What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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they just really want to get raped by niggers

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By the time that the next election takes place, so many nigs will have become citizens and vote Social Democrat that there is no hope for Sverigedemokraterna.


They're all called "the racist parties", and then they refuse to work together.

You still have a center&right majority-block, they "won", socialist-demos didn't get enough votes to be able to get majority with their block

Based huwhite wamyn keeping the racists out of power and defending the oppressed POC. Swedish wamyn are the most based of all the based huwhite wamyn.

I'll never understand why poltards fetishize scandi women, they're pasty dogs who're nearly as bad as Anglo women.

Why wont outsiders understand, the right blocks are not conservative, most of them want free immigration and to dump the welfare state, or at least sacrifice it for more unstability and less responsibility over the people.... i wish Charles XI would come and reclaim the throne.

You can't get there without drastic change and work your way back from it. It's the "center"-way of doing things, get to the perfect median, but you can't get to the median as long as the status quo exists

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literally cannot believe it

Swedes are cucked out of their minds.
Also this.

Social democrats are the real racists! If only they weren't here with their NAZI regressive politics we would have reached PROGRESS already

White people hate themselves.

>Swedes are cucked out of their minds.

Not really, they are just following the path of least resistance.

Rest in PIECES Sweden

>they are just following the path of least resistance.
That's a funny way to say 'bending over to Muslim Invaders who rape your women and country'

How is such an extremist policy "least resostance" ? Taking in hundreds of thousands of niggers? Going to such extreme lenghtgs to hide the consequences? Declaring yourself a humanitarian superpower with a feminist foreign policy?
Swedes are fanatical extremists. Not doing anything is least resistance aka not taking in migrants and refugees and not doing massive social engineering.

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He means ordinary Swedes, not the establishment.

multiple party system
if you have +3 political parties you end up with governments that only 25-30% of the populace support, two party system is superior because then at least more than half the populace supports the government.

Not much its still a good result. But sure the result is really odd if you take a look at all earlier polls. I dont know how they are supposed to explain this.

But even if they got 25% that would have been an amazing result they wouldnt get much more power. It would look better yes but they would have an even harder time to fill all seats with competent politicans. Growing slow and steady might not be so bad and patience is a virtue. Either way their influence will keep growing. If anyone failed it has to be AlternativeForSweden, Thegoldenone thought they would get 5,6% and they problably ended up with 0,6%.

What am I looking at?

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No, you're just forced into choosing the lesser evil with two party system.

Nothing, do you expect fucking Sweden to swing that hard? It's only the beginning I hope.

their ballots, every party has their own ballots and they stand around in the open, so everyone can see what you pick.

Here in Spain is similar if a remember it well. We have ballots in plain sight and then there are private cabins to vote.

There aren't private cabins in Sweden too?

Is that a new thing or have they done that since forever? Seems like a good way to end up on a list.

the polls collapsed a few weeks before the election, I don't know wtf they did but they fucked up

apparently they have been doing that for a long time, fun fact, their social democrats have been part of the government since 80 years or so, just a weird coincidence I guess

Sweden like most western european countries bare italy is going to balkanize

This is more true than you can imagine.

Most Swedish women do, for some reason, sympathise with immigrant even if immigrants rape, kill and maim them. As long as an immigrant does something bad, there are always Swedish women talking about how difficult his childhood must have been.

A vast majority of Swedish women vote either on Commies or socialist. Immigrants vote the same since that's where they get the most benefits from and Swedish men (who has to pay for this Circus) either vote on conservative parties or anti-immigration parties.

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Like 33% of women and people over 65 voted left.

Kek. The Centre Party advertises in Arabic. Even the SD are a completely castrated party, there's no hope for Sweden.

Yes, this is inevitable. It is already taking place to a large extent, it is just that people explain it with some made-up excuse.
>I want my chillren to grow up closer to nature.

Why do you even care then? I laugh at every white woman getting raped by niggers because statistically she probably wants it and votes for it

the swede

SD's past ruined their reputation. Svens would fare better with an anti immigrant party that advocates for the same policies but has a cleaner past. Our FrP would be analogous here.

>Immigrants vote the same
Just the MENA trash.
Every slav I saw at the election picked up SD ballots.

Plenty of balkans living in Rinkeby, I personally know one. BUT the"based Sd-voting immigrants" are a meme, with just barely 3% support in Rinkeby. They're also trash

Been like that forever, a lot of pussies will pick a bunch of ballots just to confuse those who may be watching. I went straight to the SD official to get my ballots in front of everyone cause I don't care

Imagine being part of a people where a majority are 100% firmly determined to commit cultural and ethnic sudoku. It must be a totally unique situation in world history. And perhaps even biologically, is there any race of animal that is this suicidal?
There is a Swedish expression:
"tittar på med skräckblandad fascination"
Would translate to something like:
"Watching it happen with horror-mixed fascination."

It is like being onboard a sinking ship and watching all the other passengers destroy all the lifeboats with axes and setting fire to whatever of the ship that is still above water.

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worse than that, the argument now is that these rapefugees have no home and must be given shelter, then the argument will be that they have built a new life in sweden and deporting them would ruin them again, and then after that they will argue that the new born rapefugee-swedish has no other home and shouldnt be deported, rip

Ragnarök, user. It'll pop soon enough.

triple 3's of truth

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Massive brainwashing by anti-white Jewish made Cultural Marxism went wrong!

is this retarded shit from thedonald?

>There aren't private cabins in Sweden too?
There are.

Jow Forums and Facebook propaganda are not real world

unleash the fury mitch

He was the least-funny character on Always Sunny

Nothing went wrong. Their share of the votes grew again and next election, their share will grow again. This is not about instant gratification. We have to be in this for the long haul. I don't know why people were expecting overnight miracles in Sweden or anywhere.