Richard Spencer just wants white people to act like Jews

>Richard Spencer just wants white people to act like Jews.

He's right, you know.

Attached: EMichaelJones.jpg (600x418, 39K)

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of course he's right.
also /emj/ thread
New issue of Culture Wars came out last week. Was pretty good.

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If whites acted as Jews then every white country would be like Nazi Germany. And that is a good thing

>he just wants white people to behave like they did before the anti-white communists pushed through desegregation and POZ in the 60s

Correction. Tribalism is universal. Jones is dishonest on the subject of race. He's really just a dumb boomer who deliberately ignores racial tribalism. He thinks the only 'real' tribalism is ethnic, which is funny because he's a typical American mongrel Irish/German. Tribalism is collapsible and extensive. Clan > Tribe > Ethnicity > Sub-Race (ala Slavs, Northwest Euros, Meds) > Race. You introduce a new outgroup and what do you know, these clans are no longer individual as before - they now form a tribe. You have a new ethnicity move across the river and woah, all these 'tribes' collectivize into an ethnicity. And what do you know, you have blacks move into a neighborhood of Italians, Poles and Germans and all of a sudden they delineate themselves as 'white' to oppose the niggers. SHOCKING, JONES!

Ricard spencer is a Cia glowinthedark nigger

Ethnicity is universal, tribalism is not. Ethnic awareness fluorished in Christian countries long before anglo crypto-kies like Spencer started telling everyone that there was only one homogeneous white race and that 19th century English liberalism was the one true white philosophy.

>not acting like Jews
>not fighting for your people

stay cucked, (((goy)))

blah blah blah

I want White people to fight for themselves, ruthlessly if needs be. Jones is repeating stupid libshit race points. Fuck off.

No, ethnicity, race - these things are perennial and eternal. The Hellenes knew they were Hellenes despite being made up of many different polis, regional tribes and so on. Christianity is a universal Jewish desert cult that actively tries to suppress ethnic and racial consciousness to support a spiritual kind of tribalism, like its sister Abrahamism, Islam. That's how you have a white ethnicity killing each other over a different interpretation of a Jewish book. Race exists, it is based on the same principle as every other collapsible category in this hierarchy of being. When you introduce different races, their individual ethnicities collectivize on this basis. They retain their individuality as much as different tribes within an ethnicity do when they too collectivize into their respective peoples.

You know nothing. The absolute state of retarded Judaizers.

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The Jews do nothing but in-fight and self-sabotage. That's why they always end up as parasites.

And Spencer is a Zionist fag-enabler. I'll trust Jones over him.