Ask a chinese-australian anything

ask a chinese-australian anything.

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G'day mate, how's things with the missus?

How do I make honey pork balls?

bad she is a dumb slut
google it i dont know, i am a bad chink, i dont cook

Why do you guys look so funny?

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How do dogs taste?

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are you a banana?

Hi user. What's the political views of the general average Joe Chinese in Australia? Did your family come here to escape the communist regime in China ?

I can already tell youre chinese kek

>a chinese-australian
every time

why do chinese lack human souls? like what the fuck happened to you people. You make robots jealous with your lack of humanity.

i speak shit mandarin but it is a fresh language i need to practice more
never ate one thats fucked up cunt
nah my parents came here to make money, i am an alt right chink, i believe that asians and whites could become a super power together (im not going to race mix dw)
cultural differences, mainland china is pretty fucked up, my parents originally come from taiwan, i feel bad for hong kong those cunts are gonna get fucked over hard aye

guys i gotta go shit so ill be afk for about 10 mins

I work at a chinese restsurant and your chink moonspeak is literally the ugliest thing ive had the displeasure of ever listening to over the years

Taiwanese are bro-tier. Our betrayal of Hong Kong to Communist China was the beginning of the end of Britain.

You didn't answer my question so I'm assuming you don't even know what a banana is. The Chinese call Chinese people born in the West bananas, people who look yellow on the outside but don't know their own culture very much, therefore white on the inside

You're not Australian

Did you know that China is actually an ancient, historical terrirority of the United States? It was actually discovered by General Robert E. Lee. China is US territory, and we need to kick squatters like Xi Jinping out of our righteous ancient lands. Go back to India, Xi JinPajeet.


neither are you
>why even live

How many generations deep are you in country?

A N S W E R. T H I S.

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I used to go duck shooting with a Chinese bloke it was probably your dad haha he was extremely racist hated commies thinks aboriginals are lazy welfare grubs used to smoke Winfield blue and drink vb he thought our drink driving laws where bull shit he used to can John Howard for his gun laws fuck the mad old chunk had more guns then me.. He was a perfect example of a integration. One night we We're kangaroo shooting we could not find any kangaroos so he shot 3 foxes he skun them and cooked them cunt was fucked

If you're truly alt right then you should leave Australia.

Not even Chinese.

How do you feel about China getting their asses whooped by that tiny island next door?

Did you know that the United States is actually an ancient, historical territory of China? It was actually discovered by Zheng He. US is China's territory, and we need to kick squatters like Tr*mp out of our righteous ancient lands.

Better than the Am*rikan surrender monkey

Somebody's chings are chonged

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That’s not integration, that’s having the spirit of fucking liberty. Old man’s natural rights were guaranteed.

Such a dick you don’t even live there.

No I'm a British Columbian and I would never trade these mountains for anything

The thing here is both our lands have a problem with filthy red Chinese invaders

Chinks are all psycho level nationalistic and patriotic,

don't ever dream about them being true Australian,

when war comes,

they will shoot you Australian,

rape and inseminate your wives and daughters in your present with the glorious chink genes,

eviscerate all you cuck men and boys, ultimately exterminate all Australian,

then pledge allegiance to the glorious immortal supreme leader,

winnie the pooh.

then receive 10 virgin scgool girls each as promised by Chairman Mao,

Down with Australian!

why aren't you in china where you belong?

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Post a timestamped picture of your chink eyes, otherwise GTFO you lying cunt.

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Something that is rare in this country now people in the city are terrified of freedom

Bow to your future leader,

you aussie peasants and fools!

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>Exterminating Australia
They deserve it.

Tell me more about this cannibalism in America. Everyone knows the Clintons do it but widespread?

He's probably a red Chinese agent who's into working some really fucked espionage. No way else would a chink "integrate" that well unless they had a fuck of a lot to hide

The Chinese race has no spirit of liberty but they're good at acting if need be

It's a tradition they inherited from England.

You've already ruined the fucking land you have

How do you feel about abbos?

yeah it was dog as if you ask me
watch out, this faggot just went and watched the movie "crazy rich asians"
yes i am
sounds like my dad but it probs wasnt him
you dumb cunt, thats like saying
not even anglo
its funny, china will learn to become stronger, but that is dangerous for everyone desu, including me.
get fucked you dirty dog
i was born here
wow im really trying to prove myself to some fat cunt on Jow Forums
alright brb again for 10 mins gotta hang out some washing

Can you apply for Taiwanese citizenship?

Are you part of any political party?

hate them desu

>discovered by General Robert E Lee
>US territory

That would make it CSA territory not USA territory you thieving Yankee

I think you may be mistaken. We don't do that here. It's bad for the health.

No you're not Australian comrade chin-kee you're a communist invader

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>born here
So you're an anchor baby good to know

Have you ever fucked an abo?

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Really? Your queen is probably feasting on children as we speak. Long live the queen, eh?

>colonize china
>demonize china forever for choosing the wrong model of nation building
>accuse china of lacking humanity

every time

No he's a Chinese Republican. Good Chinese.

hong kong belongs to china. regime change beijing if you don't like it

Fucking larper, pretending to be a chink when he clearly isn't. Sad cunt.

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What's it like being a filthy fucking red invader liked only by traitorous politicians and media bought out by Beijing

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so when're you finally going to get the anglos to help regime change beijing and reinstall KMT? mao was a stupid fucktard for turning china from a friend of anyone to an enemy of everyone

t. mainland chink

Not my queen I'm a republican and a BC separatist

taiwan's not communist

are you alpha?

Their race has been fucked up since before communism. We in BC have a long history with the chink and their filthy scheme

Also every red chink bastard will claim to not support the government if asked. I wouldn't believe them for a second

Taiwan is True China.

probably what your ancestors felt landing in the new world

There has been reports of Communist infiltrators in the Kuomintang, however hopefully they will be exposed.

don't deny it. when're you finally going to grow the balls to reinstall KMT?

Yeah and I guarantee he's full of shit about being from Taiwan. That's literally what they all claim that or Hong Kong

Either way BC and Australia were founded settled and built by and for the white race and especially to exclude the chink any chink is by definition an invader

Have you ever seen a Mexican out there

ok, but you're still an invader yourself.

honestly never looked into it, maybe yes because i have family there but probably no because both my parents have australian citizenship now, but fuck taiwan nigga ill never give up my aus citizenship.
i dont fuck black women
yeah cool suck my dick
one day brother
in real life alpha's dont exist, there is only normal people and betas, i try not be be beta
i hope to never see one
suck my dick leaf cunt

sorry if my replies are shit but i got bored of this already

Fuck any bitches yet?

One day China will be reunited one way or the other. The Ma clique will finally rest when the Republic is restored.

The natives unlike in eastern North America let us in and we never did them harm

Canadians on the other hand really fucked up a lot of BC. We should have kicked all the Canadians out in the 1860s so they couldn't vote to have us join their shitty confederation

a few here and there but i have a cunt gf so not lately

You don't have a dick big enough to suck you filthy insect man

Are you part of a political party?

hmm...doubtful with your agenda to foment civil unrest and independence of taiwan and hong kong. taiwan needs outside help to retake the seat of power. come on, do the right thing

So you're parents are both immigrants?
Were you even born in Australia?

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Declare a Nationalist Republic.



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im not even registered to vote yet i chucked away the letter they sent when i turned 18
yes and yes

Did Hitler do anything wrong?

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Do you cunt suck your dick?

Is she/he looking like this when you forced it?

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Restoration of Ming Dynasty?

she always says it hurts her jaw to much, if im honest i hate the slut but i kind of love her at the same time you know, more hate than love but

Allying Japan and dragging Germany into war with America.
We weren't always part of this stupid confederation. Same with all the western provinces really

Think of in the same way that southerners are different than Americans. We aren't Canadians just taken over by them in a split possibly rigged referendum fueled by the amount of Canadians who came looking for gold

Canadians still come here just to send their paycheck back home while voting for the absolute shittiest policies nothing has changed

>one day brother

you've been saying that since 1949

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Can I hug her?

How does it feels to know ywn be replaced ? And does Chinese people generally thinks that whites and asians are class ahead of any others races ?

i prefer qing dynasty borders ;p

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Do you people normally vote for Conservatives or for Labor/Greens socialists?
Do you understand that Labor/Greens will fuck this country up - more muslim migrants, open borders, unchecked unions, political correctness out of control, gender/trans bullshit.

Qing Borders, Han Administration.

Are you Cantonese or Mandarin?
Also, what is the state of Chinks in Australia? Are they mostly based or do they vote for the left wing party(s)?

Chinks believe subconsciously that they are actually a white race,

that's why they disdain all race darker than them,

and they go out the way to whiten their skin,

no matter cucks or cunts,

they all stay indoor as long as possible to look more like white,

and use mercury skin care products,

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