Any guesses on who anonymous is in the NYT op-ed? Don't mean to step on your right to speech, but anybody saying it's Trump or the NYT will be ignored by me. Because I want to participate but not with fucking idiots.
Any guesses on who anonymous is in the NYT op-ed? Don't mean to step on your right to speech...
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Mike “my time to shine” Pence will be president by years end. Check it!
>What's 2+2? And don't give me that 4 nonsense.
Obviously this larping sheboon
She's not in the administration anymore.
I mean if you read that book about how Trump got red handed bad mouthing his first wife during his first divorce, the guy is an open book basically
The NYT.
It is probably fake.
>Mike “my time to shine” Pence will be president by years end. Check it!
you'll have to wait for 2028 for that
The NYT will claim that it was written when she was in the administration.
By what constitutional mechanism?
Impeachment is impossible... 25th amendment?
Seems a stretch without risking civil war.
john miller wrote it
>Any guesses on who anonymous is in the NYT op-ed?
Anyone got the full vid?
So the other day I was watching Mike Pences speech on the space force while I was frying on acid, and I swear to god the man is some type of hologram, or advanced futuristic robot.
Are there reasons for this idea? If so, please expand.
goto the page
click play on the video
right click: save video as
You think civil war for Trump is an actual reality?
The author of this Op-Ed has to be a narcissist and someone with nothing to lose.
Omarosa is both of those things.
The fact that she no longer works for the administration is a technicality - I've seen the NYT spin more difficult things.
>source: my ass
Good one, Jew York Times.
>The author of this Op-Ed has to be a narcissist
How so?
>> The fact that she no longer works for the administration is a technicality
It is decidedly not.
John Kelly
Keep chasing this irrelevant boogeyman. Nice distraction story for retards like you.
It's obviously the most prominent "brown" member of the cabinet - Nikki Haley. She's the only one stupid enough to praise McCain, and she's effectively been the Israeli representative at the UN. Both of those are overtures for a 2020 presidential run, paying tribute to the ZOG.
You're an idiot then. Have a nice day.
Its probably Sessions.
Faggot leaf.
I think Q wrote it!
I don't know why I bother with Leafs. Your whole meme country exists at the pleasure of mine.
I hope you continue to enjoy our palace intrigue.
It was definitely Trump and the NYT.
Ignore away..
Good luck with that mindset.
>dismisses NYT history of making up sources like the """""senior official""""" that was an intern in their 2011 fake news anti-fracking agenda driven horse shit
>calls others idiot's
go no re
this wouldn't be the first time a newspaper made up a story and assigned it to anonymous sources
in order to impeach, they would have to find an actual crime committed during his time in office
if they got a majority and tried to push through an impeachment without clear evidence, then our system of government has failed and the left is pulling a coup
it then time for me to get my rifle and start shooting
I didn't say anything about impeachment.
then you didn't read the post you responded to and you're a shitball fagot leaf who's opinion is worth less than the power I am using to keep your post on the screen
No idea what you're talking about and it makes me so mad that I'm going to get my guns and shoot you in the back of the head when you're not looking. Pew pew pew, tough guy.
Canada has pretty high debt levels per household.
Quality of life ratings also never seem to take into consideration simple geography and weather. Canada's best weather spot is Vancouver/Victoria were 20C days are considered enough to make that section of the country by far the most expensive.
That said, most Americans don't hate Canada, but Trudeau/Freeland do seem to have big egos relative to the prominence of their country.
Do you have any evidence it's from anyone important, and not just some lefty professor?
No way its fucking Pence. He was a governor with a proven conservative track record. The rest of the shit heads however... most likely Janked.
I have no evidence, or proof, whatsoever.
funny how you just disregarded all the canada retardation posts. it must feel bad to be hurt by the truth. better prep for when we take your fucking land faggot
I have reviewed this thread, and discovered that I'm still correct it was Trump & the NYT. Since OP has undertaken to ignore the truth, I'll keep saying it :D
Real talk, and no judgement: Has anyone ever suggested that you might have a mental illness?
Even if the NYT knew it was fake, they would keep shilling it because it supports their agenda.
As long as they can hide the source and harass people in the administration to say something negative about Trump, it makes good news.
It's a psyop, and it got the reaction they wanted.
President Trump has every right to kick in the NYTs doors, for protecting their non existent spy.
I really wish he did not react the way he did, and just played it cool.
>if the impeach Trump, it's war
>for a bad impeachment, yes
>we aren't talking about impeachment
silly little fagot, come back when more than two braincells are working
Its Mich McConnells wife
It's either NYT making shit up or Trump is stirring the pot.
Yeah, you're on the list.
knock knock
Why would Mitch's thick gook praise baby killer McCain? Nah, it's not her.
>tfw waiting for the mitch sex tape wmaf
I gave some thought that Trump himself wrote this
he does seem to have the soul of a Jow Forums shitposter
it's even funnier knowing this is a leaf trolling a leaf
Simplest explanation is still Trump & NYT wrote it
Every Trump hater praises McStain.
Says the fag that is sucking Muslim cock to live without being shanked. You won't feel so empowered when I am literally taking your land. Better move while you can cuck. (cuck usage is so immaculately true in this situation)
Sad part is, it could be fucking anyone. This administration is a disaster. isn't, and that was the goal of the op-ed.
I'm delighted with it all. Downright giddy.
If you think it’s actually from the White House, you’re a ducking moron. NYT are full of shady, partisan, low-iq hacks. Kys. Also, sage.
Also she works for China just like her husband.
>Any guesses on who anonymous is in the NYT op-ed?
Someone at the NYT Or the late McCain. The whole thing is a D&C.
This. It's either Trump shitposting directly to the media or it's another classic case of the media making shit up and attributing it to an anonymous source.
Kushner the kike, his kind are known for this kinda stuff
probably pence, to be honest
They keep shilling that "Joltz for gays" rhetoric here as a psyop.
Pompeo, the fat Italian.
To be honest? Yes, please be honest. No reason to lie here. So but why do you think it's Pence?
Because ...
Tick tock
There are numerous Pences that Trump brought back with him from the future.
kellyanne conway theory makes the most sense to me, heard it on morning joe podcast last week. her husband is anti trump. she wants a life in media after trump. she is not an asskissing bootlicker like pence
sarah jeong
>she is not an asskissing bootlicker like pence
Who would you start shooting? Anyone with a vegan tattoo?
I pitty anyone saying a NYT staff member wrote it. To close your eyes, plug your ears, and live in such denial is a waste of life.
And yeah, probably Kushner
That white girl beat the shit out of that nigger bitch
Secretary of Transportation.
It is obviously true and happening. We need a crystalnaught.
>To be honest? Yes, please be honest. No reason to lie here. So but why do you think it's Pence?
a couple of different reasons.
The whole psyop of "Zap the fags" or whatever just reminded me of this picture.... like someone was trying WAY to hard to make him "Fit in", so to speak, but didn't know a damn thing about us, except some bullshit stereotypes.
Secondly, he looks plastic, like his face isn't real.... he literally came out of nowhere right at the end of the campaign when it looked like trump was actually going to win... seemed to be a deepstate plant to me.
Third, he kind of reminds me of roger stone, if he had a fake plastic forehead on.
Fourth, his "Wife" looks like... well, fake as well.
The whole thing just looks hastily manufactured as all hell.
perhaps pence is the reincarnation of LBJ?
No of these are logical reasons. Could be him though I guess.
what do you want, a signed confession?
Logical thought and objective facts will do.
it could be Trump, if you watch "West Wing" it seems to me that the theme was whenever there were fuckups, it was the guys working for the President
it seems to me that the West Wing was a psyop to give the president a break...that person being Bush Jr
It's definitely not Pence. He can be ruled out because he does not have control over any government policies. This Insider seems to think Secretary of Transportation who is also Mitch McConnell wife. McConnell took millions from China. Dode this shoe fits fucking perfectly I am convinced.