looking at their leaders.

Attached: cuckedf.jpg (1186x720, 46K)

Traditional Canadian greeting

Attached: C6CB92F2-524C-402E-ABB2-218B11458852.jpg (598x753, 71K)

>having this pictured saved

Classic americunt post. Must have taken a while to pick the one you wanted from your fap folder.

Countries led by beta cucks don't last.

Attached: 1521402236436.jpg (874x843, 159K)

Attached: IMG_1445.jpg (640x791, 68K)

Canadians also fuck more dogs and have a habit of getting BTFO by Saudis

Chad the team captain disagrees

Attached: 1523036211497.jpg (750x824, 183K)

Justin le Faggot is 46, Don is 72.

Anyone have those memes of Trudeau crying in interviews?

Does anyone have that meme of Trudeau LARP'ing as a Sikh, or the one where he thinks he's a Muslim?

>caring about good appearance over good policy. Sagaroo

and trump is a billionaire. game over leaf.

a fucking leaf

a literal basedboy vs a guy that doesn't take shit from anyone



Attached: 1531976340137.jpg (660x715, 50K)

Is this "gays for trudeau"?

I have this.

Attached: Canada's golden goose.jpg (960x814, 212K)

>Letting flag near your privates
Antipatriotic as fuck.

Attached: 1504378030618.png (1440x1318, 58K)

Yeah, that one is good, also. Thanks.


Attached: 3be.jpg (572x548, 30K)

Flag on the ground.
Flag on genitals.
Flag being used as something other than a flag.
Why does JT hate Canada so much?

Long lost brothers?

Attached: 1359336043698.jpg (615x347, 91K)

I think gays think that's too gay.

Shut the fuck up Nancy boy. This fucknut is either from Ontario or BC

has to post shopped photo of justin

Attached: ULTIMATECHAD.jpg (634x749, 64K)

my nigga

Attached: komagatamaruincident2016_colorized.webm (720x404, 2.94M)


I'm an anarchist, albeit a right wing one.

That being said this guy is supposed to uphold the honor of his nation. That's what his job literally is.

What a preening faggot

>I'm an anarchist, albeit a right wing one.

holy fuck you are stupid

>40 years old
>70 years old

>literal faggot
>savior of Western Civilization

"Hope in, guys. We're making Canada gay!"

Attached: trudeaugay.jpg (1368x913, 561K)

>desecrating your country's flag with your naked faggot body

Begone with that shit. Trump represents more Canadians than Trudeau ever could hope to.

>Justin Trudeau Sexier
Are you judging his personality based on his looks?

Attached: 1511199507425.gif (320x240, 2.15M)


Might want to elect someone other than some faggot drama teacher, leaf.

Attached: DW--MkjU8AAwZLg.jpg (1200x1018, 249K)

Attached: 249.jpg (647x820, 48K)

Attached: get your (gr)ass off my lawn.jpg (562x570, 61K)


>envy of the world
not being a bastard but everyone here thinks your prime minister is a massive faggot. Even the lefties
sorry brah


If I was a Canadian I don't even think I would be able to post a thread about my own country.
You are completely defenseless, with a military that is falling apart, and the only reason other countries haven't split you like Poland is because of your neighbor.
Also the raging job market in the US is destroying your own market. Keep on importing more help, I'm sure you'll love all the mosques and no go zones you'll be living around.

didnt they do that to Rand Paul?

t.Cuckfaggot Leaf
>pic related

Attached: 63.jpg (250x250, 22K)