There are so many people who post online advocating for violence towards so-called "nazis...

there are so many people who post online advocating for violence towards so-called "nazis," it seems that this rhetoric is inescapable. you have these people doxxing nazis openly, releasing their PII and calling on their comrades to contact their families, their friends, their employers, to ostracize and fire the nazis. you see these people constantly drone on and on about fascism, how it represents a direct threat to their safety and well-being, how it enables people to step all over the rights of women, gays, immigrants, minorities.

so I have a question for you, Jow Forums. why is it that these people will spout their violent rhetoric and call themselves anti-fascists, yet I've heard nothing about these people actually killing a nazi? all it takes is a simple search on any engine of your choice, and you get nothing. no results, at least nothing relevant to today.

for a group of people who consider themselves to be revolutionaries, they certainly aren't acting their part.

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Other urls found in this thread:

actions speak louder than words. it's why we're still talking about that neckbeard who killed a fat communist bitch a year ago and why no one cares about the few thousand retweets you got from "#punchanazi"

These people will spout their violent rhetoric until they call the wrong person a nazi. We should get them to call Barack Obama a nazi and that should end all this silliness.

when did killing nazis become a controversy?

the overton window has been replaced with a wall that keeps getting hit with the political artillery of the left, eventually it will come crumbling down and it will unleash a torrent of all the silenced men and women who were waiting behind it in quiet anger



Because Nazi is a slur used against people who aren't leftists

how? nazis always deserve to be shot. no exceptions.

You are posting on Jow Forums, therefore you must be a nazi. Can I destroy your life now?

lol nazi is a slur now? actually, yeah, lets turn nazi into a slur for whites.

Posting on pol makes you a nazi.

you dont deserve a life if youre a nazi. nazis getting fired is fucking hilarious. and if you're so butthurt, make your own pro nazi business

it's never been a "controversy" per se, I'm just curious about the people who call for nazis to be murdered, then run away from the violence they so desperately want to happen.
honestly, it seems kinda self-centered, as though they want change to happen but don't care enough about the cause to endanger themselves to ensure that change gets any closer.

lol stop Jow Forums from posting about the jews all day then maybe your complaint is valid. rn, the perception of Jow Forums in the media is entirely Jow Forums's fault. don't get mad when this is literally what you guys wanted.

its all the onions and estrogen bro

These soifags are always into hentai/furry avatars, it seems.

I'm not sure I buy that excuse. the guy who killed that commie whale at charlottesville used his car as a battering ram, he was obviously fueled by anger and hatred. based on all the violent rhetoric I see online, I imagine these lefties are all angry and hateful too. you can go out and buy a gun, look up some bomb making tutorials on tor (hell I even saw some faggot tweet out specifications for the copper IEDs that muslims used on american soldiers). you can be drowning in onions yet all it takes is a simple point and shoot to kill a nazi.

>you guys

You sound boring as fuck if you’re trying to seperate yourself like a self obsessed faggot.

It is already used as a slur for whites too

When being anti-nazi requires adherence to Marxist ideals, or you're a nazi as well

Nobody was killing teachers in Cambodia. Until they were.

Why should I give a fuck what the media thinks? They are nothing but paid whores.

>"Lol nazis deserve to be killed bro"
>'But the left labels anyone right of Stalin a nazi.'

I wish I could kill you myself, leftist scum.

Noam Chomsky said that the Cambodian genocide was just American propaganda.

>he thinks they're gonna talk about the bodies

they aren't gonna talk about the bodies because there are no fucking bodies buried. you hear random anons talk shit about burying corpses maybe once a week, so what does this mean?????

are they maybe projecting???

This is an incredibly dangerous game for the left to play. The left has NEVER won when it gets taken to the streets. They only win when they subvert their way in. If they take this to the streets, we will curbstomp them.

Why is criticism of Jewish behavior so uniquely condemned and sanctioned against? Did you know that if an American physician criticizes the practice of circumcision, he can lose his medical license immediately? The Jewish lobby holds extraordinary amounts of power & influence on America, but if I say Jews are a bunch of lying scheming rats, then suddenly I’m a Nazi. What’s up with that?

Liberals are evil, spiteful bigots but they’re also weak little pussies

What if I told you he was fueled by fear, because the entire situation that lead to the crash was orchestrated intentionally by the leftie extremists?

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In America the leftists have effectively won in the streets, right wing speakers can’t speak without getting shut down, even the alt-light ones like Ben Shapiro

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all these limp wristed fuckers are going to regret this kind of rhetoric when someone with enough charm comes along and successfully makes the case to society that the exact same thing can be said for commies.

It has only just begun here user

Commiecucks are weak faggots who always get BTFO in street fights

who NOSE why is always about the nazis?
who NOSE?

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It’s just internet tough guys my dude.

>You were born just in time to see transfaggot anarchists turn nazi fighting into something cringey

Lmao no

She didn't even get hit by the car, she died of a heart attack.

I know a guy from my church who escaped the country when it was happening.

i dont like violence but for real, fuck nazis. i dont feel bad for them.

Being anti-Nazi is not sufficient to being a good person; these people are scum and I fear what will happen to this country if they take power.

Because the people accusing others of being nazis don't care about whether or not the accused is a nazi, the left just uses it as a buzzword to call anyone they don't like.

>when did killing nazis become a controversy?

The people that put me next to Adolf fucking Hitler for not rolling over and accepting endless mass immigration (diversity!) are nothing more than Communists.

Leftists are thumping their chests on Twitter because it feeds their ego and makes them feel bullet proof.
History has shown that they're not (lel) so they subvert. It's piss easy when you're propped up by neolib trash, the likes of which span the entire globe evidently.

If these people actually hit the streets and start popping off "Nazis" they're all going to perish.
For all their talk of "fat incels" or "nazi neckbeards" modern day Communists are a far fucking cry from Stalingrad vets of old.

Projection, sure, but let's be careful what we wish for here.

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You know that you're a Nazi too, right?

As far as the "We should ALWAYS punch Nazis!" people are concerned.


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The problem is anyone from a blue dog democrat right is a """nazi""" I can't wait until we can gas those degenerates

Probably when they started calling everyone nazis

Do liberals really think they'd survive a shooting war?

Chomsky, despite all his obvious faults, was dead right when he said the left needs to stop dabbling in "punching nazis" and other such memes because the Right is much, much better at violence.

Says "Alex" the gender neutral named anime girl twitter bot
Who gets triggered by this sort of obvious b8?
I'm kinda disappointed in Jow Forums these days.
This is all it takes to get your jimmies rustled

Lefties use the word (((important))) a lot because they can't use anything like sacred or honorable.

I'm literally shaking right now.

I guess we're just lucky leftists are completely incompetent faggots lol, I wish some faggots would start a war. They can't win street fights vs outnumbered opponents who have tptb against them, they can't win an election with tptb supporting them every way they can so these faggots thinking they can win at anything only highlights how delusional they are.

The modern left are literally the biggest losers to ever exist and we have record of it all, what a time to be alive.

kids on the far-left look at pictures of nazis and think "man I wish someone would run those idiots over with a track"
meanwhile kids on the far-left look at pictures of this and start booking a uhaul

say what you will about the nazis but at least they're willing to lose it all to further their cause. they actually have a fucking back bone.

>nazis still exist
>and they pose an existential threat to people everywhere
>also if you're not a communist, socialist, or feminist then you're a nazi
>why arent we winning elections

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Vigilante justice has always been a fucking problem, user.
You don't get to sentence someone guilty of fucking rape and murder, let alone someone who doesn't share your dumb fucking political opnions.

They're creating literal Nazis through ironic embrace.

(((Nazi))) = anyone sho isn't brainwashed by leftist machine

Don't think 2 men should adopt a child? Nazi
Don't think a man should chop off his dick? Nazi
Don't think a child should take hormone blockers to delay puberty? Nazi
Don't think there are more than 2 genders? Nazi
Like Trump? Nazi
Are you white and not ashamed of it? Nazi

racists dont deserve sympathy.

When they re-defined “Nazi” to mean anyone who thinks it isn’t perfectly normal to chop your balls off and call yourself “ Christi.”

Of course it's a leaf.
>muh nazis are evil
The only thing leftist drones and normies "know" about the NSDAP is le 6 gorillion.

You could probably get away with advocating A LOT of NatSoc policies and receive approval for it from both modern sides of the political spectrum (never mind that they have the same master), as long as you don't call it Nazi.

For the lefties:
-Environmental protection and animal welfare laws
-Crackdown on speculation, prevention of gambling the welfare of the nation on profit

For the right:
-Gutting of unions that would inhibit production through constant striking and arbitrary demands
-Direct prohibition of public degeneracy (nu-lolbergs need not apply; all classical liberal governments had obscenity laws and regulations on morality)

Everyone ITT cringing at being called a Nazi needs to fight against the leftist conditioning. Don't bother with meme labels from 80 years ago, stick to the issues--but don't pretend that "Nazis" are automatically bad, or else your enemies will forever associate policies they don't like with the 'ultimate evil'. NEVER give shitlibs the moral high ground--they don't have any morals whatsoever. The reason cuckservatives always get obliterated politically is that they sheepishly protest insane policies because they "agree in principle but differ in practice". Stop letting the leftists define what is right.

I would never call myself a Nazi in public. But if someone said X policy is Nazi, my response would be "So fucking what?"

Where have you been? The "nazi" and "fascist" slurs were expanded to include all conservatives and whites since Trump was elected. They've been dehumanizing us for years, and once they decided all whites were nazis then it will not only be okay to kill them, they'll have a moral obligation to do so.

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Again, as far as punching / doxxing / self-righteous life-ruining purposes go, you already fall into that category. You're already guilty of wrongthink, so you can never NOT be evil and only worthy of scorn.

These words aren't based on anything concrete anymore, they're just slurs used against people they dislike.

It's not a matter of you giving people sympathy or not, it's a matter of you following the fucking law.

>Don't think 2 men should adopt a child? Nazi
I think it could possibly be a better option than an egregiously dysfunctional home with a man and a woman, and it might be better than foster care. In general, all else being equal, it should 100% go to the heterosexual couple.

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report the twitter app on the play store for hate speech, then report them to SPLC as a publisher of hate.

but not honoring due process makes you a nazi, ergo you should shoot yourself

You faggots haven't won shit. You're propped up by ZOGbot police forces who get their orders from commie politicians, you get legal protection from kike funded antiwhite laywers, you're bvasically having the red carpet rolled out for you.

As soon as you're forced to fight on neutral terrortory you get your shit pushed in, every fucking time. You're weak, you're cowards, and if push came to shove would get BTFO with extreme prejudice.

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thats a retarded waste of time

>tfw proud nazi

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Who hasn’t been called a nazi at this point.
>All right wingers unless there useful idiots
>Neutrals who try and understand both sides
>The Silent majority
>All white people
>Race Traitors
>Alt leftists who didn’t like Hilary
>anyone who drinks milk
>anyone who uses the ok sign

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It’s being paid for with our taxes.

>so-called "nazis

They call themselves nazis and worship Hitler..

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The term "Nazi" now means, "Someone who disagrees with me"

great job democrats, your leftist pawns are really scaring me now!

It takes a special kind of impotence to fabricate your own arch enemy to saber rattle against... Its like they know they'd get btfo'd if they tried the same thing against a real opponent.

>be mentally ill
>convince yourself that your enemy is quite literally a group of unfuckably hideous white male social rejects that live primarily in their parent’s basements surrounded by actual Nazi paraphernalia
>they are all unemployed, hate all gays because they’re all really gay, hate all minorities because they all have penis envy, hate jews because they’re all jealous of jew success and hate all women because they can’t get laid.

There are legions of people that say they believe this, but they don’t. Not really. It’s just convienent and they know it.

The idea that we’re really business owners and community leaders, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers to multiple children, veterans of multiple wars, police, firefighters, doctors and lawyers, students and teachers and regular looking people you couldn’t pick out of a crowd, it doesn’t fit their narrative. It can’t be allowed to even be considered as possible. There are only two groups, them and literally Nazis.

To openly acknowledge us as human is to be undone, to concede defeat almost instantly. They all know they’re full of shit and that what they’re doing is wrong, but if they break form and stop perpetuating the group lie, they risk whatever social capital they’ve accumulated, could wind up being labeled Nazi themselves. It’s irrational fear on a grand scale.

Why haven’t you heard of anyone killing a Nazi? Because there are no Nazis. The Nazis are gone, have been for a long time. It’s an intentional misnomer, a useful lie spun by useful idiots.
Don’t get me wrong, the enemy of what these people stand for does actually have a name, it just isn’t very convenient for them to use, and even acknowledging it can be problematic when trying to maintain the moral high ground.

Americans. They’re called Americans. We are the majority. We value family and community and tradition. We are the enemy.

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That really doesn't pass the "replace the group" test. Just replace every word with Jews, bingo we're done here.

does this faggot have a speech impediment

When I figured out the "Nazis" weren't wrong

The feeling here is pretty mutual
We need to put homosexuals, autists, trannies, liberals, jews (ashkenazis especially), democrats, university professors, juden physicists, social scientists, feminists, pro choicers, sjws, resetera, gradualist and evolutionary scientists, sub-Saharan Africans, Muslims, atheists, skepdicks, shills, and journalists inside of camps. And we need to consider, on some level, extermination.

agreed to p. much all of this except
>gradualist and evolutionary scientists
I can kinda understand atheism since it's a bit of a meme but gradualist/evolutionary scientists?

if you want to get technical about it - May 7, 1945. On that day, Nazi Germany surrendered to the Allies and open hostilities ceased. There were, of course, trials and executions, but summarily killing people for belonging to a (german) national socialist political structure was no longer lawful.

So yeah, there's that. What you are advocating is nothing short of extrajudicial murder based on the political ideas in somebody's head. You do realize that some kid in his teens or a young man in his twenties born in the 1990's was not managing concentration camps in the third reich, right? Or are you saying someone condemns themselves to death for the ideas they find convincing? Why not explain to them why they are wrong and you are right, instead?

Do you feel the same way about killing communists?

When I seize power, you will be among the first to go to the camps.

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I can’t believe I left or communists. We also have to kill all communists as well as ayn rand objectivists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. There is definitely more that need be put in camps and exterminated

Macro evolutionists need to be gassed. Micro is okay though. Gradualista need to be punched in the face at least because they reject catasrophism and sudden earth changes. The have built a false concensus around gradualism given them free reign to say all sorts of nonsense that cannot be observed because they place it on a long time scale. Gradualism is just Semitic degeneracy pretending to be science