I'm a centrist. They were wrong to ban Alex Jones and it's a dangerous slippery slope. But also the dude needs to behave better from here on with his language. We give him another chance, with clear guidelines, if he promises to behave.
Is that so hard? Believe or not you can do this with every single controversial issue.
>look here alex, massah a gud man u jus bes behave lest massah get mad
America is such a slave nation
David Morris
Evan Scott
There's no slippery slope, Alex is a whacked out asshole and he deserved to get deplatformed. He fucks people's heads up, gatekeeps, and gets rich selling bullshit to his victims. Fuck him.
Ayden Wood
So much wrong with this comment I don’t know where to start
Alexander Murphy
It doesn't even matter if social media is perfectly within their right to ban Alex Jones. Banning Alex gives everyone the impression that Democrats are perfectly fine with censoring people who have opinions they don't like.
Charles Taylor
>hurr durr I love guns therefore I must hate abortion love christ hate gays love death penalty hate immigrants love tax cuts hate welfare love the flag etc
people like you are why western states all have a fucked up 2 party systen
Alexander Carter
>i believe in free speech >its just that i need you to stop saying these certain problematic things, you see ....
the absolute state of liberals
Owen Ross
same could be said for every media outlet
Hudson Morgan
I used to work as a producer for this fuck face.
He rails coke like no one's business, tears into the people working hard for him that believe in his message. Basically breaks up morale and shits on people.
I think it's time he got his due. We all tell him around the office when something sounds to crazy, but he stokes the fire any way to stroke off his own ego.
Fuck you Jonesy, glad you lost your kids you fucking coke head.
Logan Davis
alex did nothing wrong
Mason Bell
Prove it or stfu, these LARPs are getting stale.
Justin Richardson
>"slippery Slope"
>Here goy you must abide by these guidelines
FUCK off.
Owen Ross
in other words, we should let him back on and he should censor himself?
>We give him another chance, with clear guidelines, if he promises to behave.
How about I stock on more weapons, ammunition and other 'things' -- I continue to practice my drills, my fitness, my stress drills and continually gather information on subversives -- then we just start butchering you? Is that okay with you, is that within your parameters for acceptable behavior you fucking mutt?
At what point did you ever think you were going to get away with this shit, you absolute myopic fucking retard? Is it that the only people you've ever met in your delusional world are in pacified cities full of niggers and cucks? This is all going to blow up in your face, literally. You have absolutely no idea
Michael Price
>change behavior >clear guidelines Either it's all ok or none of it is. Saged for pretend centrist faggotry
>I'm a centrist who believes banning someone from speaking their mind is wrong >but the dude totally has to watch what he says when we give him a second chance You are a faggot
Connor Sanders
>he isnt enjoying the chaos of jones getting shoahed everywhere and then losing his mind
Centrist? Pick a side you weak nigger, shitskin fagoot.
Juan Stewart
>behave better from here on with his language. wtf is this crap? fuck you.
Gabriel Bailey
I'm sorry that you can't believe the truth right in front of you.
Why do you think his reporter turn over rate is so high? How come he doesn't have more veteran work staff any more.
He's toxic, the work environment is toxic.
Benjamin Adams
No, they were right.
Caleb Cox
Why would I keep info wars shit? It was one of the worst jobs I've ever had. I truly believed in the message only to find out the messenger was a coke head joke.
I'll tell you this, I worked before he got his new studio. I was with him down off Guadeloupe, when he was next to Brave New Books.
When he used to peep in on the scientology center not 2 blocks north, and demand answers on brain washing children.
Austin Rodriguez
You expect people to believe your LARP when you don’t even have any proof of your claims?
Jayden Watson
Shut the fuck up. Tits or gtfo.
Brayden Sanchez
Clearly you're an Joneser for life. I laid out evidence that you would know to be true if you understood.
Chase Brown
Fuck off. The channel was banned for how legacy media depicts him.
"Wouldn't it be terrible if Alex Jones said this?"
"He didn't say that."
"Yeah, but It would be terrible if he did!"
Gavin Lewis
Actually I never watched any of his shit outside of the meme content, I am simply asking you to provide proof of you having worked for infowars at some point, it shouldn’t be too difficult to grab an ID card or some shite and hide your face
Camden Hill
hes a tranny loving faggot, who cares about that guy?
Xavier Davis
Exactly Two party system needs to go Proportional representation now
Joseph Flores
Considering it has been more than a decade yeah.
Jayden Russell
Yeah I find it really shitty how all these bans are permanent, too. He can't go around committing defamation on these sites and expect to not have to delete the shit he posted, but permanent bans? This policy is just so heavy-handed and it really seems to indicate bias on the part of people running the social media companies.
Of course he and other right wingers have been claiming it's them against the media so they get away with whatever because if these companies do enforce their terms of use, they can just go, "see we told you".
Alexander Nguyen
Wait you think Jones would print an article negative about his own Egomaniacal Narcissisim? LOL
Look up the divorce agreement I believe it came out in open court he loves Blow.
Jason Wright
>But also the dude needs to behave better from here on with his language. No. He does not.
If what he says and how he says it makes him look like an ignoramus, then he'll be his own censor. People who don't want to give credence to what he says will not, and he will thereafter go unheard by them.
Owen Phillips
I mean it is a good middle ground better than unpersoning someone. Tell him he has to be clear its his opinion and calm down w violent inducing language.
Wyatt Morris
We are forced to sign an NDA when we start working. And a libel and slander agreement, so the long list of us poor fuck heads that worked for him are left out in the cold cause he's a letigious prick, considering how much he contempts the American legal system
Aaron Ramirez
>Violent inducing language Are you also pro Trump shutting down "news" outlets because they do the same thing? The "fake news?"
Ryan Garcia
This is a non-option and you should be ashamed for suggesting it. He can be as unhinged as he wants if it's for a video. He doesn't promote hate speech against anyone that isnt actively subverting the world. He's a Mossad shill, but at least he gives us more truth than CNN.
Also I regret clicking this thread because I hate you now. Your priorities are all fucked up dude.
I don't think you have any clue as to what you're talking about.
Parker Edwards
I think your opinion may be too redical for Jow Forums I'm afraid you can't type shit here unless you're willing to do as you're told. You recognize this as compromise
Hunter Torres
I hope that mossad kike AJ gets tortured so bad he gives up the rest of his fellow rats and then they all get offed by good feds with extreme prejudice. I won't join a shill debate about other confirmed shills. Death to you all.
Christian Campbell
>The free market: Bans Alex Jones
Bentley Nelson
>I'm a centrist All that means to me is "I have views that MAY break away from the mainstream, but I don't wanna be exiled". Centrists are a joke, you're just the sad sop kids in school who watch what they say so they can sit at the popular kid's lunch table. In fact, the ENTIRETY of the Left is like this. A centrist is a copout for expressing your true beliefs, so you don't face communal backlash. It's a weak position
Brayden Cox
Sure, so long as you count "Knowingly wishing harm and spreading misinformation for personal gain" as "Something democrats don't like"
Isaiah Torres
>liberals two generations ago Obscenity laws are overbroad and ripe for censorious abuse >"liberals" now BAN* THIS SICK FILTH *it's a private company freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequence yadda yadda
>I’m a centrist >he needs to stop questioning the mainstream narrative
I’m an NPC
Asher Bailey
Making shit up is constitutionally protected you fat fag. I only see one guy being deplatformed on the basis of "spreading misinformation for personal gain".
Caleb Gray
September 7th on twitter. When's the last time you saw AJ say something on twitter?
Ryder Martinez
You follow Hillary on Twitter? Wow, what a fag.
Ayden Cooper
Austin Brooks
The thing you fuckheads seem to forget is Alex Jones isn't being federally punished. The government has fuck-all to do with it. He was taken off of media platforms, which isn't constitutionally protected, and IS 100% within the rights of those companies.
>B-but user! Facebook/Youtube/itunes/Twitter are public square!
No they're fucking not, assnugget. *THE INTERNET AT LARGE* is the public square. There's literally fucking nothing stopping Old Man Alex from starting his own website and drawing people to it.
>But nobody visits sites that aren't Facebook/Twitter/Youtube!
That's right! This is what a free market gets you. The platforms have total freedom and total coverage. This is literally exactly what you wanted, and what Alex Jones himself advocated. Welcome to the fucking show.
Jacob Wilson
Not so neet trick. I notice a lot of you folks out tonight. Get paid mlre on Sundays do ya?
Benjamin Lewis
>We give him another chance
Levi Wright
Austin Nguyen
>OH SHIT, A SALIENT POINT! HIT THE FUCKING HILLARY BUTTON! >He's not taking the bait? Call him a shill! That'll show him!
Alexander Adams
>i eat cowshit, if you eat horseshit you're a bigoted shit eater >whats this you don't eat shit, you must be a retard with no conviction i rather eat my own shit thank you
Jones is just going to do more IRL bullshit. He's going to be on the news as often as Trump is. Watch and see.
Owen Kelly
No censoring. If people are truly offended or some other bullshit they will stop watching. He din't incite violence or hatred. However, I say let the (((left))) censor everything they don't like. The silent majority will understand why they can't stay silent.
Gabriel Ramirez
>I decide what is acceptable speech Fuck off faggot.
List of things the Decency Act doesn't cover: >Open threats of violence, especially against authority figures >Avocation of ethnic cleansing >Denying national tragedies, publicly shaming witnesses and victims as "crisis actors" >Snake-oil salesmen
Jacob Hughes
>centrist not realising Alex Jones is satire Should The Onion be banned from Social Media and only allowed back if they start reporting actual news? I thought centrists were supposed to be smart.
Jack Bailey
>not gassing Jews is an extreme left stance Imagine actually thinking this
>He din't incite violence or hatred. Yes he did. He does that literally all the time.
Parker Ward
>we kys
Anthony Torres
>people should be allowed to say literally whatever they want
Not in the US where the retarded and gullible thrive.
Mason Nguyen
if you're old enough to post on social media, want to act like a grown up and make grown-up comments and have accepted the terms and conditions of the social media outlets... THEN THERE ARE NO RESTRICTIONS.... EITHER YOU GET WITH THE FUCKING PROGRAM OR STAY THE FUCK OFF... there is no safe space in the real world you pansy ass cunts.