Why is society so obsessed with video games?

Why is society so obsessed with video games?

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I don't know, dude. Ten years ago I was an outcast, mocked for playing with my stupid toys. Now everyone and their mothers are taking pictures with videogames they don't even play.

They don't even play videogames yet they rule the market. I miss my hobby.

Because there has not been a draft in decades to cull the faggot immature child out of this shit country.

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>no gf who buys you whatever you want

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What the fuck my girlfriend doesn’t buy me PlayStations what the fuck

I'm absolutely convinced that every time I see one of thes stupid posts, its because one of those $oybois stole something.

that’s heckin awesome, I wish I hate a qt 3.141569 to take care of me like my mom did when I was a kid

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t. Sony fag

>wanting a kids toy with a special Spider-Man edition

NPCs, yo!

I dun no that feel

>rule the market

Lightbulb moment. I was wondering why I hate everything that comes out now

Vidya was pretty popular in 08 my man.

It replaces watching TV, who cares

Whenever a woman does something unexpected like this it's because theyre covering up for fucking some random black dude and sucking a mile of cock in a glory hole

idk i just play DM for my bros and paint miniatures
they all get so excited for the new Jewbisoft games or whatever and meanwhile my TV hasn't been turned on in months

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being a faggot that plays superhero videogames

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>I paid some slut to hold my new PS4 for fake internet points

you should spend your free time reading not wasting it playing video games


>nebish Isreali art student gf with big nose, black frame glasses, and curly hair
that dude was probably working on some science to end world hunger or harness limitless energy before he found him. Mark my words.

>doesnt have a ps4

>Why is society so obsessed with video games?

The illusion of success and accomplishment.

>has a ps4

They are the lowest common denominator. They buy anything that has enough adds. Companies don't even try to make good games anymore, they just shit out the safest possible product (usually just copy what's popular) as fast as possible and they all buy it because it's popular or something.

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looks like a bunch of boring junk

Nincel faggot lmao

The normies are obsessed with gay mind numbing games while the OG gamers play teamwork based strategy shooters like post scriptum, R6, etc in moderation with the lads. Unofortuanly most of the games that aren't dog trash are only made by Indy companies because there's not wno Huh money in that industry. This is why BF is turning into COD.

Wars cull the brave and good men, numbskull.

If you want a faggot kid toy with a capeshit videogame why don't you just buy it yourself lol. Oh because he's a faggot who probably has no money and a swarthy gf.

>buying a console in 2018

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pavlovian conditioning

the game is pretty good, plus they shit on CNN constantly throughout the whole game
only thing that sucks is rainbow flags and shitty framerate/graphics

>even these soys have female companionship

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>thinks faggot immature manchildren draftees would even step onto a bus for training

t. nintendo switch faggot

I've been unable to play videogames at all lately, They just don't hold my attention any more. I used to be able to sit for 4, 5+ hours drinking and playing Skyrim or Fallout or whatever, or spend hours in multiplayer shooters/RPGs.

These days, nada. I've tried new games, old games, games I used to love. Just don't care about them any more, the luster is gone.

Guess this is what "growing up" means

>t. 28 year old Boomer

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Jesus christ this. It's gotten to the point where normal faggots are buying and displaying gunpla and d&d figures as kitsch nerd shit. The soulless follow the souled, fuck them

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Provides more stimulation than other forms of entertainment.

I don’t even like Spider-Man or the PS4. I’m a PCfag.

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>wanting video games in the first place
>having one that would if you weren’t already able to buy what you want, when you want
Now you’re cooking with zyklon

Because we love talking to NPCs to explore every dialogue option exhaustively

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It happened for me around the same age. These days I can only get into autism simulators like Factorio and usually only if it's online with a friend.

I have a PS4 but all the games are complete shit. The only game I actually want to buy is Doom

you can do that on twitter

she's an ugly mutt lol

cus society sucks and people want to live vicariously through simulations on a screen

tfw even his dog is more handsome than you are

>cool memeflags beta

I heard at work today that NFL players were doing fortnite dances

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I've never wanted to attend a book burning as bad when I watched this.

50 years ago if you told people they should be wary of modern society becoming so boring that people would invent ways to simulate exciting lives within their own, they would call you a conspiracy theorist. yet here we are.

Society is NOT obsessed with games, they are obsessed with fitting in. Clever marketing makes it seem like "anyone who is cool has a "

Proof of this is the PS4, a console that was one of the best selling consoles of all time on release, when it had zero games. I'm not even /v/ memeing here, if you ignore multiplats(THAT WERE AVAILABLE ON THE FREE-ONLINE-PS3) there was nothing except I think Killzone shadow fall. In this picture, bloodborne wasn't out for quite a while.

I was having a discussion with an online friend in a ventrilo about video game consoles and I said "yeah I don't think I'll buy a PS4 for a long time, don't see why people would buy it on release" and a friend of his spoke up and called me a casual. He wasn't being ironic.

I then asked "why would someone buy a PS4?"

He said "call of duty bro"

Which was on PS3.

Liberals don't like games, look at what they do when someone with any right-leaning opinion makes one, even if it's good. They just play them to "fit in".

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Little does he know he'll be scrubbing the dishes for the rest of the year. This is what women do.
>SURPRISE. I got you something expensive!
>Now you have to do what I say or I'll guilt trip you until you do!

Damn, we really do live in a society

girlfriend probably bought it with his money that they both share.

as adults we should not be playing video games, our purpose should be working to make a family or our lives significantly better. Video games are a big distraction.

What else do we have? Its video games and visions of a dystopian future where bacon is forbidden and sex with goats is seen as a gentleman's hobbie.

Must be a "stage-of-life" transition - unsurprising that so many people never break away from it because manchildren are a spreading cancer these days

>stop playing video games
>"fuck yeah I have a bunch of free time now"
>spend that time on Jow Forums

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you're becoming an npc

Fucking well said.

!!? No one is mentioning that this dude was just sitting in the car waiting for for his gf to shop? This isn't real life.

the voices in my head tell me you're wrong

>saving up $400 in reward points to buy a PS4 as a reward to myself
>decide to use those reward points to buy my girlfriend a nice Valentines day gift
>we're married now and I still don't have a PS4


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>female companionship
That's literally all it is. The sous are push overs, then they get some roastie that wants a stable income and boom. Onions roastie union

rotate your genre. get a game youve never fucking heard of and play it. i felt the same way until i got some zelda games, bayonetta, etc. played assasins creed for the first time. it was good enough to lose sleep over.

Reality sucks. I like to play first person shooters to take out all my aggression

That's what my ex did years ago when 'she bought' me an X-Box 360. I also got bitched at every time I tried to play it.

>not knowing ps4 is 30 frame per second garbage
>Ps4 pro is a VR console that flopped

Cucks think its better cause it sells more overseas.

I like when I bought my switch. I saved every quarter I got from purchases with cash for years in a jar, until I had well over $350 in just quarters. It was fun to watch the employee count them.

Same here, although I still do a baldur's gate run once every 2-3 years

I had the same thing happen, now I read books a lot. If this is growing up I think I like it. I'm still the same person, I just have different interests.

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>our purpose should be working to make a family

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who honestly bases a products reputation on a europoor's opinions

Why can he not afford it himself?

real life is garbage

How is this political?

Video games are addicting and induce passivity in (primarily) fighting age males who, if they paid attention, would be destroying their "IRL" enemies.

life is a grind man, it costs money for people to truly do what they want to. video games have only gotten better and more realistic i suppose. i can understand why people that have shitty lives waste away with video games. i cant do that anymore, i dont get the same dopamine rush i used to as a kid/teenager. nature shit and my gf are what makes me happy now. video games are a time sink and it will really hurt those that waste to much time with them.

Everything associated with nerdom will become normie in time.
Computers, internet, video games... anime will be next., if you haven't noticed it happening to some extent already.

this shitty new Spider-Man game literally has way worse mechanics than a 14 year old Spider-Man game and you can prove it easily with high school tier math

The old game actually simulated free fall and put the momentum into swings. This one is just a bunch of cheap static animations with no soul in the swinging and traveling which is the whole fucking point of a free roam spiderman game

Consoleniggers need to get gassed

Games are for faggots

Because video games can provide the entertainment that fictional books do...time 1000.

Our purpose should be gas the kikes race war now not doing the same shit as boomers and hoping our kids fucking clean up our mess

I can't stand 60 FPS. It makes me lightheaded after 20 minutes. And if I try playing hungry I get nauseous. That's why Persona 5 is the only PS4 game I liked.

>you're not wrong user

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no one cares

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> wasting time playing *Bing Bing Wahooo* on the digital Jew
> not lifting weights and reading Ebola in between fuck sessions to repopulate the white race.
Video games are White Suicide.

I hate how I'm somebody who plays a lot of games but I'm grouped with faggots like in OP. I thought Nintendo was relatively safe but Mario Odyssy was so fucking popular that it drew in everyone.

Shit just keeps getting worse and worse, because originally my favorite genres were shooters and RTS, and RTS is dead right now and every shooter is casualized or Overwatch. Everything went down hill when Halo was released, because companies realized theres a market for making shitty handholdy games which appeals to children and people who don't play games if it's marketed as a hardcore game.

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You just realized your entire identity revolves around your preferences in determining which cheap pieces of Chinese plastic you waste your money on. It took seeing cringy normies following suit to see how vapid and pathetic le nerd culture is.

Get a hobby that doesn't revolve solely around consumption.

>Why is society so obsessed with video games?
obsessed might be the wrong word

but it's relatively cheap entertainment
you don't have to go anywhere
you can order new content online
you don't have to think (not very much, not critically, usually)
you've been programmed to be a consumer
its a peripheral for the electric jew
plastics contain xestrogens to make you gay
plastics contain lead to make you dumb

Poo in it

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Maybe we were never that unique in the first place. Perhaps normies liked the same things we did, but kept it all to themselves out of shame.

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Millenials have occupied the consumer-growth demographic for almost a decade, and we were raised on consoles. Why is this hard to comprehend?

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No one cares that these nu-male kikes think they have a right to exist either


one word...........WEEBS, hell when I was young only nerds and boy kids would play VG's, now even women are starting to pretend to play them for beta bucks..... XD

Imagine being a grown man and posting on social media to brag that someone else bought you comic book superhero edition of a console designed to keep children entertained