>omg don't talk about NPCs because they r gonna shut Jow Forums.gov down xD >guyz talking about reality is a fuckin JEWISH psyop becuz if u talk about reality then like, uh, theres gonna b a false flag because uh.... >anyway just stop
What's the REAL psyop here?
Shills go to hell, we know the truth now, the toothpaste is out of the tube and nothing you do will put it back in. Nothing is going to shut Jow Forums down and no one fucking cares if it DOES get shut down because we'll go somewhere else. As if the real players here don't know about other sites, as if that's even our concern.
If you really want to know what all of this means I have answers and I don't mind sharing. Shills be damned to hell, let the waters roar.
Oh and "for the record" -- it's not illegal to discuss something, people chimping out over ideas has little to nothing to do with the people discussing ideas otherwise Islam would have been banned to hell and back by the US you dumb faggots.
You're a kike and I hope you get banned. Eat my fucking thundercock. Jow Forums is a board of peace and we wish to discuss peaceful philosophical memes without your interference. Anyone who wishes violence upon others IS AN NPC.
Jayden Morales
Wow. Keep dreaming.
Connor Adams
Israel gets invaded from all sides and you're gonna watch your family die.
We live in a simulation. Most people in this simulation are actually NPC characters. They do not have an inner voice or experience higher thought. You can spot them from a mile away. They are the ones who engage in tribalistic partisan politics, have cookie cutter tastes and opinions of media, and seem to go about their day doing their thing without a care in the world. They don't truly feel strife, angst, depressive moods. They have never done soul searching because they have no soul to search for. Empty husks. If you read this and think to yourself, "no, that can't be right... Is this some kind of joke? Just another forced meme?"... Congratulations. You aren't an NPC, because you actually thought about it. Enjoy being a real person, surround yourself with the ones who are real people. The NPCs can't understand. There is no thinking outside the box when they themselves are part of the box. They've never wondered about the true nature of the universe, of existence, the joke that is life. Spot the NPCs, don't play the game and adhere to their values (must enjoy these things, work for these things, look like this, talk like this), and become happier. You are an individual.
Nolan Long
The tactic of the shill is to repeat a message ad-nauseam until it becomes a truth.
They're going all out to stop this meme because it's going to wrest control from the jews once and for all.
Get ready, because their system control just got hacked.
Blake Smith
It is a simulation but not everyone has to play by the same rules. True buddhas are system-level hackers. Get karma, change dharma... :^)
Nicholas Garcia
Nah, they are however in a lower level of conciousness and thus I label them not personally conscious (NPC)
Lincoln Reed
>meme flag >muddies the water
Not in my thread you fucking trashposter.
Leo Sullivan
I thought that was what the retards on /X started saying just because the NPC meme came out like a day before Elon Musk started talking about living in a simulation
Wyatt Morales
>simulation Dimension. We live in a dimension; one who who-knows how many. Modern technology has allowed us to reach out to each other in a way that allows agreements on topics to alter the course of history by varying degrees, based on understanding and what basically amounts to 'psychic energy'. We are evolving as a species during/because of this. I don't care where your focus is personally; Sweden, Syria, Emails, Swamps, whatever. That's irrelevant. What's important is what it's doing to our brains. We're coming to the conclusion that all people everywhere want something that cannot be done or achieved; so they speculate. They get so lost in trying to swing their reality in their favor; they start wondering if people are 'not really real', or if the world is some kind of computer program. The science doesn't add up.
Brandon Thomas
what are we supposed to do, ask our friends and family if they think thoughts with words and if they say no we have to teach them how to do it?
Brandon Young
I appreciate the input. You are also individuals with different ideas. Peace to all of you.
Gavin Roberts
Player characters in this reality are layers of dimensions that control a meat puppet which interacts with this dimension. It is not merely sufficient to claim that it is a dimension because it does not describe how this "reality" functions -- it is a simulation that you are not necessarily entering from other simulated realms.
In short, the experiences here are purely a simulation but that does not mean that all consciousness here is simulated. Think of it like playing a video game and entering a game. Real players, simulated game.
The science does point to that, actually, and is continually suppressed as to not cause panic. But you can only suppress truth for so long.
Peace and blessings to you as well friend. :^)
>play world of warcraft >ask every character in starting zone what they think
Gabriel Mitchell
You fuckers need to go back to /x/ (your containment board), and stop pestering every single board with your bullshit. OF COURSE every human has fucking consciousness.
What? That there are people that are very bland or that deem thinking for themselves to be too much of a mental exhaustion? Of course, but solipsism, to any degree, is retarded.
Luis Perry
>prefers Asuka to Rei
well clearly. Only beta faggots prefer Rei. A real man can handle a strong-willed woman.
Ryder Wilson
to be desu, this does seem on the surface to be a major kike psy op to get impressionable Jow Forumslacks to discount the human lives of others and commit atrocities, leading to the shut down of Jow Forums
Ryder Sanchez
>abloo bloo bloo don't imply I'm not real because I'm boring and all my actions are predestined
Dumb NPCposter. Only NPCs chimp out at this knowledge.
Kayden Baker
There are 8 dimensions.
Liam Cooper
>prefers Asuka to Rei Fucking jewish glownigger shills
Why don't Jow Forumsposters kill dogs? They aren't human, they don't think like humans, and they act like automatons without consciousness.
Because no one here is going to violently react and only DUMB NPCs think that would happen because you are coded to react that way. Real players are more empathetic than that. As my player action I feel empathy and sorrow for you, not malice and hate.
It is a reflection of YOUR self and not the real people here that you believe we would be violent.
Andrew Johnson
>phoneposter NPC
Eli Torres
Just to follow this up:
see the OP, no one fucking cares about that other than dumb NPCs and shills. Eat my thundercock.
Angel Ortiz
yep, they're gonna make a post in the middle of the night just like last time good thing i'm archiving every NPC thread :>
James Barnes
the fuck kind of dogs have you been around? all my dogs have been pcs, bitch
Luis Hall
>hurr durr I'm retarded and I don't leave the basement If you interacted with any people outside of your wannabe-intelligent social clique, you'd realize the reality of things.
This notion of "everyone is a simpleton, except for me and my WOKE friends" has been around since forever, and it is typical of hormonal teenagers. This NPC meme is just a new flavor of the same attitude.
Dominic Wood
dumb npc poster, 'dog mom xD'
I love animals and I only wish them well but elevating them beyond their mental status is the realm of retards and jackass women
Jayden Butler
Only NARCs don't like it. Guess what you are?
Luis Hughes
if you think being a pc has anything to do with intelligence, youre a fucking npc
Ryan Smith
yeah I agree with this NPC that the OP NPC is helping take this NPC meme way too far, just saying, as one NPC to another
Luis Wood
Funny, most every time I do they are indeed fucking retards little better than automatons.
Brandon Foster
yea schizophrenia makes a ton of sense and people are always rational
too bad NPC is a meme and you're retarded
Adam Wright
Ohno ohnonononono What the fuck you're even talking about? muh error 404 - arguments not found HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... ... ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Nah nigga fuck that. Dharma = rules, karma = rulepoints. Any system, operating system, video game, board game, etc. has rules, and earning points within those systems grants abilities and values. It's not that special. Consider a job, right? Let's go basic, burger flipping job. The dharma of that job is 'come in and flip burgers' -- do it well and long enough and you will escalate your position within the system, you will go from burger flipper to manager, etc., get it?
Pinche idiota. Piss off, you're not smart enough for European ideas. ;)
Instead of merely offering disdain for the ideas discussed, offer a more substantial and meaningful worldview that would eschew (uh-oh big word alert!) the paradigm (another big word!) that is present instead of just being a dumb spic that chimps out at things he doesn't like.
I don't forget the reader. I'm not posting any of this for YOU, I'm posting this for the quiet audience that does not post but rather reads these threads and considers ideas. The true mark of a philosopher is twofold: he can consider ideas without adopting them as his own, and understands that it is not the answers that we give which matter but rather the questions we ask.
Here I ask, have you even thought for one moment about our dear readers? Or were you vainly posting to prevent an inevitable avalanche of truth?
You're a horrible fuck and far below my intellect. If I wanted to argue that I was the only conscious being here it would be easy to defeat anything you claimed, but that's not my argument and you merely wish to categorize it as such because you don't have the capability to disagree with someone like me. What I truly wish to argue, and what I -do- argue, is that you are unaware to such a degree that you don't consider our dear reader. I do. On that basis, you have failed so spectacularly that if you HAVE obtained a college degree I petition you to seek a refund.
James Adams
Post another basic-bitch tier insult.
Christopher Edwards
>everything that I don't like or understand is schizophrenia xD
Again, forgetting our dear reader. You cunts are pathetic.
Charles Brown
I'm here for your questions. Just ask.
Blake Cox
>Posts 4chad >Gets quads
Checked. The NPC meme is powerful because it's part of reality. We live in a world with lots of NPC and it's better because of them. Without the NPCs life would be a giant deathmatch. The NPCs bring order and stability to the world and help us go on quests.
>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophical_zombie There are definitely "people" out there who are this. I know because you talk to them about what differentiates a real person from a machine pretending to be a person and they just look at you like a confused retard. I always thought they were just being facetious pricks but now that I know some 70% of people don't even really think it makes more sense to consider them NPCs of a kind.
Oliver Torres
look and admire at how hard this NPCshill tries
Joshua Flores
I was going to ask you for arguments to prove your position on "NPCs", but I noticed you keep going on and on about not forgetting the reader. Exactly what are you trying to prove to, ehem, our dear silent readers?
Samuel Watson
and you anti-shills just shut.it.down with stupid one liners.
250%, I love NPCs and I love dogs, cats, cute animals, women, all that crap.
Since you understand please help spread the understanding that yes, NPCs exist, but also that they are some of the best parts of this reality. The knife-making NPC that has worked with knives for 50 years because his NPC dad and grandpa, etc. did helps me make excellent food with a great cutting utensil and I wouldn't have as good of a time without them.
Unironically there is nothing wrong with being an NPC, but there is plenty wrong with denying that fact.
>go into town >greeted by friendly butcher NPC with meats and pleasant conversation >NPCs compete in games for our amusement
It's great. Lying about that fact is stupid and bullshit though.
I can make a simple and direct argument.
An NPC is any human who does not engage in the following behaviors (beyond the "internal voice" meme posted, which is also valid)
A player character will adapt their behavior to a situation. Let's make a comparison. Depending on the situation I would change how I react and act in order to best suit the situation and my ideals, I wouldn't discuss these ideas in public because I don't wish to engage with some fucking jackass pablo like you because the dumbass roasties in the media would chimp out over it and decrease my karma IRL.
Beyond that, a player character will -always- have the ability to act independently of the information provided by the system. Your posts in this thread follow a pattern which you believe to be organic but they merely conform to the paradigm which has already been set. Jow Forums threatens the system so much that you feel the need to post about it. Nothing you do threatens my worldview or my existence. I don't give a FUCK what you post because you can't change anything -- you have to conform to the world around you. Your fear is a byproduct of knowing you are beholden to OUR changes. Sucks for you. We never got better, we just learned to adapt. Evolution.
Austin Watson
Claro, si no eres inteligente, te pones celoso. Problemas, idiota?
Connor Barnes
It's ok. No need to be afraid of us.
The NPC meme is for people who have advanced beyond mere "arguments." Arguments are logical and linear. The NPC meme is for people with advanced pattern recognition skills and lots of XP in the game we call "Life on Earth." Pattern recognition is non-linear and irrational. You cannot argue in favor or against a pattern. You simply observe, notice and remember it. People with alot of XP in this game, who have traveled to many realms and completed many quests, are starting to notice that many of the players in the various environments exhibit certain patterns of behavior, and perform certain roles that indicate that they are not being controlled by conscious, free-willed beings, but rather that they are operating according to a pre-defined set of possibilities. In order to make the game more immersive and more fun, NPCs are programmed to believe that they are and act like they are player characters. However, we are noticing that they are not player characters. We are noticing that they do not go on quests and they do not accumulate XP and ascend to higher levels. They perform their function and aid, hinder or test the players who complete quests and challenges.
"the speed at which you adapt to change is one of the keys to survival"
dank and frank
Carter Rogers
>Depending on the situation I would change how I react and act in order to best suit the situation and my ideals Everyone does this to some extent. There are, however, people that think very emotionally or that just act on their personal benefit, and not on their ideals or any shit. >a player character will -always- have the ability to act independently of the information provided by the system. Everyone does. >Your posts in this thread follow a pattern Yes. They are formulated according to what I believe. Your posts also follow a very obvious and very popular pattern, by the way. Can you recognize it, user?
Anything outside of what I quoted is masturbatory rambling. Why the fuck would you type this out on a separate post?
Brody Sullivan
because of the character limit you fucking retarded spic
fuck off already no one cares about your trash-tier posts pablo
Levi Roberts
Maybe you wouldn't hit the character limit if your posts were concise and not full of delusions of grandeur, retard.
James Reyes
I never said this is bad for NPCs. Alot of NPCs are afraid of Player Characters becoming aware of the existence of NPCs. That's why you see NPCs getting mad at people discussing NPC theory and NPC threads getting shut down. The NPCs are afraid that player characters will consider the NPCs as "not real humans" and that we will tecklessly murder them as if this game that we play is like GTA. In the game that we play, the rules protect NPCs so they do not need to worry about us mudering them. Murdering NPCs would prevent us from completing our quests, and we would be forced to respawn after a lengthy and painful waiting period.
Ryder Nguyen
He's a high level player. Don't talk to him like that.
>7th post in the thread without 1 single original thought and without saying anything that isn't a reply to what I have already said. >posts an insult because he can't respond to anything I have posted despite giving him 10x the amount of effort and thought
Wow you are really making me think here. I sure am invested in you being a real person and not just a trashcan NPC mirroring my posts.
I'd rather a microsoft chatbot respond to my posts, at least it might amuse me.
I feel like a Rhodesian or South African white person right now.
Seriously, fuck off and eat a dick or make a fucking argument. Stop responding to what I'm saying and have an ~original thought~ or fuck off. You're boring as fuck.
Angel Young
I'm not a player but yeah, violence is a fucking massive IRL penalty and should be avoided at all costs.
Blake Peterson
I meant Player Character.
Jacob White
This NPC meme is really exposing the impassible gulf that separates the Player Characters from the NPCs.
I'm not a PC either. It makes the NPCs pissy when I say this but fuck them. I'm stuck in your reality temporarily, so I'm doing whatever until I'm out of here.
Joshua Evans
You are broken. Give it up.
Cameron Lopez
question is though, what will happen to the NPC when they get replaced by robots
Cameron Torres
Defending kike feinstein? I know now this shit is garbage. JIDF days are numbered.
Zachary Ross
Holy fuck kill that thing with fire
Jayden Bennett
Kayden Lopez
Seriously wtf is up with the deluge of tripfags lately?
Outed. There is no way you are not in some shilling office right now among your fellow rats. Stop this nonsense now and you might get away with it. This is bullshit.
Samuel Scott
>he thinks his thoughts and opinions in this thread are "original" My fucking sides, user. >>and without saying anything that isn't a reply to what I have already said I'm only interested in debating anyone who believes the NPC shit, but you're the only one willing in this particular thread. >>posts an insult because he can't respond to anything I have posted despite giving him 10x the amount of effort and thought I already have, and you responded with retarded insults.
>>U WHITE PEOPLE R BAD BECAUSE U LET US KNOW ABOUT NPCs, SIMULATIONS AND HOSPITALS, WE WULD B HAPPIER IF WE DID NOT KNOW The levels of strawman here are OFF THE CHARTS. It's like you're talking to another person.
David Harris
Not reading your crap. You need to stop with this. It's over kike.
Mason Taylor
Jose Hughes
We will need human NPCs to build, install, and maintain the robots. If somehow we don't even need human NPCs for that, then we can send the human NPCs to live off the land like they did for thousands of years before the industrial revolution. NPC s are capable of sustaining themselves. Robots only exist as tools to benefit the Player Characters and help the Player Characters accomplish things that the human NPCs cannot. There need not be conflict between human NPCs and robots.
Bentley Sullivan
I've literally met spics like you IRL that chimp out about this and it's boring as fuck.
Yeah I work for the CIA, NSA, BBC, FBI, CNN, KGB, and BBKing. Truly you are a genius.