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Good. Why aren't we helping him?

>some random fucking twitter post with a mans abs as his profile picture
fuck off idiot

Which US Officials? ANONYMOUS SOURCES?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

>Assad will do another illegal gas attack
>tells us first

How considerate of him.

WILL ZION DON FALL FOR THE CON? What actions will he take?

That's a magazine called ZeroHedge brainlet

>US Officials Dov Silverheim, Ari Goldberg and Omri Katz confirmed Sunday Assad plans to gas a bunch of babies and puppies because he's a big meanie



And guess what. The Zion Don will belive them.

inb4 trump tries to kill Assad like Woodward says he wanted.

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That's Tyler Durden, newfag

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and they're not verified on twitter? some news source huh retard

twitter dosen't verify anyone with wrongthink
ex: richard spencer

That guy glows in the dark, so do you.

This is so dumb, they made a statement like this last time too. They are basically saying go ahead "rebels" do a false flag.

Frig off m8

what a jerk

God fucking dammit

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Why do (((they))) always do this

Chill out kike.

>gas attack
imagine the smell

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Death by gassing is a religous fetish.

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>blast ISIS niggers for seven fucking years
>round them up to the final seven blocks of the last city
>Yes, gas the children, especially
Come the fuck on. Trump needs to stop guzzling jewcum

Great, cant wait for some good old happening threads.

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The “war” - it seems like its all artificial turmoil ; i’d love to see some of the hyper propaganda that israeli citizens are subject to daily to keep them plugged into this

>i’d love to see some of the hyper propaganda that israeli citizens are subject to daily
here you go:


>(((US Officials)))

I honestly would love to watch that faggot get dropped off in one of the battlefields he shills for so fucking often. I hate that little faggot so much

>Zion Don

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he'll easily loose half of his base if he succumbs to the kikes. so far i'm pretty sure its all optics.

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He doesn't care about his base, he wants to fulfill the bible prophecy. Moves embassy to Jerusalem, 3rd temple being built, level Damascus in response to the false flag cw attack. This marks the end times and return of Christ. Nuclear holocaust is coming.

Sorry man, hope it all goes well over there

Based CIA.

Creating the conditions which need to happen anyways.

We act.

And you are left to study our actions.

Always behind us.

mossad glowie kike niggers lying again.

Trump getting badgered into this...
Bolton, Haley, Pence, any of the generals who are pushing this need to be held to account

>Redline #756943
>public support

Checked. Really, who believes this bullshit?

Reddit Rise Up!

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Whatever, so long as more of those Haji fucks die and none of ours go to war.

You're just a sniveling little faggot from a country that's led by a little faggot just like you.

Sharting stops.

>unnamed US officials who claim "President Bashar al-Assad of Syria has approved the use of chlorine gas in an offensive against the country’s last major rebel stronghold.

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what did he mean by this

Khazars and their henchmen finally signed their own death sentence. Good. My job is done.

Where is the proof though?

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Right on cue.

Trump is about to get the Assad Curse and never be re-elected. Watch out, you orange jew.

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Oh well. It appears that Trump does want the dems to take both houses.

what the fuck is it with jews and gas

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Shoo Shoo Shillbot

Fuck dogs in hell, leaf

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U.S. officials are fake news.

And supposedly these officials have even identified the type of chemical weapon to be used: chlorine gas.
maybe trump isn't even trying

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I don't think he gives a fuck. You have to remember, there is a religious element to all of this and that's the most dangerous part. Israel sees Trump as Cyrus and has minted a coin after him in the form of a half shekel depicting both Cyrus and Trump.

"These (Christian Zionists) are the folks who believe that there will be a millennium in the future, a golden age, where Christ reigns on Earth, [and] they believe that before Christ will return, there will be a tribulation where Christ defeats evil. There will be natural disasters and wars, and perhaps an Antichrist, as the book of Revelations notes. Then at the end of that period, the people of the Mosaic covenant, including the Jews, will convert. Then after their conversion, the great millennium starts."


well that settles it then

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>Russia warns of false flag gas attack
>US says Assad is gonna gas his own people
>white helmets in position to fake the attack
>Russia claims they won't take this shit anymore and will fight back
>US is ready to start shit anyway
>if US fires missiles again, Russian ships in the Mediterranean will shoot them down
>they might even retaliate against US ships
>if US decides on a no fly zone instead they'll bomb Assad and Russians


>Ukraine wants to heat up the war again
>Separatists had a high ranking leader assassinated
>Russia doing wargames east of Ukraine
>re-ignition of the war will may cause Russia to invade to help Separatists
>this give the US reason to get involved and help the Ukranians

Oh fucking boy, World War III is on the horizon and we are on the wrong side.

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>article by Dion Nissenbaum
>author of A Street Divided: Stories From Jerusalem’s Alley of God

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Innocent Syrians?

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Hm...why is it that literally every time there is a major offensive in Syria, it just so happens that Assad does a gas attack, even after the 50 other fucking times there was a huge controversy and US retaliation after Assad did a supposed "gas attack"?...

Either Assad is a turbo retard, or just maybe...........

I mean, for fuck's sake. This is what, the 3rd, 4th, time now? I haven't been keeping count .

The big 6 need broken up. They no longer serve the public interest.
Weren't the rules changed, that allowed them to become so powerful under Clinton?

explains why the Jews manipulated that cow’s embryo so as to produce a red heifer, i.e to fulfil a talmudic prophecy.


I will vote democrat down the ticket if NeoCon Don attacks Syria again. I will watch the country burn to speed up whatever we have coming

There’s no military value at all in using such weapons in a limited attack that has previously occurred.

ukraine is the bluff (although putin don't bluff)
touch us in syria and we take eastern ukraine.
TheUS won't do anything about ukraine just like crimea. And russia won't retaliate in syria.

it is a trade off and one the the US is obviously preparing to make.


Ahah seriously who loves this Jewish bullshit - yeah, yeah I totally believe Assad would fucking gas people a (((second gas attack))) bunch of rebels with the inevitable result of losing to the U.S. in an IRAQ 2.0 situation?

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>US lets Syria do Syrian things over the last Syrian thing
>US lets Ukraine do Ukrainian things over the last Russian thing
>watch and continue to sell superior arms to whoever is smart enough to buy them

There will be no WW3. Even if there is a WW3, America won't get involved until it's beneficial to do so. We'll just keep selling arms and whatever else we can to whoever we can until it's over. And then we'll Marshall Plan the winners' asses, experience a golden age, and start all over again.

It's happened TWICE already. THREE times if you count the Cold War. Come on, dude.

>assad is willing to give up his power and lifestyle and destroy his country just to gas a few kids
And they say pure evil doesn't exist....

It is nowadays favored boogeyman story for casus belli.

Tactical Braphogs in 30 minutes.

Also, 2 armies on opposing sides of the Euphrates was foretold thousands of years by "biblical prophets", the total destruction of Damascus in which no one will ever return (tactical nukes?) is also in the bible all of this depicts the end times.
These evangelicals who voted for Trump were voting for him simply to further their own religious goals and they actually want ww3 and a nuclear holocaust so that jesus will come back and save us, it's all fucked up.

Im afraid youre probably right. If Syria goes, we are next.

>These evangelicals who voted for Trump were voting for him simply to further their own religious goals and they actually want ww3 and a nuclear holocaust so that jesus will come back and save us, it's all fucked up.
wasn't that pretty much /pol's motivation also?
end times and return of jesus/ww3 and cleansing of the planet is there really a difference?

>- Sum Jew.

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>end times and return of jesus/ww3 and cleansing of the planet is there really a difference?
Well one of those things could actually happen so that's a bit important. I mean if a bunch of retards nuke the planet hoping their messiah will come back as a result which will in turn destroy our countries and damage our planet permanently forever then that's pretty bad.


I wonder if they're secretly into fart porn. All Jewish men want to be gassed by Palestinian women.

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well they certainly have the right nasal equipment

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Reminder that Clinton wanted "no fly zones" in Syria which would have required a bombing campaign

Dump both parties 2020

That's why they evolved that way

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More like Turkey will use it as an excuse to invade Idlib

All of the greatest men in history abstained from releasing their semen. Every time you ejaculate you lose precious bodily fluids and nutrients. This is why the Jew does not work. He is obsessed with sexual pleasure.

is that how they got them all in the chamber effortlessly with no resistance?

Free Fart sniffing, apply within.

As of now I'm very pointedly not voting. I'm just so tired. I'm tired of seeing this over and over again. I'm tired of the weight of the truth. I want out.

No one is buying this shit anymore.

Zion Don is LMAO.