>Prof. Hill, a sends math paper ( to (((NYJM)))
>Journal (((NYJM))) lets it through and publishes it
>Jewess (((Amie Wilkinson))) gets triggered by results on Gender
>Jewess tells hubby,(((Benson Farb))) to SHUT IT DOWN
>(((Benson Farb))) tells NYJM Chief (((Steinberger))) to SHUT IT DOWN
>Mathematics paper gets DISAPPEARED, without any noise or discussion.
>(((They))) STOLE the Prof's paper and Manipulated its contents
>(((NYJM))) quietly republishes the Jew'd paper excluding Prof. Hill with Jew authors' taking credit

>(((Amie Wilkinson)))... become aware of our paper and written to the journal to complain... Wilkinson then enlisted the support of her father...who wrote to the Intelligencer at his daughter’s request.

>Three days later, however, the paper had vanished. And a few days after that, a completely different paper by DIFFERENT AUTHORS appeared at exactly the same page of the same volume (NYJM Volume 23, p 1641+) where mine had once been. As it turned out, ""Amie Wilkinson"" is married to ""Benson Farb"", a member of the NYJM editorial board. Upon discovering that the journal had published my paper, Professor Farb had written a furious email to ""Steinberger"" demanding that it be deleted at once.

>Colleagues I spoke to were appalled. None of them had ever heard of a paper in any field being disappeared after formal publication. Rejected prior to publication? Of course. Retracted? Yes, but only after an investigation, the results of which would then be made public by way of explanation. But simply disappeared? Never.

Anne Marie Wilkinson ... was married last evening to Benson Stanley Farb ...officiated with Rabbi Michael P. Sternfield.
Need to add controversial section to their Wiki's

Attached: NewYorkJournalOfMath.jpg (125x100, 2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ten years ago, I thought the left would champion free speech and science. They are literally censoring science that disagrees with their political agenda.

Is it time to light the ovens?

The left is everything they claim the right is.

and also depressed

Welcome to reality.
Honestly, science deserves it.
Fence sitting, centrist, apolitical, grants hunting cowards and traitours. Havefun being burnt on the stake like witches


>hurr science is bad because it’s not a right wing propaganda machine
niggers like you are the reason the left can get away with this shit

> Half his board, he explained unhappily, had told him that unless he pulled the article, they would all resign and “harass the journal” he had founded 25 years earlier “until it died.”


I've had my Math Papers censored on multiple forums. They always want to control who gets credit and for what. I post bread too, no one cares.

its always that time user

I'd like to know just how much Race and Intelligence research they've memory holed for "western bias" and any other crypto sjw excuse

Attached: Mainstream Science on Intelligence.png (1905x1865, 840K)

"""Academia""" is the fountain of """truth""" for the college-aged masses.
"""Emotion""" is the truth for Tyrones and Juans.
(((They))) control Both """Academia""" and """Emotion"""
(((They))) have us by the balls. We need more ovens.

nows your chance, break bread with us

The left has no actual beliefs beyond whatever is beneficial for gaining power at the moment.

protip: all of it

Wait, was it ever time to extinguish them?

Attached: 1527686737763.gif (217x224, 116K)

this is the basic premises (fact) that they want to memory hole

more retarded men than there are retarded women
and more genius men than there are genius women

the range for possible IQ tends to be pretty narrow for women, which they should be happy about but they desperately want to larp that there are just as many super smart women as their are super smart men

It's pretty clear this is the case when you look at IQ related to prison and labor stats. Another good example is that out of top 100 chess players, a 'sport' without the same physical barrier for entrance as other sports, just 1 is female. Literally just one.

Attached: qbxNInO.gif (650x363, 14K)

Well, yeah... college has been destroyed, similar to public schools.

A good ol’ America engineering school in my state has been turned into a festering sjw wound. Sad

oh I'd gladly try posting them again, I share them with whoever will listen. I tried /sci once for one of them just as a test, and of course they got yoinked immediately. i'm heading out to work atm, earliest I could post one is tomorrow afternoon.

But hey here's a crumb. This formula in the pic tells you the number of factors of a number. It can then be used with some manipulation to tell you all the specific factors, the exact distribution of the primes, and even the nth prime. It can just spit all that out when used properly.

I have other more efficient versions of it too, but this one was an earlier one, and more intuitive. Plot it, and see what you get. Note, it's valid for all x

Attached: F of x (1) - Copy.jpg (435x122, 16K)

Nothing in this post follows.
The academy left itself open in the name of "science", was subverted because of it, and this means right wingers hate it because it isn't their propaganda machines...
And that's why the Left got away with it?

Take the academy off its pedestal dude, its an institution like any other.

what was the basic gestalt of he paper?


Lol, falling for Soviet Propaganda. Never has been the left pro-science, because the left is enemy of truth and reality. The left lies and betrays, and substitutes any system based on merit on a system based on nepotism, but they will only promote the dumbest individuals, because they fear and hate the talented ones.
Which is why the leftist regimes crash and burn at supersonic speed. It is survival of the Unfittest.

Attached: Feminism.jpg (480x480, 40K)


so numbers can be racist too? wow

>he doesn't know about the mass grave of Race and Intelligence research that has been swept under the rug since the early 90's

Attached: 1536419880307.gif (2970x2483, 1.06M)

Does anyone have a lead on what the original contents included? I'm not seeing anything here.

>It is survival of the Unfittest.
it's all about who can tell the best lie

Imagine anything regarding to policy.
These (((scientists))) will fake data and censor any study that triggers their Bizarro world views.
Imagine driving a car that is equipped with software to guide you, but the car is constantly lying to you and trying to get you off a cliff.
This is the current state of leftist academia.
This is why Commies get the Helicopter and you never apologize for it. Because these people cannot be saved, only stopped before they cause more damage.

Attached: feminist_sjw_oops_germany.jpg (1402x1494, 206K)

read the article, it's very well written and explain what it was in the first paragraphs

Is this it?

Ignore this. I'm retarded.

I was going to anyways

Except that graph is a lie. There are way more retarded women than men, because the genetic defects that cause the biggest retardation ALSO result in spontaneous abortion if the baby is male, but not female.
Any chart that doesn't reflect this is disinformation.
This chart shows the real IQ distribution.

Attached: male_female_bell_curve_IQ.png (644x362, 61K)

the distribution for male IQ, like most traits, is wider and more varied than it is for females

there are more severally retarded men than there are mildly and severally retarded women combined

this is true across virtually all mammals and is one of Darwins principal claims in his development of his theory of evolution

please stop being retarded on purpose

This infuriates me so much. People are so afraid to have their name on anything controversial, and with good reason: the world turns it back on you and tries to bury you alive if you do anything that could even be interpreted as sexist, racist, etc.

The worst part is, I don't see how this can be fixed. Society has just been so off the rails lately with no signs of slowing down; is it all over? Is it pointless?

Lol what a fucking moron. It was 2008! If the bad habits of the left weren't obvious to you before then, you really need to commit suicide.

IQ tests have been tampered by the leftist mafia. This is because the original test proved undeniably that women are dumber, so they adulterate the test in order to make it appear that women average IQ is also 100.
Intelligence has never been a survival trait for human women, and neither having a strong body, which is why they never improved in those aspects.

Attached: IQ_tests_routinely_tampered.jpg (720x1280, 125K)

>there are more severally retarded men than there are mildly and severally retarded women combined
This one is a blatant lie. Research into the defects that cause severe retardation. Without exception ALL OF THEM result in abortion if the fetus is male.
Leftists fake charts, but the objective data and facts disprove their fake charts.
I don't deny that male distribution of IQ is wider than that of females, that is a fact that a real chart also shows, and it was common knowledge before Academia got subverted by reality-denying leftists.

Attached: IQ_tests_adjusted_for_gender_balance.jpg (720x1280, 195K)

dont try to fix it. well leave and make our own society. with blackjack and so on. with a little bit of money you can buy a decent amount of uninhabitated land from some third world country.

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memes aside, what can I do? I don't want this country to collapse from this leftist propaganda (but not bad enough to go down with it)

>plans to emigrate to Poland
And Poles will be very happy to receive a punching bag.

that happened before you were born. rome didnt fall in a day.

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That's like asking "how do you stop natural selection?"

If you can recognize the problem you're ahead of the curve. Struggle, adapt, improve, survive.

If you are not a mutt and not an idiot, learn one of the languages of V4 and come here to us. We are seemingly the last bastion of hope for white people, but even we will fall, if we don't have enough people to protect this land, both from outer and inner threats.

Yes, for real this time.


Attached: pinoshit.jpg (600x726, 135K)

#based craig

Not a math paper, not even close.

Psychology is scarcely even a science, desu.

Attached: nfNeT7YvTozx0cv7ze3mplZpo1_500.gif (480x600, 85K)

What does the image imply? That if the tests weren't 'normalized' for gender men would be higher across the board?

>Mathematical models
>Not a math paper

Low effort Pilpul.
Take off your meme flag Jew.

Jewgle is not helping me research this, can you provide links?

Attached: bird.png (1083x1024, 159K)

Excellent digits

Very true.

Attached: 1534971282980.jpg (954x664, 127K)

They are their own worst enemy. They are true evil

Attached: hg.jpg (2440x1623, 2.33M)

Prepare. Get as many guns as possible. Spread the truth to neighbors. Wait for the race war. It will happen.

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No they are not censoring "math" they are censoring statistics in a Psychology study.

Yuuuuge difference there nigga.

>Yuuuuge difference there nigga.
Stop derailing by acting like a math purist.

psychology isnt even a hard science, much less a purely logical system like math. really, suppressing a mathematics paper seems both pointless and much more difficult to do

Stop strawmanning
Never did I state or agree that it was a Psychology study.
>The goal here has been ... to propose an elementary
mathematical theory based on biological/evolutionary mechanisms that might serve as a starting point
to help explain how one gender of a species might tend to evolve with greater variability than the other

Also you're downplaying the manipulating and stealing the credit part.
(((They))) might not be able to suppress a mathematics paper but they can definitely make it
"""DISAPPEAR""" then republish it and STEAL THE CREDIT like what happened in this case.
Who knows how many times this has already happened in history.