Universal Basic Income will set you free

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free

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>believing that freedom comes through dependency

Fine. You pay for it.

I like that quote. Dunno if UBI is the answer though

>UBI will set you free
>None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free

what did he mean by this

Well … in any society without "dependency", innocent people will die.

Why should poor people support their own destruction?

>money to live

America could pay for it by cutting its bloated military budget.

>believing that a society built by generations allowing a better quality of life is "dependency"

hyper cringe

The best solution to the increasing obsolescence of employment due to automation would be to come up with some sort of artificial meritocracy that distributes the wealth generated by a post-employment economy to law-abiding whites of good moral character. The only other realistic solution is global butlerian jihad, a neo-luddite, anti-computer uprising

>gibs to whites only
>global butlerian jihad
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, the chinese will continue to advance technologically while you get no gibs

Anarchism, black anarchism that is, is ultimate freedom. To be completely free is to have no society at all. There is nothing morally wrong with UBI.

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Chinks will collapse once whites are bled dry. They only know how to copy our shit

As if we dont have enough degenerate problems, you want to destroy the value of a hard day's work. If you think we live in a clownworld now, wait til every faggot and idiot is able to spend his time making anal sex fanfic and mumblerap instead of putting food on the table. UBI will destroy the human race.

What happens when AI, robotics, and automation make employment obsolete in the vast majority of fields? What kind of “work” will society replace employment with as a wealth vector for the common people? UBI is clearly not the answer but what is?

UBI would be the final nail in the coffin to any hope of societal morality. It would remove every remaining incentive to give a shit about the state of society, to care about what goes on around you, because "fuck you, I've got mine". As such, any forms of social regulation of behavior would go out the window--you'd always have resources to do whatever the fuck you want, so who cares?

The ONLY way to make a system like this even be remotely possible if it is conditional on good behavior (which means a police state--not at all a fair trade) and a grueling test of an individual's ability to survive and succeed on their own merits, so they can develop a sense of duty before settling down into a life of sedentary squalor.

If the pressure of combined changes in demographics, employment, and automation don't blow up to give us a revolution, then I am convinced that once there is vertical automation of the economy, whoever has power at that moment will simply exterminate the then-redundant masses.
If you see UBI being shilled massively from all sectors of society, you will know that this is close--UBI would be used to shut people up until they're no longer needed and no longer a threat.

i do not agree with UBI, i strongly believe that a person who is able to work for their living is able to retain their self worth and understand the worth of other things in life.
i believe that UBI will be pushed on everyone as a means for survival as automation takes a bigger stranglehold in the workforce. junior positions (coding, animation, etc) are disappearing. I've personally witnessed a drone deliver from amazon. unskilled position are disappearing because a robot can perform better and longer than a human worker.
it's not whether you agree with UBI, it's that the job pool will be completely sucked away by automation, and survival mandates that you accept it.

Most people will still want to spend their time to make money.

I'm sure no other country would jump at the chance of expansion if the us military was cut.

Also, let's say there's 250m eligible for UBI, and 600/700 billion is cut. halve that because bureaucracy. That's $1200 per year. PROBLEM SOLVED GUYS.

BTW, do you happen to speak Russian or Chinese?

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What a dumb motherfucking parasite.

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Wouldn’t a revolution be pointless without actual butlerian jihad? It seems to me like the continued advancement of this tech basically guarantees mass extermination at some point, this is probably the last chance to nip it in the bud.

unfortunately you are correct. there isn't much hope that things will steer away from this automation, as it's easier to install a kiosk than pay a human to punch in keys on a register. of course there will be companies who prefer the "traditional" setup, but not enough to offset the amount of damage done via corporations adopting machines for menial work.
we're at a very dangerous crossroads.

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>Military budget 620 billion
>Deficit 790 Billion
They wouldn't even have a balanced budget even if they cut the whole thing

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>Hmm... It seems that, since I don't make my own food, I need to pay other people to make it for me. This will not do.
>Wait! I've got it! Government, take my money away from me!
>Okay now give it back!
>Genius! Now I can afford food.

>Get UBI from the government to live.
>Do something the government doesn't like.
>government shut off your income.
>Die on the streets

Sounds like freedom to me.

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There's nothing worse in life than staying at home doing nothing all day... literally the fast path to suicide.

Same thing happens in to private business. Just post anonymously like you always do to stop your current employer from firing you.

as a cripple stuck in bed all day, can confirm.

Perhaps a reactionary, neo-Luddite cult could organize, arm itself and prevent automation through a revolution? More and more people will redpill on the implications of full automation and AI

That money comes from taxes that people generate working. If you give them free money and they decide to stop working, there's nothing generating revenue to sustain the government anymore, and then no free money for anyone. This shit isn't magic.

most accurate one in the thread desu...

The (((elites))) already have a plan, it's involves extermination of 95% of the world's population via Poison food, Fluoride, Feminism, Abortion, Poison water, Vaccines etc.

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>meet people
>help community

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Made this OC just for you

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None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe freedom comes from not overthrowing the elite slavemasters


Thing is UBI is going to be combined with a cashless society and bio chipping(which will also act as your ID and will be needed to log into the internet in the future) making it impossible to get away with anything.

It's literally slavery.

Jow Forumssig/

based leaf

People as a species are driven by failure and hardship. Get your commie shit out of here.

True Chad, leaving females at the back of the thought process lol. They'll just come naturally.

We need to get on the path of anarcho-transhumanism before tyrannical-transhumanism gets forced upon us.

just because you fail at everything you do doesn't mean you should doom the white race by forcing them to partake in the jewish capitalist system kike.

Point of order: if they have UBI, they already have food on the table. And you can't totally stop people from making things you dislike either way. So your argument is basically work=goodness?

But then who would world police, user?

Jow Forums eternally ruinous

who's going to pay for it?

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>theft of money
>no moral wrong

Who the fuck gives a shit about it now? What do you even hope to salvage from this cesspool purgatory?

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Robots as our slave underclass, while we live like the free men deserves to live. UBI would be a neo-ancient greek utopia

I doubt this.

Why would you even need a currency at that point? Once we've hit pure automation, that's when communism will work.

after hours in mspaint i fixed that for u

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Anyone else find it weird how its always leafs complaining about US military spending.

Currency could be used so people budget and consume according to their preferences without goverment hassle

what is this demonic imagery

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Currency is a resource that will be hoarded giving those with extra more power, the more power means more exploitation meaning we will still have the rich Jews fucking shit up. Pure automation will need a government free communist system otherwise you'll still be poor and exploited

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>wanting to help the community

fuck that, who is gonna deliver my uber eats tendies ?

>paying people to not work

And when we niggerfy an entire generation and they become incapable of sustaining your retarded idea, what then?

Wait i can do better


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>Whining about money to live
How about grow your own food and barter for supplies, faggot. THAT is freedom

Grabbing my fucking rake

After finishing it I had an idea

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>He cant expand his mind beyond the work-pleasure mechanism that society conditioned him into

Lmao look at this pleb NPC

Fuck off. Communism has never worked and never will.

If people were used to a life style like that, and the government all the sudden stopped giving people the money they are used to getting, everyone would riot and freak out....how is that not being dependent?

It's pretty wordy, almost as much as a minimalist lefty meme

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UBI isn't viable yet. Once automatization is in full swing and you start taxing corporations and profits instead of labor, maybe.

Impossible to tell. I would recommend trying it in smaller scale before trying to implement it in a federal scale.

It doesn't matter if he can do it, for your plan to work even somewhat you expect an entire generation to completely break societal and biological conditioning, and that's only a pre-requisite.

ubi will only be economically viable once ai/automation is more productive than human labor. we are not there yet. maybe in a decade or two. probably longer.

OP read Kaczynski.

t. Surviving from day to day off pure survival instinct is the most soul cleansing way to live

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You wouldn't actually work though if you didn't need money, and you know it, you'd be a sponge living off other peoples work until they became the same as you and all of civilization fell apart because the only "workers" left were the people stealing off the top of your new system.

>I'm sure no other country would jump at the chance of expansion if the us military was cut.
Removing China and NK, only other white countries will look into that.

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9 gorillion hours in paint

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At this point I think self sustaining cities will work better, something like this:


While some ideas in there are naive, a society without a kind of police force would never work, but we are reaching a point where automation+solar energy can allow for people to grow their own food really cheap, if fusion ever stops being the energy of the future only and it becomes viable, high scale water purification and indoor farming will become dirt cheap as well, 3D printing would also allow for cheap replacement parts for the machines.

Since almost all of the basic necessities of life will be taken care of by robots and renewable energy, the UBI itself could be much cheaper to sustain, only the basic minimum for people to purchase some luxuries or entertainment.

We could have something like self sustaining university cities, where people are retrained to tackle large scale projects like space habitation or orbital infrastructure, or anything where specialized personnel is needed.

But more than likely incompetent governments all over the world will fumble around while people starve and riot in the streets.

this doesn't even make sense

This is like the student loan crap. As soon as the government gets involved and says we will lend you $60,000 for graduate degree. Well guess what the University's did? They raised the tuition to be $60,000. If people get a set amount of money a person like a landlord is going to charge up to what they know they universally have.

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Don't worry kiddo, here comes the (((taxcuts))). Because fuck smart spending.

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Superior version

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simplified version for the brainlets

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Then you make a law for a maximun rent price

what % of republicans supported the war in iraq?

Universal Basic Debt

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People adapt better than you think

You faggots literally have the brain of a trained dog

How socialists think UBI will work:
>wow I don't have to worry about making rent! I have so much extra money for nice consumer goods!
>my work-life balance is so healthy now because I only work for extra money
>my standard of living has increased and I'm no longer living in poverty! I'm middle class! we're all middle class! hooray!

How UBI will actually work:
>boy I wish I could find a job so I didn't have to live in this 150 square foot affordable housing unit constructed for UBI earners!
>at least 80% of the country is in the same boat with me, ever since automation obsoleted most of the service and industry sectors there's no more jobs to be found
>maybe with my spare time I could enter a training program and apply for one of the few administrative jobs that still exist, but there's literally millions of people with better qualifications than me on the waiting list for those jobs, plus they're controlled by quotas
>oh well, I think I'll go back to my usual pastime of staring at my phone for 16 hours a day since all information and entertainment is now provided through them via dozens of subscription apps that eat up most of my UBI that isn't paid to live in a crackerjack box

The truly great part is that this isn't a "what if" it's what will happen eventually. This is the future, people.

>Thinking it will be enough to survive on. Say goodbye to upgrading your pc user

So, nothing relevant since Lincoln?

And you have the brain of a parasite.

Thats why society is you faggot, you are right now leeching off the work and inventions of millons of people,your work alone wouldnt be enough for shit, its leverage.