Israeli 'art students' had 4 years of unlimited access to the WTC

Attached: E-Team.jpg (288x423, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jews nuked the twin towers.

Both military remote controlled planes fired depleted uranium shells into the tower right before impact and there were 2 nukes in the basements.

Attached: student02.jpg (703x849, 144K)

Attached: Poised_photos_s media.jpg (705x631, 69K)

Compare this photo of the tower with the E-Team photo.

Attached: September 2001.jpg (288x456, 31K)

Attached: 1528169239920.jpg (600x456, 174K)

What a surreal day that was.

Why the fuck isn't this being spread around more? GET IN HERE PEOPLE.

yea senpai lots of people worked there

fake and gay

don't worry about this it's a nothingburger, already debunked many times

anyone posting threads about 9/11 or the "le all jews are evil xD" meme is an NPC

Yea you both are not fooling anyone.

Thanks for bumping the thread though.

*yawn* boring. everyone knows Saudi Arabia was responsible for 9/11, why are you still desperately trying to blame Israel?

I-it's just a coincidence, right?

You'd have to be naive to think it wasn't investigated.

How you were preconditioned to accept the collapses

Oh and I believe that's Josef Mengele in the White House with Stroessner and LBJ there.

Attached: 06820f240ba8730a5e362ed010b15382.jpg (493x434, 43K)

Philips Twin Towers advert

Attached: Josef_Mengele,_Richard_Baer,_Rudolf_Hoess,_Auschwitz._Album_Höcker.jpg (3804x2584, 2.86M)

Israel was responsible for 9/11 obviously

Same posting CIA / Mossad shill detected.

Sorry but you DO have an ID that you cannot magically transform.


It's funny but my inner voice just screamed hang the kike when I read your post cohencidence?

shock and awe, now THAT was some news

Check this guy!

Attached: image.jpg (480x362, 41K)

They're just art students, what is your point? were the artists in Berlin responsible for the city getting obliterated

I was sure it was a movie when it first came on the news.
looked like hollywood bullshit...then all the info came out.

Then you have the Trump phenomenon that nobody seems to remember.

Morning of 9-11, Trump does an interview on the phone with a local news station:
"bombs, there were bombs in the building, I called lucky larry to make sure he was ok"...

2 days later Trump gives an impromptu interview to a German news station that just happens to be on the street where Trump is walking:
"1600 degrees, jet fuel, tremendous heat"...

Trump became the first person to give the official narrative of the 9-11 tragedy 2 fucking days after it happened.

Attached: greatrhombicosidodecahedron.jpg (200x200, 17K)

>thousands dead
dios mio

>Still thinks Israel and Saudi Arabia are different people.
>being this new.
They have always been allies. Different sides of the same shekel.

Trump was in on it. Trump has ties to Mossad and Epstein + Roy Cohn.

It's all a big show. Do not trust these characters.

(((art students)))

Attached: 1533492347332.jpg (843x843, 87K)

Attached: art students.png (635x541, 59K)

I am quite aware that Trump is a cut cock lover and conspirator.

Don't forget his dalliances with Ghislaine Maxwell...the chick recruiter that picked underage girls from Trump's golf course.

She was never officially named, investigated or interviewed


Attached: MedusaTouchMilchanMeme.jpg (711x481, 106K)

Fake news, that interview never happened
Heres the real trump interview on 9/11 he knows the steel beams couldnt melt

Actually it was Saudi Arabia collaborating with Palestine to destroy the twin towers, Israel had nothing to do with it.

Youre faggots

5 mossad agents were arrested. nothing else has to be said .

-9/11 official story violates fundamental physics

-Molten steel, far beyond temperatures of jet fuel + office fires found in WTC

-Molten iron and active thermite found in all WTC dust

-3000+ Architects and Engineers Demand a new investigation

-University of Alaska Study modeling WTC7 collapse concludes that the official story is impossible

-AE911, new debunking of official collapse theories

Attached: no_crushing.webm (720x480, 1.45M)

another shill with the demented "nukes" theory

Israel doing 9/11 makes no sense. Why didn’t they pin the attack on Iran, their number one enemy? What did Israel gain by us invading Afghanistan?

And don’t say it was for Iraq either as Saddam was no threat to Israel.

Trump is going to lay the fucking smackdown on King Kike, dumb prick doesn't even see it coming

>collaborating with Palestine
you know they did more than throw a brick through one of the first story windows of one of the towers right?

Specific Israelis/Sayanim involved in 9/11

Daniel Lewin (AAF11) (Sayeret Matkal captain)
Edmund Glazer (AAF11) (Lewin's seat mate)

Oded Ellner (arrested) (Urban Moving Systems)
Omer Marmari (arrested) (UMS)
Yaron Shmuel (arrested) (UMS)
Paul Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Sivan Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Dominik Suter (UMS boss/owner) (fled to Israel with wife, abandoning UMS offices in NJ and selling house, after one round of FBI questioning; multiple PCs seized by FBI from UMS remain classified)

Dov Zakheim (head of Pentagon, certified practicing rabbi) (formerly of SPC Systems, which specialized in advanced confidential automated/remote milcraft flight technology)
Michael Chertoff (ordered deportation of five arrested UMS Israelis and dropped FBI investigation, after pressure from Jewish state) (initiated surveillance/security state, reaping millions in profit from scanners etc, now owns Chertoff Group, which lobbies for new scanner tech to US Gov)
Larry Silverstein (his role/foreknowledge is exaggerated; he was a billionaire sayanim who looked the other way and was rewarded) (then new owner of WTC)

These names/people are the strings we yank to unravel the Israeli plot that was 9/11. While there were likely some Saudi hijackers aboard the aircraft, they were completely shadowed by Israeli operatives, as seen with the "Israeli art students" in Hollywood FL. Speculation: Some of the identified hijackers were professionally stolen identities used by Sayeret Matkal operatives who casually dressed as Muslims on 9/1

Attached: 1475223740037.png (619x406, 232K)

this theory is the real deal

Bibi will die in Guantanamo Bay

Attached: 1511175797671.png (1104x828, 1.05M)

Gotta start a middle eastern war somehow.

Once it starts its easy to continue and slowly force people out.

This is depressing but I'm glad you posted it.

Reminds me of the "artists" plotting to "formerize" the West:

fucking kike faggots

Sorry bub, real Mossad don’t goof around and dance or get arrested.

9/11 was just a Jewish art project.

Japanon legit af

Attached: mossad life.png (719x495, 73K)

What was in those boxes?

>mossad is bunch of fit commando Jews who don't make huge mistakes like all the other alphabet agencies

Attached: 1526210248012.jpg (1066x1534, 646K)

So, you are saying that jews use sex, pretty women, and deception as a weapon?

Oh wow, who would have guessed?

I suppose that now you are going to tell me that porn is a mossad psyop to make money for their agents, and destroy western women, as well as craft elaborate sex-type psyops and blackmail for certain targets?


Next thing you're going to tell me, is that the only ACTUAL Americans that (((They))) let into government positions, are the most gullible and naive that they can find.....

or maybe even something as silly as painting smart americans with the specific type of paint that (((they))) have determined that you absolutely hate, in order to make sure you never hire them...

delet mister

What about the melted vehicles with tires still intact?

Russians were short selling stocks before 9/11
The Manafort Brothers cleaned up the impact site after 9/11
The Manafort brothers Also demolished Adam Lanzas house for free

It was teh Russians.

I don't even know HOW to delete my posts...

and if I did, I wouldn't.

But anyway, everyone should WATCH the post this user wanted deleted, to see if it gets deleted.