Sexually transmitted (((tropical))) disease outbreak in the UK

First ever Monkeypox outbreak in the UK, is transmitted by "close contact"
>prep your bulls
This is some sad shit England.
Press F to pay your respects to our dying dad.

Attached: AverageBritMalady.png (595x475, 526K)

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It turns them nigger?!

enjoy living in even more fear now
tropical btw


PC way of calling it niggerpox?

is this the purge of britain? we know they are pretty sexually degenerate.

I remember when I was younger I thought that it was sad that my country was being filled by shitskins, but at least we had Europe and Canada. In my naive mind these places were all white.


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He's a 8/10 in the UK

It Begins.

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UK hate thread?

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Your future too now with social democrats winning

hope it kills all the undesirables

I don't actually hate UK, I am genuinely saddened by this.

according to some swede anons the election was actually rigged, not a meme like clintons claim

so am i but it might make them better, it will get the sexually degenerate killed, and only the respectable and smart will survive. Hopefully.

how are you going to save the white race without white females?

wait... wait... wait.... moneky pox? MONKEY pox?

this rasis stuff has to stop. I'm literally raped by these words

My understanding is It’s not a std like herpes it’s more like smallpox

Human-to-human transmission occurs through respiratory droplets, contact with infected persons or contaminated materials.

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This is what you're missing out on, Incels.

Awww fuck, Britain is getting black death-ed again. Damn it, i was hoping it would actually be useful.

>Human-to-human transmission occurs through respiratory droplets, contact with infected persons or contaminated materials.
So being in somewhat close proximity is all it requires? Is the Atlantic ocean more then enough to keep English away? Can we please put England on the muslim ban list NOW!?

What they gonna do about it? Nothing. 4 more years of ass rape for them

This is why Indian and Paki bulls are making inroads in British Hotwife and Cuckold communities.

It hurts oh god why is this happening?

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okay, this is way worse than I thought, not an STD but a legit pox disease...FUCK FUCK FUCK

We need BritBan NOW

Do you guys have the faintest idea how bad this actually could be? Worse than Ebola, for starters. More contagious, just as deadly.

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Russians are known to spray things on doorknobs and handles. Theyre causing this

if I get it i will travel to america and infect everyone

No. Stay in your isolation isle.

muslim mayor who appears on the world stage.. yea. hey @therealdonald no more british fags.

air lines need blocked. fuck its scary how easy you could send niggers with the plague from some country to a us city and literally black plague the population.

>Infection of index cases results from direct contact with the blood, bodily fluids, or cutaneous or mucosal lesions
>human-to-human, transmission can result from close contact with infected respiratory tract secretions, skin lesions of an infected person or objects recently contaminated by patient fluids or lesion materials. Transmission occurs primarily via droplet respiratory particles usually requiring prolonged face-to-face contact

Make out with niggers and this will happen to you.

You're all faggots


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i will infect you first

>google backsearch
>Related images arent this image
Oh fuck.

damn, i wanted it to get rid of the undesirables.

yes please infect a white neighborhood you traitor.

go get monkeypoxs faggot. lemme know how that effects your life. i would not hang out with you after.

Silly Goys, you have nothing to fear, continue fucking imported niggers.
KYS kike

Anyone have the screengrab of the one user that said the purpose behind placing all of the impending migrants into camps before releasing them on Europe was to propogate sexually transmitted diseases amongst the migrants so it would spread to the European natives and cause a pandemic?

He said it was to bank on the increasing price of AIDS medicine.

Show us what it looks like on a cellular level pls (for reasons)

>yes please infect a white neighborhood you traitor.
>implying Brits are still white

I'm glad the habsburgs are still around

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We have guns here. Prison is better than death.

No, go to Israel and die like a good Christian you self hating cunt

>guy: "hey I'm here to enter the country!"
>border control: "Sure, diversity of disease is our strength!"

He could be a nine if he climbed into a foxford tweed.

No, that's dumb.

jesus christ lmao

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Would you care to come to the monkeypox orgy tomorrow there will be at least a couple dozen infected people there

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Jesus, how long ago did he die?

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Oh fuck introducing random diseases to a population that hasn't been exposed to it. White people deserve this. Hurt how does it feel said bunch if random white people pretending to be native american

I thought we took care of poxviruses a long time ago. We don't even administer smallpox vaccine anymore to prevent this either.


R u mentally handicapped

>be medical professional
>this shit hits the shores
>go to work
>grab some extra isolation gear
>grab a vaccine
>set up house
>wait it out

I'm good.

It won’t get to America, trump called out the obama administration the time an Ebola suffer was allowed to fly in and break quarantine

If the blood sacrifices continued, we probably would've had a genuine ebola crisis on our hands.

This is probably the new improved twice as strong twice as transmissible version that magically came out nowhere and started to spread

Don't worry Doctor (((Jacobs))) says everything will be ok.
Also, fuck phone posters.

not soon enough.

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Given how it pops up out of nowhere and becomes detected early on so quickly, it's definitely worth monitoring and quarantining. Pox viruses tend to be troublesome to say the least.


That's pretty cool. I also want to try popping each and every one of those sores. With like 6 layers of gloves and a hazmat suit, but still.

Yeah I think I'm just going to go and masturbate to some more porn while crying. Then fall asleep and have dreams of (trying) to meet non-Thot women like I did last night.

I still cant get over how hilarious it is that some jew convinced white royalty to marry a nigger. You could not come up with a more validating proof that pol is and always has been right about everything. Every single time there's something that irks pol to the core there just happens to be a jew involved. It's not a coincidence and anyone who isn't woke regarding the JQ in 2018 has a room temperature IQ. It's just not possible to not see what is right there in your face.

nigga looking like a damn crunch ice cream bar.

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so it only affects niggers?

When the heir married a nigger.

Wasnt she a nasty ass hoe too? Lol the black stuff is watever, but apparently shes a poverty actress thats a slut. Kek coulda had a nice british bitch but went the shittiest possible route