Democracy has failed us, what comes next won't be pretty

Democracy has failed us, what comes next won't be pretty.

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lol how many times have crazy idiots said that in the past?

>what comes next won't be pretty
That's not a nice thing to say about your wife's bull

God speed but we know you won’t do shit. I’ve realized whites will never revolt, about half of them are traitors anyways

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He didn't say he was going to do shit, but you have to admit that the muddied world is not exactly going to be the beacon of human achievements.

swedish men in the streets in a daze with immigrant cum dripping out of their asses?

yea not pretty

>the muddied world
Get the fuck over it.

>he is ok with this timeline
kill yourself

Enough drinking Håkan.




Seriously, the global IQ is going to drop precipitously over the next century or so if trends continue.
It will set humanity back a long way, ushering in a new 'dark' age, if you will.

I don't think humanity will ever recover save some drastic movement where we get it right

throwing bottles of your piss isn't going to do much
even a big mass shooting of like 100-1000 migrants plus torching their dorms won't change a damn thing. you would need the police and military to uncuck themselves and be on the nationalist side. not gonna happen since police/mil are whores for the money.

its basically going to come down to less than 500 people willing to risk their lives and risk getting imprisoned for going against the system. the rest are normies who think, well if we just keep our head down and continue working then maybe nothing bad will happen to us.

Pretty is a wild bloom on the meadow.

What shall emerge from this will be beautiful and terrible beyond reckoning.

According to Plato democracy follows oligarchy and tyranny follows democracy.
But what really denotes the symptom of democracy is an overvaluation of liberty, which might be present under any political regime under certain conditions.
But democracy is least prepared for managing social disruptions that occur as a consequence of for example the mass production of some radical new technology that encourages and enables new found liberties.

This is why for example the most authoritarian middle eastern states managed to survive revolutionary movements enabled by internet/social media in Arab spring while regimes that permitted more democrat or provided heavy welfare either fell or made compromises or reforms or had to become authoritarian to maintain order.

But a legitimate democratic states that allow or develop liberty-enabling internet/social media stuff is headed straight for tyranny. Just a matter of time. It might arise internally or externally but it will happen. Because everyone just abandons all the old norms that kept society together, and the new technology ensures no new norms stabilize anytime soon. So the only way for their to be order at all is for one dude to just start dictating it.

Anarcho-neetism - Death to all those who stand in the way of freedom for user

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Democracies have rise and fall all through history dumbass. Tyranny always follows democracy as Plato observed.
Thus, all Democrats are either morons who don’t know history and can’t be bothered to read The Republic, or they (usually the dem party elite) are wannabe tyrants who know very well that democracy leads to tyranny, that is their goal and they plan to benefit from it.

lol you ain't gonna do shit Sven

you and all Swede men are weak and limp

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