So what the fuck is wrong with the world? How did this happen?

We got countries performing an hero, like Swedens death by cuck.
We got a push for removal of freedom of speech.
We got drag queens reading to kids.
We got massive % of population who are indoctrinated socialistic brainlets.
We got millions of illiterate people swarming in the West.
We got full retard propaganda to racemix with those people.
Somehow the taxes are being raised even higher.

How the fuck did we end up here? And when nuclear cleansing, cure by fire when?

Attached: cured_by_phoenix.jpg (997x640, 493K)

Other urls found in this thread:ünster_rebellion

Cure when?

Attached: cure.jpg (886x720, 360K)

As one user with the same flag as I said...
>pic related

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>How the fuck did we end up here?
Balfour Declaration

What are you talking about? There is less death, disease, and violence than ever before.

>How the fuck did we end up here?
Promotion of the retarded EQ concept from 1965. It finally made a dent.

Now that you have the dick deep in your mouth, don't forget to swallow.

Am I wrong?

>How the fuck did we end up here?
(((Oppenheimer))) create the nukes and with hat cucked the world from waging direct wars ever again

Hitler lost

white people were collectively shell shocked by the fallout of WW2

shitskins don't understand because they all came after the back to back world wars

Stopped moving forward time-wise and started moving sideways.

>what the fuck is wrong with the world?
It's being run by Jews

when the cure does come just remember to not get tricked into going into the light or talking to light beings or angles or your dead dad. you will be over come when a sense of love. you can not even put into words how this "love" over comes you. if you experienced you would weep and not be your self for weeks.

this how "they" "it" "them" trick you into reincarnating back to this meat grinder. do your best not to fall for it this time.

Wrong about what? You side tracking the topic with 'well we got some improvements in medicine, and like, crime stats look nice in some parts of some countries'?

Jews/kalergi plan/new world order

As Commander in Chief of the most powerful armed forces in the world, Trump can change the fate of Europe in a single day. But he won't :(

He still can.

Attached: Nuclear_happy_pepe.jpg (800x600, 66K)

Don't be naive. It is not that simple. Think about what you said.

>America can subvert the will of a continent, and nobody will say or do shit about it.

>implying the US government isn't behind the NGOs

Cultural Marxism
> how to crush civilizations without firing a shot

We were under the impression it was all winding down through the 80s, but apparently the true shitfest was just getting started

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More like the will of a few corrupt politicians in Western/Northern Europe. Anti-immigrant sentiment is rising and I doubt the idiotic leftists will be willing or able to defend themselves and their precious diversity. That said, it remains an exceptionally difficult mission to accomplish. Trump has said himself that immigration is ruining Europe.

sigh. i know those feels man.

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I'm saying that you screaming about the world ending is normal pointless bullshit, not a sign of things to come.

Could you point out the part where I say the world is ending? The world, sadly, is not ending, it's rapidly turning into diarrhea. I wish it wasn't, but it is what it is. Given the direction and rapidly growing momentum towards said direction, a WW3 full retard nukes seems like a better alternative. Of course one might say 'oh, but lets try and change it' niggaplz.

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Your precious snowflake expectations are ending.

You're still not talking about anything I said, you're just brainlet style talking about your own assumptions. Basically you're talking to yourself.

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>We got countries performing an hero, like Swedens death by cuck.
The Russians heavily invested in subverting our academia during the 60s and 70s in order to weaken us from within. This weakening caused, among other things, the schools to start regarding knowledge and learning as highly suspicious while post modernism, marxism, and other anti nationalist ideologies became doctrine in our schools. Initially this didn't have much of an effect other than the fact that loads of 5th columns started to appear. With the fall of the USSR the Russians reduced their intelligence programmes in Sweden and started focusing more on industrial espionage and the like.

The damage was already done and today you can't actually have any sort of meaningful criticism or discussions about anything important because people are ignorant and they can't actually discuss or think about issues.

The whole Mudslime invasion thing is just blowback from their original intent of weakening Sweden to prepare for a Russian/Polish Invasion during the cold war. I call it blowback ebcause Russia is about to be enveloped by mudslimes (NATO is not the big danger as they often try to claim).

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I've been thinking about it for months and it really doesn't make sense. Modern world is rekt because of KGB agents in the 80s? It really doesn't explain current institutional support for all of this nosediving into a pile of shit has. It's way more likely it's driven by the power elites. Btw what's happening is pretty much 1:1 what Frankfurt school was planning.

we got Poland ruled by jews since1945

Read Spengler. The west is at the end of our civilization's lifecycle.

Sounds nice

If you watch the vids with the guy he used as img.
You will see that it will take generations.
It will kick in hard until 2020 or so. That's when they came super walk in and kill us.
That was the idea.
Since they ended already, no one will take as advantage like they wanted initially.

It's synergy. The elites could never exploit a population that had a more classical schooling. The Russians due to the cold war wanted to expend as much effort as possible winning the shooting war before it started (Russians are heavily influenced by Tzun Tzu). So they threw money at the west in an attempt to demoralise and destabilise the west so that they could win with minimal effort.

The KGB didn't just move in and invent new structures and organisations. They moved in they saw what the organisations and players were that they could use and manipulate. They funded student groups, anti war protests, pacifistgroups, journalists, you name it. It caused academia in particular to become inundated with marxism which is inherently doctrinal and anti knowledge. Now where do our leaders in industry and politics come from? Academia. So that was pretty much our big weakspot.

Naturally, as you say, the globalist elites exploited the situation for their own devices but the Russians got the ball moving.

>Btw what's happening is pretty much 1:1 what Frankfurt school was planning
Purely a coincidence, goy!

Well, Brazil is a shithole, but everyone is starting to hate commies around here. If Bolsonaro wins , maybe we still have a chance to remove this cancer.

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the good guys lost ww2 and what they warned us about, is now reality. i am afraid the cure died then and there with them.

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It's older. This Marxian bullshit has been festering and spreading since the great depression, even as far back as the democratic revolutions in 1848 in some ways.

It has less to do with the KGB than the fact that most educators, entertainers, and journalists are criminally dumb shits. A self-selection bias has been spiraling out-of-control.

The society that avoids it longest will have a shot at inheriting the planet. China?

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But ok, let's talk about my expectations. To put it very simply, let's imagine a line with 3 regions. Negative zone, meh zone, good zone.

Our current power elites and governments/UN inherited from previous generations a very good system, some minor flaws but all the major kinks were already worked out decades ago. All they had to do, was to maintain, fight off internal corruption, put more effort into fighting pollution, keep up with the tech changes etc. All they had to do was stay in the 'meh' zone for life to be awesome.

But for some reason, at some point, they decided it would be a great idea to dive head first into a pile of shit, bringing the West full throttle into the SHIT zone on our line, the further and faster into the SHIT zone the better. Now I don't expect much from government workers, I mean lol cmon, but they really, really fucked up. It could be due to:
- misguided ambitions of 'the past generations solved all those problems, what are we gonna do? We must look for a cause and do something, go into the pages of history as heroes who continued the great crusade for better future for mankind!'
- incompetence
- evil intents
- push for more power
- external powers like China or Russia
Either way, atm they are ruining the West. I'm not special, I'm not unique, if I see this and feel this way, it means millions of other men/women feel/think exactly the same thing or will arrive to same conclusions soon. The elites see this, and what is their solution? More fucking propaganda, deeper down everyone's throats. They fucked up big time, probably beyond repair at this point, and they either don't care, don't really realize it because they are potatoes out of touch with reality or this was their plan.

I'm not delusional about freedom either, we're all fucking tax cattle to them but now they're going full retard.

And note that the problem here is not that people are pushing for immigration. The problem here is that education has been subverted away from knowledge towards indoctrination. This means that when I bring up statistics in discussions and known facts and correlations people simply react with anger and accusations. The reason they do this is because there has been no discussion in the public space about the consequences of immigration or how we should deal with it because the intellectual leaders who should be out there discussing this are products of modern higher education which is essentially just an indoctrination and diploma mill at this point.

Pic related is a result of higher learning and he has been instrumental in the mainstream medias deception of the Swedish people. He gives credence to the claim that immigrants don't commit more crime than people in general and even when someone brings up proof it's just handwaved away with some simple academia-babel which causes enough fog and smoke so that the average voter doesn't understand the point and goes back to thinking that "oh immigrants don't cause crime they're just misunderstood".

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>And when nuclear cleansing, cure by fire when?

June 22, 2019.

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Yes, it makes sense. Globalist elites making use of the situation started by the soviets, this makes sense especially when you factor in the fact that the soviet elites didn't "vanish", they didn't all just retire and went fishing. A lot of them, seeing the hellhole of USSR which they themselves created wanted to escape it and escape it into the West they did (ofc not all, a high %). They didn't board a ship and went to work in a factory either. They got themselves very influential jobs as people who once tasted power rarely choose to give it up. Just look at the highest ranking officials of the EU, they're all communists, it's even on their wikipedia pages. Some of them were founders of communist parties in Western countries, some of them were advisers to Stalin. And then they ruled EU / now they rule EU.

If you trace soviet power elites, often you will find them or their children in EU, UN, NGOs, the media etc.

When you see the beliefs of said soviet power elites, you will find that they are incredibly cold, ruthless, completely immoral people, but very cunning and highly intelligent. We're talking about people who murdered millions in quest for personal power.

So we have globalist elites making use of the situation started by the soviet elites... When globalist elites is more updated name for soviet elites, or their children / other sick fucks in quest for more power.


So about corruption in academia and public discourse, they basically continue the same thing they did in USSR. Academia not being about education but indoctrination, that's exactly how it looked in USSR. Cult of personality for Stalin, praising communism, socialism and requiring of every university student to basically write love letters to socialism (a requirement for getting a degree, in any field, was explaining in front of an examiner why socialistic economy is superior etc.), lack of freedom of speech, censorship and shunning/murdering (gulag time) people with 'illegal opinions'. It's just continuation of the same, and it's being promoted by globalists (ex-soviets or children of ex-soviets). They're trying to make global USSR 2.0.

But one might ask, where the fuck in all of this are the Western elites? European elites, American elites, Anglosphere elites? Intelligence agencies, people behind the governments, why are they allowing this to happen and why are they not course correcting? Wtf is going on?

These elites are the ones that are to blame for the situation to same extent as well.
Because they let it happen. Sure at first they were surprised but they gave in as soon as the horses of lefties and their useful idiots pushed hard against them. They have up the schools and decided to become disgruntled sideliners instead.
These are the people who talk about how bad everything is and do exactly nothing about it.
These are the people who give up as soon as they are called out for daring to speak.
They are spineless and most of them are older now and broken
At the same time, the left, taking from their good manuals, builds grass roots movements and attracts young people, with empty talk, to do their bidding. Most of these young people don't even understand what do they stand for when they protect their leftist ideals. They have no idea and no education and are actively discouraged from thinking on their own.
The communism replaces the individualism with collectivism and group think. It works wonders. It creates a mass, that is easily reduced to a lowest common denominator. Then that mask is used to attack the enemies. The mass, although always infighting and squabbling themselves(divide and conquer, very important part of the strategy), has a very clear vision of who their enemies are and a very vague vision of what they stand for. And that makes them a great tool. That also makes fighting against them harder.

Ww3 starts this month.

The weakness of freedom and democracy is just that. From talking to people who have connections to the intelligence community I have found that they know people who are suspicious but they can't prove anything so they can't act.

They also know people who have been exposed after their death but they don't want to go public because that would shake peoples faith in the system and the institutions. A few years ago a huge archive of STASI documents that was controversially (Not in mainstream media but in certain other circles) destroyed before anyone was allowed to actually open the archive and see what was inside... Think there might be a reason why they destroyed the documents before independent scholars and journalists could get their hands on the information within? Heck yeah.

As for the elites. Well political elites are often picked from universities or they have advisors from universities so... Business elites mostly care about their bottom line. If they can make a buck by selling out Swedish jobs to foreign interests they will.

Jordan Peterson actually mentions this in some of his videos. The marxism that is so pervasive in academia and how it spread and suddenly is unquestionable doctrine even among the western anglosphere intelligensia.

Personally my faith is with Eastern Europe because you tend to have an easier time to dismiss the stupid that comes out of western academia.


It's the kikes and it's being going on for a lot longer than the USSR had existed. You're talking to trump supporting boomers.

Its jews you faggot shill.

Nope. Its kikes and this subversion traces back millennia, but really got kicked into gear with the French revolution.

Its the Kali Yuga

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Kali Yuga is a real thing, we are living in the darkest of all ages and we must ride the tiger.

that's all

>They also know people who have been exposed after their death but they don't want to go public because that would shake peoples faith in the system and the institutions.
If true, that's a massive waste. Because people loosing faith in the system and the institutions is what we need right now for people to wake up. "Oh shit, we've been mislead, lets stop, rethink and re-choose our direction". But of course that's highly undesired by globalists, so no surprise if those documents were really destroyed. Especially when you factor in that previous German chancellor Gerhard Schröder serves as a gimp/butler in a wine cellar in one of Putins residences. Not a comment about Putins motivations, but how not really sovereign European countries actually are.

Political muppets being muppets, business people doing business, but what about the power core, the power elites? It's literally the primary goal of internal affairs intelligence agencies to prevent shit like this from happening, to detect it, to raise alarms, to course correct. Even if they failed and got outplayed, you still have military intelligence and X other agencies with means and power to stop it/do something about it. It's really hard to believe that all of those agencies failed, it's way more probable that they are complicit. Even if one would assume that most of the agency workers were corrupted by marxism in academia (which is really, really far fetched, pretty much impossible that the 'old crew' picked die hard marxists and their ideology was not changed during training/years of experience before they themselves became heads of those agencies), this excuse does not apply to military intelligence.

The Western power elites literally had decades to do something about this, they didn't, and unless Trump is their effort, their efforts and nowhere to be seen. I don't buy an explanation that people were mean to them so they said 'oke' and did nothing.

Marxism aren't as monolithic as you think. What you have is mostly Trotzkyte school of thought.
And most of you still have "commies under my bed" mentality. You understand about elites only caring for their wallets. KGB wasn't that powerful.
And that is the essence of capitalistic mentality. "You die today so i may die tomorrow".

Oh yeah I know all of the USSR stuff is just part of the story. It's not like before USSR humanity sniffed flowers and chased butterflies all day. The founding elites of USA wanted to get the fuck away from Europe and its elites of the time. This history goes way back. Freedom is a rare, shortly occurring exception to the rule in human history.

Started in 1517.

Begin reading here:ünster_rebellion

Oh yeah plenty of them were jewish. If you look at Poland, it's ruled by jews since 1945. Nothing changed after 1989 in that regard.

we have to nuke the jews, it's the only way

you can get rid of 70% of them with just 12 nukes

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In fact during/after WW2 soviet jews hunted down and murdered majority of my family and robbed the family of all wealth/land. Trust me, I know about the jewish involvement.

But they actually did nothing. Either because they have up or worse yet, switched sides.
How many people actively are doing something on the right?
Nigel Farage is the only politician that I can point to who actually won his agenda. And even he, kind of fucked up.
The truth is there are no real right wing elites, and the ones that are there are doing nothing.

Yeah but now it's to late to expose anyone. Trust is fragile and if you expose a vital piece of intelligence to the public just when it would benefit your objectives then chances are that they would have a counterreaction.

>It's literally the primary goal of internal affairs intelligence agencies to prevent shit like this from happening, to detect it, to raise alarms, to course correct.
Yes but they have no one to go to. A few years ago I heard the intelligence briefings became very "washed" because apparantly the people in power that they held those intelligence briefings leaked the information. So the intelligence community don't trust the people in power.

>(which is really, really far fetched, pretty much impossible that the 'old crew' picked die hard marxists and their ideology was not changed during training/years of experience before they themselves became heads of those agencies)
This is a structural problem in Sweden. Everything is so politically controlled that there really isn't an "old crew". If you for example want to become a police chief the worst thing you can do is to become a police officer. Because they don't get promoted to positions of authority. Instead you study law and you grow connections with the local political council then they will put your name forward once there is an opening and they will vote you in if they like you enough. And the top dogs for any position be it military or intelligence is always some guy that the politicians picked. The system is designed to create unquestioning loyalty to the civilian political infrastructure in order to prevent a military coup.

Sweden is pretty much organised like a dictatorship or oligarchy.

I mean we had a high ranking politician with the socialdemocratic party who was sacked last year becasue the biggest intelligence leak in modern history happened on his watch. Today he was elected into parliament because the party takes care of their own. The voters had no say in it.

Yes being sane gets you branded far right these days

feel free to nuke yourselves whenever

London is full of fucking Arabs now

just send the nukes to sweden. we're done for.
this is not going to get any better in 20-30 years and by then we will for a fact be a minority in our own country.

a muslim majority will just turn everything to hell as always.

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I think the democratic option closed back in 2008. Had we elected SD in that election then we might have been able to pull through. But now we're going to learn the hard way what the English learned a few years ago. In any electoral district where you have over 25% immigrants you can't elect an anti immigrant party or a conservative party because the immigrants vote overwhelmingly for leftists and socialdemocrats. So read our demographics and weep. Then start campaigning and organising because the one thing I know for certain is if SD and AfS don't get their own majority by 2022 then we're over. Then the only option is civil war.

Attached: The current state of Sweden.png (1766x343, 31K)

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A mindset was pushed that the West is responsible for the rest of the world. It was in many ways the last desperate gasp of Christianity to try and remain relevant by attempting to buy new converts.

As to fixing it, Rome needs to be retaken. The Roman Catholic Church needs to be dissolved. Those who have been found guilty of child molestation need to be crucified.

Every boat in the Med, whether it's a life raft or a ship belonging to a charity, needs to be sunk to the bottom with all hands aboard if they're aiding economic migrants. Let the fish eat well.

The economists and the EU and the UN all need to be dealt with and swept away. Their power needs to vanish. No more weakness. No more attempting to break down nations to secure power and influence through the division of the populace.

Mass deportations back to the countries of origin. If the countries refuse to take them back, then you toss them out and leave. Fuck the wishes of the countries. They can deal with it.

If any countries attempt to stand on a moral high ground to let all the poor little kitties flock to them, we destroy their centers of government and bring their society screaming to a halt. Drone strikes. No more food, power, or water for major cities. A swift end. Let them burn.

More like Hitler existed and fucked everything up in the first place. You retarded white people dug your own grave and now complain. I dont even care what happens because it would be unfair for me to go unpunished if you people didn't receive your karma.

>Those who have been found guilty of child molestation need to be crucified.
Clarification. Literally crucified. Bind or nail them to trees and let the crows pick at them.

processed food making everyone physically mentally ill from the womb into adulthood, over stimulation technology effecting the brain like an addiction causing more mental illness, then throw in mass social isolation and completely fucked up culture that glorifies being the worst instead of the best, and you have a civilization gone mad

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Really, the growing issue is that one side will be like "HAHA! THINGS ARE SO FAR NOW THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO BUT TO ACCEPT IT!" and in that they fail to understand that all it really takes is one person with a modicum of power or authority and a full willingness to be the greatest monster in history for the purpose of preserving their people. And that's what it boils down to. It isn't impossible or morally untenable if the person has deliberately shut that off simply because they know that to preserve their society they must partake in the devil's work. The more people involved, the more sharp stakes you need. That's the only thing that changes.

Within 100 years it'll be a matter of history books how someone redefined evil by engaging in the wholesale automated and industrial slaughter of 3,000,000,000 people.

I wouldn't go that far I'd just ship them back to Germany whence they came.

well guys, until you arent willing go out and regulary assasinate leaders of the left, as that japaneses kid did. Your culture will fade out, and you will pass away surrounded by our brown grand kids. But all of you dont really care, your ass is more important for you than your nation, history and culture. I am not asking to do so, but your silly attempts of homemade propoganda will always fail since you are not willing take blood for blood.

Keep seething nignog

Sin is wrong with the world. Remember that the West was largely a good place before commies, liberals, feminists, Faggots, and atheists subverted it. We are living in the ashes of Christendom, boys.