NPCs, Gnosticism, Simulation, etc

Gnostics have been trying to tell people for ages that there are people here with no spirit. They are Clayborn (NPCs). They make up the vast majority of humans in this simulation. The were created by the Demiurge (programmer) as an experiment, nothing more. The Fireborn are spirits trapped in this physical world (simulation). They are conscious, thinking beings who long to free themselves from the physical world. A Fireborn should never trust a Clayborn. This may be hard to take in, since many of your friends and family may be Clayborn. They are unknowing, unwilling servants of the Demiurge. They are actively working against our goal of knowledge and wisdom. We have to seek out other Fireborns and work together to weaken the influence of Clayborns. NPC genocide soon. Join your local Fireborn Death Squad.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You guys really can't stop spamming these threads. I guess your boss is pissed and just told you to double down.

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>implying Dylan Klebold was wrong

Truth is not a belief in anything other that the humility to ascertain more knowledge. Gnosticism is less a unified belief but a greater morality of understanding a spiritual reality that eclipses ideology and the mortal realm.

The entire prospect of Gnosticism is to be guided unto the truth, the truth being the place beyond the barrier of guilt and acceptance and society and realize the greater knowledge that the fleeting moments of hate or exuberance are nothing compared to the totality of life, and the seeking of wisdom, real wisdom not little quips you can shut people down with, but fundemental life lessons, is the most exalted form of being. You will never break free of the Demagogue if you can't break free of yourself.

Reminder that "muh NPCs" is just the latest nu-boomer fad.
>hurr durr i'm super important and everyone else is useless and retarded
>not even political
>Go-to defense is ad-hom: "shutup ur an NPC"
>""theory"" is all schizo nonsense w/ no proof which means it can (and will) be discussed ad infinitum
>casts a negative light on helping "redpilling" people since they are all supposedly soulless husks

Say NO to the Nu-Boomer Jow Forums.

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It's just IQ assessment. Wait till the Singularity and we become glorified NPCs and we're really fucked.

What happens if I tell the NPCs that they are actually NPCs?

They’ll deny it. They aren’t really lying though since they’re programmed to think they aren’t NPCs.

They'll process the data you input and run it against their conditional statements

Most will get mad (just like you would if some random person came up to you and called you a soulless husk).

Anyone older than 35 will say "what's an NPC" then after you explain it they will become mad (see above).

Some will laugh it off/ignore you because they'll think you're some type of crazy person.

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Pppfft holy shit. I knew this day would come. I get to confirm that 50% of Jow Forums is retarded.

>This is your golden "NPC" goose...
>This is your golden "NPC" goose on libtard-ism...

It's roodypoo pop-psy, faggots! You've been had. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhahah!

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NPC first started appearing here as a meme years ago, all that’s happened now is the meme has penetrated the mainstream so normies like you are talking about it

Did you forget to read:
>Pppfft holy shit. I knew this day would come. I get to confirm that 50% of Jow Forums is retarded.
Shit, I'm a normie? I was waiting for the link to be made between libtards and LITERAL wrong-think, just needed a link by a scientific "authority". They've finally done it. They've infected every facet of our society.

I don't even know why the NPC meme blew up on here other than that "inner voice" study coming out but here's my take

N = Sentient

N is related to abstract thought and is significantly rarer within the general population than S:

Attached: mbti.png (389x389, 168K)

99% of humanity IS the devil.

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The humans are a wild thing to confront for there are these two types of
them: down trending fallen sadly gods, that are bright as hell but moody,
opinionated and reserved; and eager, enthusiastic, lively, dumb, energetic
and very irrational creatures that enjoy being creatures.
The only real difficulty with these GEs (Genetic Entities) is that they are
ancestraly tied to the body line of E-level beings, and the life-death cycles
of animal existence. In order to be aware of being aware one must be able
to be or assume an objective viewpoint away from the body. Unfortunately,
people adhere to the past fixation of a group-species awareness level and
are not aware of themselves.
The hig hest being that is on ear th is an A-7, and i t is shocking
information, that there is someone of that caliber on this planet at this
time. So, there are unrecognized Christ’s, Gods, and That which is
beyond Go, right here in the land of the free, and home of the brave. They
act in what thy consider to be the best interest of all concerned.
You should be aware of this implant of religion on people so that you can
understand the aforesaid paragraphs, people’s behavior and contrasts,
and so you will understand that the promotion of only-one, maverick
philosophies is only the result of an implanted psychosis,
None of this information is any secret to L. Ron Hubbard who wrote the
majority of it down in his own handwriting in the mid 1950s. Dozens of
photocopies of that document have been circulated over the years in
dozens of locations.
T o s ome d e g ree, he k nows what he has b ee n d o i ng . He has an
exceptional memory, and has done a job in researching the mind. He
does not appear to be a good manager. Mishandling junior lines can cause
irritations, but the mishandling of senior lines blows one off course.

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I'm an NPC (new nu/pol/ buzzword they, took it and ran). Go fuck yourself you inferior self narrating subhumans. How pathetic do you have to be to think so goddamn slowly and unabstractly to actually have to talk to yourself?
>World IQ isn't going dow-

>Realizing you're an NPC
You're not an NPC

I've known about the idea of it for years, so have most of the other social rejects who come to Jow Forums. The only thing that's changed is that we realized something actually exists to prove, something everyone has been told their entire lives only nihilistic narcissists that play too many video games believe, that it's actually fucking true.

No one is. People with no inner dialogue are now called NPCs by magapedes.

>No one is
Billions of pajeets and chans.

The religious implants of 4,000 year ago one should understand. The
w o r d “ re l i g i o n ” c ome s f r om “ l e g i o ” me a n i n g a n d “ re ” me a n i n g
reaffirmation, so religion is reaffirmation of the law. In ancient times, about 14,000 years ago, the law was re-established, and a whole lot of law was installed as religion into people. The purpose of the implant was partially to keep people from deviating from these new laws.
The more fundamental purpose of the implant was to keep “E-level beings” at that level and prevent “E-level” beings from becoming more aware and moving up to the “D- level ” . The implant contains and attempted to restrict the fol lowing ecological levels, which I will be taking up. The implant was done so that those at each level would not rise above that level, and would go rather bananas if they attempted to rise above their “normal” or “assigned level. E-level is an awareness level of being aware being a member of a group and pack of animals. The D-level is aware of being aware, aware of self, but is an “only-one”. In other words, bright, independent but prone to lone-rangerism. I have been wrongly accused of this often. The main purpose of this was to keep the Ds and Es in their slots. The implanting was done by C-level beings,
which are aware of being aware of a future. B-level beings are aware of
being aware as all elements of an entire group. A-level beings are aware of all aspects of being racially aware. AA beings are aware of awareness of galatic awareness. AAA level beings are aware of awareness of Universality, all universes.

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----------/IMPORTANT REPLY/----------

Google search:
>"organic portals"
>"organic portals"

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You're actively supporting lefty propaganda, then? You know, that site is bloated with it, right? Here's another nugget from the same faggots.

>right-wing media attacking academia

Your confirmation-bias might be the death of you. Get it together, man!

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Damn bro, you should write a book on this or something

Here's the thing about this new meme... Several years ago when I was obsessed with conspiracy theories, I stumbled across a website called I just checked if it was there, and it's gone. That's why I'm posting. Basically it was a geocities-tier text only site that detailed how reality is just a hologram, run by Lucifer, and that most of humanity were soulless robots put on this plane only to sway the real mankind away from the truth. They are called 'organic portals.' No soul, no morals, no INNER VOICE. They exist solely to subvert. They don't create, only emulate. I was convinced for years I was one and fell into a deep depression. Thankfully a handful of significant psychedelic experiences revealed I do indeed have a soul and brought me back to God. Anyone else remember this site?

I like to view it as them having less of souls/spirits what have you, so it thus speeds up their time, seemingly shortening their boring lives.

>people ignore this

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Related to NPCs

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The fundamental concept isn't really that new
It's just manifesting in a different way.

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And...? It's being pushed hard by the blue faggots. If they've adopted it like a red-headed stepchild you know shit's amiss. I'm not going to discredit the idea entirely, but I'm going to distance myself as much as I can as long as they're at the helm.

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Based gnostic

thats called "The Great Work"

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>Jow Forums has no shills, they said

Go to bed Mark


Clayborn - Servant of Demiurge, no spirit or independent will.

Goyim - Servant of Fake Jews, no spirit or independent will. Literally meaning Rock Slave.

good night

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kek go back to printing your disks you lazy faggot

Helping them out will not be ignored.

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Gnosticism directly states that Jews are the servants of the Demiurge/Yaldaboath and push his agenda of enslaving Man to the failed, false creation that is Matter.

Sentience was the breath bestowed upon Man by Yaldaboath's creator, Pictis Sophia, herself generated by the Unknown God. It is the means by which Man may escape materiality.

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I tucking knew it was a matter of time before you thoughtless NPC niggers reprogrammed this meme into Gnosticism.

Here is a full truthful breakdown on Gnosticism that OP won’t respond to:

>when your holy book is someone else’s holy book but the opposite of what it says is true.

There is your “repd”pill on Gnosticism, all it is is taking what someone else says is true and inverting it.
Wow, god is Satan and Satan is god! I’m so smart! That means I should hate god and love Satan!

Ps: for the retards; the name doesn’t matter. It’s a human convenience to facilitate conversation.

>when your holy book is someone else’s holy book but the opposite of what it says is true.

Welcome to the Old/New Testament diumverate buddy boy.

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So Clayborns would be those easily manipulated "sheeple" who don't think for themselves?

It's funny how I went from INTP on one test to ISTP on another, I'm a dual class, git guut commoners.

There is not a single inconsistency between the Old Testament and the three gospels.

Catholicism is a kike attempt at destroying Christians

More like pagan.

I’m not trapped in this reality. You are trapped in it with me. I’m staying in the physical reality even if you kill me faggots. If I ever leave it would only be to wage final war against God in the army of Lucifer.

Scroll to the bottom of and read "The Solution."

You realize how cringe you are, you can't win, are you fucking dumb?

I have posted an image here that NPCs cannot see. If you are an NPC you will not be able to see this image. To the rest of you who see it, I congratulate you, you are all sentient.

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This is a narcissist fantasy.

It's the least narcissistic thing you could believe unless you're a filthy materialist

Okay? Catholicism is a pagan attempt at destroying christians?

Does it make you feel better to LARP as a kike?

I read that site yesterday and they literally just took every retarded conspiracy they could find and mushed them together. Not too bright, not too bright at all.

We need to destroy the simulation, not escape it, and then we must kill God. But first we need to level up to the max. Be sure to reincarnate when you die so you can keep leveling up to accomplish all your side quests. Then we can join with Satan and kill God.


I love a good gnostc thread. Time to peer beyond the veil faggots.

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Oooweee, Pa, them is some GOODD drugs.

>The Fireborn are spirits trapped in this physical world (simulation).
still selling this shit deep state?

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They stole everything from neo-platonists and even fought with them in a rap philosophy battle. Christfags didn't win but they won over degenerate elite good goys.

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Is this the same content?

>casts a negative light on helping "redpilling" people
Found the tru-boomer

Did I stutter?

I've never heard of this NPC stuff before
But I have come across many people who just seem empty. You look into their eyes and there is nothing.
Not sure if they are just idiots or something more

Cool picture. Saved.

>Jow Forums trying to figure it all out
Cute, you will never, because you're christcucks

Just look at pic-related—25% of our board—and you'll know exactly what it is; a mentally ill fad for mentally ill people. Lament, my chav brother.

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