If Jow Forums dislikes jews so much, explain this.
If Jow Forums dislikes jews so much, explain this
Jow Forums is a board of peace
>Trump if you don't tweet this we will take you out hehe
>Trump outplays the shills so hard they can't even keep up
he's warning us to watch our children and watch for false flags
>Jow Forums has to agree with Donald Trump on EVERYTHING
I should knock you out, bud
>implying pol is one person and unilaterally supports donald "wars for israel" trump
He's pretending to be NPC to lower their guard
>voting for/supporting Trump means you agree with him on every point
hello straw man shill. Trump is a Zionist dick sucker just like every other American politician, but he's the best option we have.
7d chess, right guys?
>Only pretending to be retarded
>what is half the establishment you have to work with every day
you fairy saged
Never inform your enemies you are about to destroy them
Trump is Shabbos goy. Trumptards are Mossad shills. It's simple.
>Mossad shills
I think it's more likely they're generating false concensus with Sheldon Adelson's money (the same behind the Cambridge Analytica facebook data collection)
BASED Trump. Doing God's work.
The Jews are tired of being the group that gets genocided, they are allying with whites so that we can genocide shitskins
Rulebreaking spam thread
if Trump is pro-Israel, why does the kike media hate him so much?
>Manufactured consent
It really is the simplest of explanations given what we know.
What is the meaning of "dog and pony show"?
Its just divide and conquest to stir civil discord, they did the same shit during the election, going as far as to publish two version of the days new: One that promoted Trump while the other promoted Hillary. If I remember well that was in New-York.
because the elite kikes don't care about israelis
No one trusts the media