>Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
TOP KEK AMERICAN PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Norwegians are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Norway's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
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I agree
yea i mean probably. seems quite reasonable.
We stand with Israel
Lol whats with the bot responses to this low quality bait. Nice targeting system you got their NATO.
I disagree
This is unironically my favorite copypasta
Unfortunately, we do not have enough nukes to completely level your country, but we do have enough for you to fall to your knees and beg while we shove a nuclear warhead up your ass.
Its great, isnt it?
Be afraid or face annihilation
I bet my bottom dollar that your Eurabian ass isn't actually Eurabian but some $oyfaggot in his parents house posting this to get a rise outta people. America can't lose we stand with the Jews. Your woman are being skull fucked in the roads. You haven't a chance with any navy but a fellow Eurabian one.
shut the fuck up Amerijew
Please I don't want do die in another country over oil
Norway was destined to rule the waves
We all know it would be mutually assured destruction. This is why our countries never talk shit openly in the political/military arena. The two 800lb gorillas acknowledge each other.
It would be a really exciting weekend for us. I say, do it.
Truth. Ain't no one wants a piece of Norway.
how many aircraft carriers? 0? That's right, your entire fleet would be bombed to oblivion in a few hours
As punishment, I will accept being turned into a sex slave by your women.
those are the ones we admit to having
I ALLAH akhbar your house bitch lasanga
Nice pasta cuck
>Super computer determined the US could fight the rest of the world to a stale mate
>without nukes being used
>with them being used world would end
Its been a while since you posted mate, whats happened?
How long do you think until the EU get's their space force after we launch ours to space?
why would anyone want war with norway?
>no carriers
>6 listed subs
>almost no decent range capability
>puny air force
You guys are fucked
Note the word was
Mine too
His proposition seems to be of accurate descript.
please spare us great and noble seafaring conquerors
I’m confident that an individual State’s national guard and reserve could best you.
You all are literally being invaded by niggers. Your womans are literally being raped by these niggers. You all are doing nothing.
Yet you are being destroyed by jews and niggers. All this military power will be used to kill white people.
One rod from god and your entire navy vanishes.
all run by mostly niggers, spics, and grunts looking to get quick easy welfare
>he thinks carriers are still relevant
get a load of this boomer
You said American twice.
More people live in my hometown than in your entire country.
Your air force gives a pretty good sightseeing tour around Lofoten. 10/10
Be afraid amerifats
>Fight the jews
I love this norge
Those are some pretty cool cutters, Bjorn. I dig the paint jobs.
Send me a tall, desirable, redpilled Norwegian woman and there shall be no war.
Thanks but they are targeting americans as we speak
Yeah really a no win situation. You lose and get destroyed before the jews "graciously" rebuild your country. You win and the parasite attaches to the new top dog.
Some russian anti-ship missiles have been designed to have a range just a little bigger than US fighters coming from carriers.
Wow dood did an american foreign exchange student steal your girl or something..geeze...its ok man...the real enemy is muslims and jews we all kno that
Know this: if one American citizen is harmed, if even one American so much as feels put upon by a denizen of your tiny, pathetic shithole, the tales of what we will do to you will be told unto the end of our species. Not one man, woman, child, or household pet will survive. We will burn this entire world to the ground.
You have 48 hours.
I was wondering where you were Norway. I missed you. Please don't ever leave us again.
Norway? Oh you mean Africa. At least we're allowed to kill our niggers.
Thanks for the reminder Norbro. I shudder to think what might have happened otherwise....
and mine
death to america
Tell us how many nuclear warheads you had stockpiled after years of hiding behind NATO.
For I, as well, can't wait to turn Oslo into a nuclear wasteland that would do a little improvement to how it already is.
Nice aircraft carriers you got ther.. O wait
Whenever i start to feel safe and comfortable, i see this thread.
you are right
Id talk shit about your nation, but im on mobile and cannot mouseover to check what it is, i dont know that flag, and i literally dont care either. But you sure as fuck know my flag.
You couty is literally so worthless that the most powerful nation literally doesnt care about your existence.
>european made submarines
your shitty ass euro-subs are either piloted by sickos dismembering women, or are drowning. pic related
> 2020
>Trump has just lost to Kanye West
> Trump enters into a fit of mad frenzy
> Gets drunk
> Declares war on Norway
> Presses nuke button on his desk
> War over
> World GDP drops by .5%
> Some type of salmon and bear goes extinct
> The world moves on, recovers in 3 weeks
But its true deep redpill not copypasta mutt. I would really like to see clash between murica and norway
Go back to Murmansk Igor
Based Norway only decent country apart Switzerland
Its growing on me
Haven't seen this thread for a while, now it's back, good.