Why do i see more gay than straight people in this fucking world?

Why do i see more gay than straight people in this fucking world?

Attached: gay.jpg (736x1103, 99K)

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Because you keep looking for it, faggot.

This isn’t gay. It’s fucking hot.

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if you are talking about on (((tv))) that's because the jews want you to believe that's acceptable and not to worry about going to hell for partaking in such denigrate acts

Cultural engineering, the end goal became obvious when (((they))) tried to legitimise child transsexuals. They're pedos who want to legalise butt fucking little boys.

stop hanging around gay bars and your boyfriend's orgy house

Perhaps its a matter of social conditioning?

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Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon. Blue Car Theory. Same shit.

All the fucking students at my collage are gay. Killme

They shove it down your throat so you think it's a normal thing when it is in fact a serious mental illness.

Cringy facebook meme

do you live in a liberal shithole?

sadly yes.

Fuck you and your cringe bitch.

A average Texan child or a Seattle molestation victim

Weimar Tier propaganda. We are entering the dark times.

Attached: LebensraumNeverLookedSoGood.jpg (850x529, 478K)


The one on the left is a man. Which makes it straight.

Unless the one on the right is a man too. Which makes it gay again. I can’t tell.

Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon


But why does OP keep looking for faggots? Faggot.

Attached: 1536495684220.jpg (343x343, 29K)

Cringy cringe cringe

Because he’s a faggot, faggot

gays are over-representing themselves to stay relevant. if they lose relevance the truth comes out that they are just mentally disturbed or "coked-up" degenerates.

everyone fell for the gay meme, only non NPCs know whats up

because you don't go outside

>go outside in my town
>alot of straight couples.

Go home

you don't understand

Danni Ashe is goat. Too bad her site is so old that a lot of the stuff is low quality. Also I can't find passwords to it anymore.
The bible never mentions transgenders, only cross dressers. And even then it's pretty fucking silly because fashions are constantly changing - it used to be pink was considered manly, and men would wear heals and dresses. Now blue is considered masculine, and only women wear heals and dresses.

And you argument is invalid because you don't live where i live.

What is that I'm not supposed to understand?

Stop watching the news or the Television. USA TV is infested with gay propaganda.

that's probably because I live in the south, and you live in chicago or L.A the capital of the liberals. Move.

One day i will buddy :)

btw i live in long island ny

because you keep going to gay porn sites?

>New York


Because you lurk 4 Chan all day and never go outside?


Its called (((media)))

>The bible never mentions transgenders
Pretty sure there's a verse that says men who cut their dicks off will not see the kingdom of heaven.

Ok jew

I'm hiding in my moms house cuz outside is dangerous.

Stop going to gay bars then

The greys say no gays. spread your dna so you can be harvested.

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(((they))) want you to stop having babies and get on their medicine for depression

then you can shoot up schools when (((they))) need you to

same my mum but I want her to hurry up and get home. I need my nappy changed

its jew programming.
stop watching TV