NYC user here. Fighter jets were flying low, though Brooklyn today. Shits unnerving. Could it just be some. Labor day bullshit or should I be concerned about them 9/11ing us again? Pic related
NYC user here. Fighter jets were flying low, though Brooklyn today. Shits unnerving. Could it just be some...
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Jews are freaking out right now because Trump is on the verge of declassifying documents that would set forth a series of events that leads in tribunals and mass arrests.
They are moving out of position on a drill so they can't be there to stop anything, silly OP.
It was a part of the 9/11 memorial parade you autist
best part is trying to outrun a jet plane
>though Brooklyn
Williamsburg. The purge begins by military force in Trumpnation.
Lol I wish
take your pick
For football game perhaps?
There was no parade today you double nigger
Can confirm two towers just flew through my neighborhood.
In Brooklyn? Our teams play in jersey
they sprayed chemtrails and landed back at JFK
happening averted
Do it Trump.
On second thought, how would they know? Is this just Trump mole hunting?
Oh, sweet.
Yes there was, it had motorcycles and jets you triple nigger!
Well that makes me feel better....
Go on...
Lying kikel
>should I be concerned about them 9/11ing us again?
leave the city for 9/11 and move away permanently if you want to survive
bin laden's son married mohammad atta's daughter this year.
things are heating up in the middle east
just get out
I'm in Bushwick, saw a few too.
Bullshit. Nothing cool ever happens.
Duder read this and stop acting like a mong
can confirm jeff sessions just flew through my anus
Anons, a Supreme Court justice just flew over my house. I'm scared
i live near JBA and they have been very active, lots of fighter jets, probably just the fucking navy football game
did he uphold wohmens reights?
Womyn's rights? No user. He was there to kill womyn
This is why I wish I had family elsewhere, but I have no one