The climate has changed

The climate has changed.

That is all, you can shut the fuck up now.

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Duh. it always changes, millions of years, but the ‘climate change agenda’ that the UN pushes is fabricated bullshit.

No one argues that it's not changing you fucking mong, it's a matter of why

See, heres the thing:


There is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. That's it. Ain't a damn thing besides that which would cause warming. It isn't volcanos, it's not the sun, it's not a liberal plot. Fucks sake you stupid cunts there is no goddamn debate by anyone with a clue or who isn't getting paid to disagree.

brainlet overload

They can manipulate weather now too.

I'm old enough to remember when methane was the scary thing rather than CO2

Hey bitch ass, you like immigrants? How do you feel about a huge fucking portion of the 3rd world having to flee their own countries and move in next to you?

that's not climate, that's weather

It's still a problem, but the feedback isn't as harsh as expected. But it wouldn't be a problem to veg in with if CO2 didn't crack it open.

build a wall

>after Katrina

There will be increasing intensity from here on. Were (((They))) right

>I don't expect you to be honest

Stupid ass bitch.

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No shit Sherlock. Nobody’s arguing climate change isn’t a thing. Now take your poorly crafted straw man and shove it up your ass.

I remember a brief interlude of nitrogen scare. That was some funny shit.

well, that's not QUITE true. carbon studies in the antarctic sheets find it was about this much 800,000 years ago.
but hey, it's not like the earth ever recovered.

Hey dumbfuck. Volcanoes release CO2.

Yeah, they're just arguing that it's caused by magic.
No explanation other than CO2 has stood up to scrutiny. Every time some retard makes up a new hypothetical thing that could be causing climate change, it is examined and disproven. CO2, along with CH4 and N2O, are the only variables that fit the data. Nothing else makes sense.
But sure, tell me about your pet theory. Is it cosmic rays? Weather control machines? Cloud seeding? What's your retarded opinion on the matter?

Gee that's swell, how good for the earth. It's not like our ability to live on it is important at all, a collapse of civilization now and then is a nice change of pace.

Imagine being this stupid. Yeah, I remember the millions of people who fled east Germany because nobody in the world has ever found a way to keep you from scaling them.

The big question is what do we do about it. Unless we can somehow convince the third world to stop using fossil fuel while we convert to that all clean, renewable energy grid system they've been swearing will come out any day now? I don't know how, aside from what we're already doing, which is converting what we can, when we can to renewables. Unless you mean the trumpists caterwauling about United Nations plots to turn they gay through fuel economy standards. Those are only worth eye rolling about.

Nobody’s arguing magic. Nobody’s arguing against CO2.
You’re not very good at this.

Imagine thinking the iron curtain was just a wall, and not a hail of bullets.

you can go back to bed thats it now, aint a damn thing left to say now that its changed so go on and get now.

The new denial is always "the climate is changing, but it's natural and not caused by humans" and then there's no explanation for what natural process is causing it.
If you agree it's happening and humans are causing it, literally what are you arguing against? Or have we finally moved on to "it's real, it's happening, and it's actually a good thing/we can't stop it" now that denial doesn't work?

>I don't know how, aside from what we're already doing, which is converting what we can, when we can to renewables.
Correction: we are doing something, which is far far less than what we could be doing. It's not even just sources of energy either, but rebuilding homes and infrastructure to be more efficient. Trillions and trillions of dollars could be saved, but it wouldn't go to the people currently rich so fuck that, right?

Are you really planning on taking fossil fuel away from undeveloped countries? Because any “morality” argument falls right there. Do you have ANY idea how devastating that would be for those people? No heat, no electricity, nothing. They can’t afford a “clean” solution right now. Imposing your regulations would lead to nothing but tragedy equatable to Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Russia.

What about putting in the effort to make those countries use less fuel? This isn't a one metric issue.

It is natural. Did your 4th grade teacher never talk about the carbon cycle? I’m guessing not.
And of course humans have SOME impact. Even breathing will release CO2. The question is whether humans have a significant enough impact to prevent the environment from adapting, and I’ve seen no proof to support the claim that they do.

I know. That's the problem. You can't do that. How are we going to literally force them to stop using this stuff? I accept that added CO2 in the atmosphere is a result of human industrial activity, and it is altering the climate. I am fine with trying to reduce the first world's contribution of greenhouse gasses. I just don't see what we can do to force the developing world to not develop other than give them a better option. Which we have not worked out.

Atmospheric carbon concentrations are going up in tandem with carbon emissions. It's extremely obvious humans are causing it. How fucking stupid are you?

You haven't, because you refuse to look. The evidence is there. Stop pretending your ignorance is worth as much as the expertise of your betters.

Pretty sure you wouldn’t appreciate that if your were in their situation. Our countries developed until we were capable of cleaner options like nuclear (yes, nuclear is cleaner, do your research). If we impose regulation it will only hinder their development in that same vein. As far as the earth, if it could handle the industrialization of the West, it will handle the industrialization of the East.

did the jews get control of our weather weapons or something?

Hey man, whatever the fuck works. But we need to do the fucking work.

They rented it from the space lizards.

Like I said, it’s obvious that it would have an impact. The question is the magnitude, and I don’t think the impact is great enough to warrant imposing any ultimately meaningless restrictions.
Let me ask you this, what specifically is CO2 doing to the climate? How is it changing?

Are you saying we don't know how much human activity is increasing atmospheric carbon concentrations? Because that's blatantly wrong. We can, and have, measured this. You can track it yourself.

I’m waiting

Prevents a smidgen more of sums heat reflected from surface be trapped instead of going to space, and that effect magnifies over time. If you look at the overall numbers it looks like it shouldn't do that much, but the problem is the specific windows of heat energy that are tightening.

Why do people who whine incessantly about climate change never propose workable solutions rather than shutting down everything?

I’ve looked at those numbers. They don’t add up and seem like they were pulled from somebody’s ass, but that’s besides the point.

Well if we can't even agree on what numbers are real, there's no way to even discuss this. You literally think facts are lies.
Oh well. Time will convince you even if numbers can't.

So, global warming. It might interest you to know that as the ice caps are melting, the ice sheets are actually growing in size. The overall temperature of the earth is more or less exactly where it should be in the current solar cycle.

Who says they don't? The problem is the "reasonable" solutions also admit the reality that drastic change is already here and significant responses are necessary, rather than some feel good half measures. And the good ideas tend to get drowned out by stupid cunts saying it isn't actually reality.

Time will do no such thing. The climate change bullshit will be peddled forever more, because the fated day that “the earth will become uninhabitable” will never arrive.
And there’s more to discussion than numbers. Let’s say I did take your numbers at face value. Who’s to say that is not part of the natural carbon cycle? It’s not like they’re tracking how long each and every person drives their car each day.

They're growing in size because they've gone from sitting on the land to floating on the water. Did you not realize the raise in ocean level was kinda important?

Here's some free advice: don't invest in Florida real estate, or anything else.

You can’t impose something so drastic so suddenly. People just will not accept it. If you want legislation, you have to start slow.

Size meaning total mass. Dipshit.

"Uninhabitable" no, of course not. But if the earth ends up being able to only support, say, 1/2 of the people actually on it you think that might be a problem?

We've had decades. Now we have an emergency.

>hopefully we shoot people trying to cross too

And that mass is floating in the ocean, having "more ice" doesn't mean a fucking thing. The oceans are getting warmer and taking up more room.

This isn't even a secret. You can read about it on Wikipedia. It's the reason it rained so much during the Vietnam war.

You don't know anything about anything.

Look, when it comes down to it, the burden of proof is on those asserting climate change to be a relevant issue. I do not feel they have sufficiently proven that statement, and until they do so, I will continue not giving a shit when CNN goes on for hours and hours about how terrible it all is.

Salting clouds doesn't let you make hurricanes.

Are you retarded? Having more mass means more water is freezing. Ice isn’t magically appearing from nowhere.

Why should I care about hurricanes? I don't live on the coast.

>be on a huge mass flying around a gargantuan ball of flaming gasses
>muh temperature isn't perfectly stable wtf???

Then fucking pull up YouTube docs that explain it at a 3rd grade level instead of asking me to reiterate it in Jow Forums posts.


And the overall temperatures still increase, and oceans are still rising, and you're still an idiot for thinking having more ice counters a damn bit of that.

This post explains a lot about the kind of person you are.

>warming yourself by the fire isn't the same as central heating
What are you even trying to say?

The sun has been cooling.

If there was more C02 then the air pressure would increase at sea level but it hasn't.

For the record, oceans haven’t risen. Beaches now are in the same place they were 50 years ago.

So many tropical storms and yet not one major hurricane has hit the US since 2005.

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Salting clouds once upon a time doesn't excuse endless rabid fantasies about worldwide weather manipulation.

No it wouldn't. First off, by mass it isn't nearly decectable that way. Secondly if you put more gas on the planet the outer layers just push off into space a little faster. But I doubt you knew that was a thing to begin with.

3 inches since 1992

And the climate is changing. Go figure.

So..... if we're beyond the point of no return then I guess that the only thing left is to party hard and enjoy whatever time we've got left. It seems like the only thing we have left to do.

Define “major”. Harvey and Irma sure did a fucking number.

Global warming is caused by the cooling sun, brilliant.

Nihilism is also retarded, so fuck off with that entirely.

Source, because that’s bullshit.

>Time will do no such thing.
The arctic is not long for this world. There will be an ice free summer soon enough, and by then the vast majority of people will understand that this problem is real and getting worse. Even if you aren't personally convinced, enough people will be that your opinion won't matter. That's good enough for me.

>Let’s say I did take your numbers at face value. Who’s to say that is not part of the natural carbon cycle?
Hm, yes, who IS to say that burning fossil fuels is not part of the natural carbon cycle?

> It’s not like they’re tracking how long each and every person drives their car each day.
We don't have to.
We know how how much fuel is consumed by the global economy. Unless you think someone is out there buying millions of gallons of fuel to hoard in a cave somewhere, you have to realize it's being burned.

What happened to you guys? You used to be cool.

You've changed, man. It used to be about the music and stuff.

Oh, you’re a fun one. Do you honestly think you ant your little bicycle are going to save the planet?

We had decades and we began to implement solutions but then the chinks fired their shit up.

the trajectory of climate change can also not be altered no matter how many people you get to believe it or how many people fight global warming.

it's a done deal already, worry about the things you can change.

NASA is a biased source. They didn’t used the be that way, but here we are.

Ten bucks says they didn’t take tides into account

It's because fuck you.

Certainly doesn't help, them and Russia are both a problem. Not that Russia is burning that much, but they really want to tap that ice free north pole so they've been mudding the waters on the issue where they can.

Get a haircut you stupid hippy

Is gambia attacking the US?

Who’d you steal that little catchy slogan from?
No, it’s not an emergency. It never was and it never will be. If you want to keep living in paranoia, be my guest, but spending your whole life worrying about something you can’t change will not bring you a happy life.

Uh huh. And what is "unbiased" for you? Because I bet a hundred against that ten that moneyed interests that want them to deny it are involved somewhere with them.

>They rented it from the space lizards.

oh, so they used the satellites to read the minds of the people in charge of the weather control centers, and used that info to hack into them?

No. That would be a solution.

>I can't do anything about it
>Therefore the problem doesn't exist

I for one welcome this hellish hothouse
it will nurture the fires of war

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Get me the study and the methodology. Scholarly sources and all that. NASA didn’t say a damn thing about how the study was conducted.

Well that's acceptable if you're a piece of shit. But I can't tell you how to care about other people, so have fun with that or better yet just stay out of our way.

o fug

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That isn’t what I was saying. I was saying there is no problem, and even if there was, you couldn’t do anything about it.

Just assume that literally every secret you had, has been stolen by jews... and then they sold some of it to other nations.

It's safer that way.

You'll be far less naive.

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No. Instead, give me any evidence of them being politically biased.