Do a little math, and save the White race

Pretend you have 100k people in each state. 50% are fertile young women, and 50% are virile men. That is 50k families per state.

If each family had 10 children per woman per generation, how many generations would it take to completely take over the USA?

Starting generation is 5 million.
Generation 2 is 25 million.
Generation 3 is 125 million.
Generation 4 is 625 million.
Generation 5 is 3.125 billion.

We don't need everyone. We just need the best 5 million and an infrastructure that ensures their success.

Attached: WPWW.jpg (288x346, 10K)

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>Implying that people on this website can get a girlfriend, let alone a wife

This. Normalfags are honorary shitskins. The problem is getting 2.5 million women on our side.

There are likely more than that who are. All we need to do is unite them into a single hyper ethnocentric culture that builds infrastructure for that culture's success in a multi-ethnic society.

Look at my faggot meme flag.

>implying that anyone even remotely cares about your fucking bullshit or your retarded agenda.
most people come here to shitpost. They don't care about you stormfags.

Stop being a nigger and actually think. Do you really think that we're going to get 5 million people to have 10 kids?

You are a faggot, user.

1. 10% of women are not fertile. It's just a fact of life. Even amish communities have this issue.
2. Economic realities set in. It's hard to raise 10 kids. "but muh great great grandma did it!" well that was back then without all of the bad influences pushed onto people. A lot of us don't want to live on some shitty farm to raise 10 kids.
3. Again, the Amish community, while growing, still has issues with maintaining that 10x population growth. Some leave, some just don't want to do it, despite the lack of outside influence, and many just don't have enough land or economic opportunity to build and feed a 10-kid family.

Do we really need 3.125 billion people to take over the USA?

Don't be simple. Look at the principle, not the details.

If there was a place that came out and said they are a ethno state, I'd move there in a heart beat and produce babies with my assigned waifu.

To convince 5 million random white americans to have 10 children each is almost impossible in current year.

The Amish have more than doubled their population since 1989, and they severely hamstring themselves with their Luddite culture.

We can do significantly better.

They wouldn't be random, user. They would be people dedicated to achieving a common vision.

Is 5 million too high of a number for you? Then start with 1 million and add an extra generation.

If you want to win, then adopt the principle.

This is why the Northwest American Republic needs to exist.

I'd be all for it, if I could afford it. The government would have to subsidize something like that. Or some really really rich user.

>nigger cia shills implying white people should have 10 or less kids
eat nigger dicks
14 children or get the fuck out

We need a presence in every state, and eventually colonies throughout the New World.

We just need to work together. Nepotism increases business and professional opportunities immensely.

We need to build a culture of industry and mutual assistance.


That brings me back to the point of the needing of a ethno state. You'd have to do it in a place where people around you have common goals.
I wouldn't mind putting in extra work to ensure the survival of another.
But I can't do this in fucking California.

I know everyone says the "northwest pacific front" but there's only a handful of people up there with this thought. There needs to be a full on town that functions with this idea and it could grow from there.

Hmm possibly! I do still think the Northwest American Republic needs to exist, however, with the colony idea - maybe in some weird way through small regional elections to justify some formal way of separation of small white communities around the world, then these independent white countries then join with the Northwest American Republic and then join as autonomous states in a sort of confederacy like form of government that has some form of agreed upon defence pact if any State in such an entho-republic were to be attacked?

Virtual separatism allows us to participate in urban economies and fund the takeover of shrinking rural towns.

With an even distribution we will eventually take over the lowest population states.

>Why not just put everyone there in the first place and get it over with?

Economics and control. We need to be rooted in areas like New York City and Silicon Valley so that we can have an economic and power base to support the rural areas.

Do a little more math, and you can see how powerful this is.

For simplicity's sake, assume that two generations of adults will be alive at once.

If each adult paid $10 per day to be a citizen of this culture:

Starting generation generates 18.25 billion in revenue.
Generation 2+1 generates 91.25 billion + 18.25 billion for a total revenue of 109.5 billion.
Generation 2+3 generates 456.25 billion + 91.25 billion for a total of 547.5 billion.

That's just off of $10 per day. Imagine if they gave 10% of their income.

All of that money could be used for private schools, churches, and eventually hospitals and universities, not to mention the political power that all of that money adds to the voting base.

Get out of my space you roastie wine aunt, 88 children or bust.

>whites being able to afford having 10 kids when uncle sam steals from whites to pay for hajib, consuela, chingpao and lequesha's 10 kids each

New York and Silicon Valley may take a long, long time to retake and the clock is ticking as the white race has until the year 2050 upon which the white race in the United States (which needs to be the hub of the ethnostate) becomes a minority and I see that method of gaining economic control to support rural areas as taking too much time and could take over a hundred years or more if the borders were closed -- but that's another issue within itself and why the white race is facing extinction within our lifetime by the year 2100.

So an alternative means of promoting economic support in rural areas who would support the idea of a white ethnostate - I personally think literally going into the rural areas and promoting communities to get closer together by just talking with them and getting them into militias or just advising the people of the rural areas to go into militias that already exist and purchase private detectives to look into the pre-existing militias to make sure that they aren't any undercover police and that I will try and economically support the rural people to get what they need for weapons, equipment and training -- and not to say I have much money, but to economically provide whatever cash I have, for the eventual process of someday and at a moments notice uniting the rural people and to do what is necessary to creating the white ethnostate as to be quite honest, I'd much rather be dead trying to fight for my race, than live until I'm in the year 2100 and seeing how ethnically replaced the white race will be, if I do nothing!

Also slightly off topic but maybe a simple colony flag of the Northwest American Flag, for each of the international autonomous colony countries could look like this.

Attached: NAR Colonial Flag idea.png (530x271, 6K)

Use the gibs the government is taking from us all. Whites pay for it and whites should use it.

This. Fucking this. If we're to survive, we must use the invader's tactics until we vastly outnumber them enough to kill them.

YOUNG and FERTILE White women are an extreme minority, and fertility is pretty much shot at age 30, not age 40 like commonly believed. Throw in those that are not vessels for breeding Kaepernicks and maybe you have enough breeders to make a city in 2100.

The White race is over. Too weak. Too cucked. Boomers ended us. Just mix with Asians and keep your y-chromosome in the genetic mix of the future.

Attached: 1527357550780.jpg (1280x720, 189K)

>t. racemixing degenerate faggot desperately trying to justify his yellow fever
Your hapa sons WILL hang with the rest

Attached: Jedi-Mindfuck.png (368x342, 186K)

You know "the day of the rope" was first written about in 1978? Take the blackpill. Theres' nothing left TO SAVE even if we could save it.

This is the seed of the next migration period. Odoacer is coming.

Attached: 2220050.jpg (605x454, 20K)

No, but my wife and I already have two, and we're going to try for two more. Not the easiest to support them on my salary, but we're looking to move to a cheaper part of the country (while they still exist) when I finish my degree and buy some land. It's not that hard desu, autopilot works pretty well for most, it's just that autopilot isn't enough long term.

THats why we are promoting whites to have white kids, also move to the Pacific Northwest and “gentrify it” the butler plan will succeed

>Do you really think that we're going to get 5 million people to have 10 kids?

The reason why the white race is so ubiquitous on earth right now is because the settlers had 10 kids per couple. Some of the kids died, some of them didn’t reproduce, and the couples needed more hands to work their farms. Religion had something to do with the amount of kids women pumped out as well. If we want to survive as a race, we need to start thinking about the geopolitical creation of a white nation. We could get 5 million people together to start such a nation, if we work with the white South African.

To create 10 kids per couple, we could simply create incentives for white women to have white children once we have our own nation. I don’t know what form those incentives would take, but don’t you think it’s pretty fucked up that we are creating incentives for niggers to shit out 10 kids each right now? I know what you’re thinking. ‘Good luck stormfag’, but the fact is that we are concerned with our continuing survival as our form of human.

I doubt that we could psyop women into having more kids in this place and time. Even Japan is experiencing decline in births. What we need is a white nation with tax breaks for having kids and social shaming for barren women.