Look at this motherfucker's smug face

Look at this motherfucker's smug face
He KNOWS that he destroyed your generation and took all your money, prospects and future; leaving you with nothing but an empty husk of a society where retards on both "sides" endlessly bicker while their masters laugh all the way to the bank.
say something nice about him!

Attached: 46_Dick_Cheney_3x4.jpg (1940x2586, 2.13M)

Other urls found in this thread:


His heart doesn't make that annoying beating sound.

He's going to outlive you, stupid goy

His face says more than real evidence ever could

I said something nice you shitlet.

His name sounds like something you'd get at a piercing shop.

Attached: Dead Dick 1.png (1331x607, 118K)

made me check
I fucking wish

Still have time, got "66" digits on this one too. Double confirmation.


he looks kinda like Mccain, doesn't he?

Attached: 1536235128274.jpg (1072x1053, 101K)


He single-handledly destroyed the (((neocon))) movement

by making it bigger than ever and orchestrating several wars and destabilizing a whole region that still in flames to this day?

Dick Cheney will answer to God.

If he doesn't answer to one of us first.

>destroyed your generation and took all your money, prospects and future

Underrated post.

Attached: 9834597863874875345.jpg (515x828, 89K)

well he doubled the price of gas but he's not the latest shithead to be in the whitehouse and cause a necessity of 1st world life to multiply in price, see 2008-2016

I really fucking hate you.
The guy literally destroyed an entire generation of america, and all you care about is how much gas costs?
You faggots deserve your jewish overlords.

Attached: 1535824871926.jpg (1294x478, 115K)

lower my gas prices bitch

I'm certainly no fan of tricky Dick, but what exactly do you mean by taking all of our prospects away?