/SWEG/ Sweden election general - What happened Edition

So here we are Jow Forums another dissapointment in a string of european elections

Im going to try to identify some of the reasons it went as bad as it did

>Voter intimidation and retarded voting system

Its no secret that the swedish ballot system is retarded. Yiu literally have to pick a colloured ballot from one of the parties in front of everyone in line. Reports of people yelling at SD voters and cheering at cuck voters are rampant

>Posible throwing out of votes

Aparently the ammount of "invalid" votes has been record high this year. And there are plenty of photos of AfS and SD balots with votes in them lying in the trash and street ditches

>Lack of online campaigning

Jow Forums didn't manage to make any online campaign of note. The closest we came to any form of succes was the Based Dane videos. And most of the board didn't even care about them. When Youtube took the originals down, Jow Forums didn't care to reupload any of them or make a fuss about it

>Lack of youtuber involvement

The only big swedish political youtuber who made any sort of election coverage was the fucking angry foreigner. Who spent most of his time shilling some nobody party.
Why didn't the Golden One make daily videos on the election news? Why didn't anyone say or do anything before like 1 day before the election?

The reason Trump was so succesful was because everyone spent months covering it and making meme and content around it. Not waiting until the last fucking day

And last but not least

>Swedish conformity mentality

Its not only SD who under performed. Both the commies and the liberal party also underperformed. This shows to me that Swedes truly are status quo cucks, who will say they think out of the box in opinion polls, but just vote for the same shit over and over again



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Other urls found in this thread:


This is why voting will never change anything, the only time voting changed anything was in 1933 and that was thanks to SA beating the shit out of the opposition, powerful propaganda and a greater leader and a radical ideal, without those you will never succeed in truly changing your country

woman vote/ incoming new refugees will make the vote overwhelmed in future generations.

Jow Forums wasn't on point, but some of that can be blamed on the language barrier. We have obviously lost some of our drive.
The voting system must be addressed. It should be a top priority for SD.
I just discovered a guy called Sanity4Sweden. He seems to have daily videos which are great.
Yesterday was very disappointing, but we can't give up on the 17% of Swedes that understand what is happening.

Pray for me bros

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What happened? Electoral fraud by the far left: nyadagbladet.se/inrikes/rapporter-om-valfusk-pa-flera-hall-i-landet/


>One reader pointed out that the ballot papers for the Swedish Democrats were completely missing in the ballroom at Maltesholms School in Hässelby Strand. The other party's ballot papers were untouched.

>In the courtroom at the municipal office in Märsta municipality, voters were asked not to paste the envelopes again. The envelopes are closed as a protection so that the rolls will not disappear or be replaced until they are spelled up and counted when the selection is completed. Similar calls have come from the electoral commissioner in Landaskolan in the municipality of Gothenburg, Vedevåg in the municipality of Lindesberg and in the polling station Linné in Uppsala municipality.


> Valsedlar for Alternatives for Sweden has been stolen from a polling station in Rönninge in Salem municipality. These were found later thrown on the ground outside. Watch video clips below.


>In several premises at Hammarby Heights in the municipality of Stockholm there were no papers for the Swedish Democrats. By pointing out, the electorate had said that it was the parties' own responsibility to keep up with the ballot papers.

>At the library in Jonstorp in Höganäs municipality, the ballot papers were missing for the Swedish Democrats. When the party contacted the constituencies, they were told that the electorate had forgotten to unpack the ballot papers for the party. The same thing seems to have occurred in Sundsta idrottsstuga in Karlstad municipality where ballot papers for the Swedish Democrats candidacy for the municipal and county councils were missing already when the ballrooms opened this morning.

These are just some examples, there are many more on that page.

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Are my fellow Swedes blackpilled about the results? Will the cucked policies continue?

What sort of absolute moron would seriously expect Sweden to have voted any other way.

Western Europe is lost. Gone. Past the point. Just forget about it. Move to the east and get a nice wife and have a traditionalist family.

France, Germany, UK, Scandinavia are all fucking lost. Spain and Italy still have a slight hope.

Sweden is the canary in the coal mine, a case study of failed immigration policy still in the works.

We want you to burn so the fire can reach critical levels. Nothing personal, just good business.
Also revenge for bringing the world ABBA.

Who cares, I get four more years of white tender white pussy to fuck.

Extremely obvious that the socialists swapped out the early votes

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SD needs to be screaming about this immediately. If this is true, the election was a fraud, and needs to be done over.
It makes no sense that SD did worse than the exit polls suggested. It should have been the opposite.

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No it isn't. God did not say it's OK to kill people if you don't like their politics. Murderers belong in hell.

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>Yiu literally have to pick a colloured ballot from one of the parties in front of everyone in line
I think they could pick for example three ballot and one of them is the SD ballot. Then they fill the SD ballot and no one can see the colour of filled ballod

this is why cuckservative MAGAcucks like you are worse than commies

Can't change the nature of a Swede.

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when is the investigation of electoral meddling starting???


Our ballots are all the same and you just tick which one you want to vote for. Why in god's name do you have different papers for different votes? And even more importantly why on earth is there no privacy upon selection of these papers?

I would have expected better from what I used to believe was one of the smartest and fairest countries in Europe. In know UK is super-cucked be svenland is turbo-super-cucked.

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Lack of online and youtuber involvement is probably due to the market catering to American Gen-X, Baby Boomers and MAGApedes and all they want to hear is Trump great, Europe cucked, America fuck yeah. Barely heard any of the bigger alt-lite channels talk about stuff like Chemnitz for example, even those not based in the US, because it doesn't fit their narrative.

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God told you to defend your land, your family and your people
Jesus beat the shit out of the (((money changers)))
Do you even know how many wars for nation and land are depicted in the bible?
Have you fucking read that book, christcuck?
Or do you just listen to whatever your faggot pastor cherry picks for you?
Well here's another book for you to read

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Too many new voters. Immigration ghettos was 80% S. Or we are too cucked

Well there is some privacy because you often take one of every note. But if you even pick up the SD one you'll get yelled at

Unironically yes. They'll also worship megacorporations just to stick it to the blue hairs.

Why did Swedes vote for more of the same?

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>Our ballots are all the same and you just tick which one you want to vote for. Why in god's name do you have different papers for different votes?

That is the thing i find most strange , it would definitely change who people would vote for if they knew family and friends could see what they picked

really makes you think

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There have been people in here not 24 hours ago that unironically thought AfS
would get over 4%

Sweden is already a lost cause. Abba is the only thing to come from that country

That‘s why the socialists implemented this absurd voting system in the first place.

Goodbye Sweden, I'm flying over you
Goodbye Sweden, I'm flying over you
Goodbye Sweden, I'm flying over you
Goodbye Sweden, I'm flying, flying, flying over you...

Not only that, but where i voted the line to turn in the envelope went arround the booths where you put in your ballots. so not only do you pick the ballots you want in the open, putting them in the envelope is not even hidden

me and some random guy took notice and moved the booth so no one could look in

Pic doesn't check out. commie women are always fat and ugly

I have no idea what that says. Can you unbork it

>SD going strong at 25%
>refugees riot and burn cars
>media says it's a falseflag by the evil far right nazis
>SD crashes to under 18%
Yes, Swedes are that stupid.

>o not only do you pick the ballots you want in the open, putting them in the envelope is not even hidden

Fuck me that is bad .It sounds like some real conformist shit , the fact you can even vote in secret .Good luck and i'm sure you will do better next time and i wish Sweden luck

>So here we are Jow Forums another dissapointment in a string of european elections
I think i'm going to leave 4pol this place is over run with mouth breathers now

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It was like that where I voted too. Everyone in line could see me vote due to how the screen was rotated.

Worst election result in a century for your Social Democrats and you post they are going strong.

Soooo, AfS retards finally gone?

This is unironically similar to have armed niggers staking out the polling stations making sure you vote correctly, only instead of death the swede is coerced with being labelled as non conformist.

This is it, I'm seriously thinking about joining some leftist organization at this point. Being a hyper-conservative turned out to mean nothing in this country. I will probably die all alone in this country unless I change my affiliations. I don't personally know a single far right conservative chad, they are all affiliated with the centrist/leftist parties. I thank God that I didn't tell anyone about my vote before the turnout, I would have been seen as a complete loser today. I unironically believed SD would get 25%+, which seems like a complete joke right now.

Holy shit!

It's before and after a "crash" on the vote result site.


the pic means that in the rare case where a commie female is attractive she still gets the bullet

yeah thats the excuse they use to not change their tactic. they know its intimidating.
but seeing this im going to organize something here for our next election. we need people to observe that are not corrupt faggots.

Definitely underperformed. Though it has to be mentioned that SD is in the same but stronger position they had in 2014. Alliansen don’t seem willing to work with the Socialists so they may be cutting their options.

By the time that the next election takes place, so many nigs will have become citizens and vote Social Democrat that there is no hope for Sverigedemokraterna.


if yout think spain has a any hope your a braintlet. Theyre one of the biggest leftists cucks in europe. Theyre just lucky spain is such a shithole that nobody wants to live there

Well said op. Put a nail in that country its done.

I noticed this too. I was on the site before they started counting, after they got to 500 votes it started lagging out all the time and after 1/3 of votes counted it never even worked for me again.

I noticed how much votes they discarded as not accepted + blank ones. they were not reported on SVT but on the election page. A true 3rd world infrastructure causing the election page to go down all the time.

election manipulation is just step 2 in a logic chain for these people; so its not far fetched at all.

>hurr durr nazis always using fakery as excuse
nah, not always. mostly i would blame SD for being so weak and not appealing to Nationalists. but there are some real questions to be asked for the election process.

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Just die, faggot.

Swedish women deserve everything they get. May they be raped and murdered into oblivion.

fake and also gay.
How many elections have you observed? this shit happens, you are allowed to be hyped before and land at the reality.
the election process is broken, you need to focus on this for next elections. you dont need to affilliate with anyone for that, its a neutral idea.
also; you act just like a usual puppet on a string. People without hope are easily controlled, and the one who controls has the power. dont give up to their demoralization. just step away from politics a few days

Underrated and /thread

Isn't there guaranteed to be coalition at this point?

after seeing the reactio to Trump’s election and the soft coup taking place in front of our eyes, the sabotaging if BREXIT, the shilling against Marie Le Pen in France, it’s pretty clear the ballot box won’t help save Western civilisation, in fact it will be its downfall.

>Doing literally what caused Sweden to cuck itself out of existence

No wonder your country is dying. If all Swedes are naturally inclined to cucking themselves, you deserve every sandnigger on your soil.

Unironically kill yourself.

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Also the Normans who founded England who founded the US... Shit, Sweden really is the destroyer of the West

>How many elections have you observed?
Trump election was my first one, this one was my second one. What hell did you think I was going to expect after 2 months of non-stop shitposting on /po/ and SD shilling here?

Framtidens Sverige.
Bort med negrerna så är det perfekt.

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The true blackpill lies in the fact that the national socialist only used democracy as a vehicle to smash all the other parties; if you ever hope to change anything this is one of the only approaches.

The current parliamentary (((democracies))) in Europe underline this like no other with all the bullshit coalitions they must form to rule while a bunch of heavily polities day bureaucrats basically run the show. Democracy only work when you’ve got a city to govern, everything else is a big fat lie to keep people complacent and legitimize your rule over them. People might not agree with that sentiment, but ask anyone disillusioned about modern politics what their perceptions are and they’ll give you this answer in one way or another. The current systems are not democratic in any sense, they’re a weird merger of corporatism, bureaucracy and all of it infused with post-modernist/marxist/commie theories.

There is no Chad in Sweden.
Your girls are known to be the cumhole of Europe

Thank (((you))) for the advice. I will revert back to my dungeon and shitpost again for another 4 years, instead of cucking myself up and at least get a chance of meeting some real people. Swedish women showed how much they hate conservatism yesterday, and I can't let all the soiboys fuck prime females, while I sit on Jow Forums all day and dream about my conservatism, traditionalist utopia.

>when your country is only 56% white and comstantly made fun of for this yet you still manage to elect the most right wing leader of any western nation

You fucking cucks have 90%+ whites in your countries and still elect the most cucked lefties imaginable. Imagine if you were 56%ers like us


Jag skulle kunna ha V som regeringsparti, skitsamma, bara vi slipper negrerna

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>when you realize that the majority of women in 56% voted for a far right, sexist, racist, nazi, literally HITLER, candidate for POTUS
based as fuck. Swedish women are complete morons.

Sd = sweden democrats

S = social democrats

Fucking memeflag

Choose one bitch. That’s why we whites have gotten to where we are now your faggot turn the check bullshit that Jewish brainwash they’ve taught you EVERONE ELSE FIGHTS BACK ITS TIME!

Fuck, it's like Sweden is actually to deep the cuck-rabbit hole.
Stupid blonde bitch, never do things because of how woman will see it. Today woman are liberal, under the nazis they were ultra conservative. They will do what they are told to, it's a men's world.

I'm a litteral Nazi and still get plenty of girls, although I try to keep non degenerated

Unfortunately it seems modern white people need to get near minority to get redpilled.
My dad was always some kind of tolerant leftist but he is getting redpilled now that he saw places he used to know are full of strangers that live like they're in their shithole

They're still doing worse than they have been for a while. Though they haven't lost that much. Their coalition is pretty much equal with the Alliance, they'll need SD or a deal to do anything. This happened last election and I don't think the coalitions will ally again since that didn't work last time, not to mention the leader of the Alliance keeps saying he doesn't want Stefan Löfven (and probably the rest of the red-greens) in government.

Stop replying to shills

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>I'm a litteral Nazi and still get plenty of girls, although I try to keep non degenerated
you're most likely extroverted at that. being introverted AND hyper-concervative like me is a deadly combination. Because of this I never get a chance to meet new people, but I know many people (they could be LARPing for all I know) who affiliate themselves with leftist and get together and throw parties and stuff. I have become too jaded, I need to snap out of this delusion, and just ride the wave.

>Throw parties and stuff
Literal little bitch, you fell for the hedonistic meme.
I'm an introvert, most of my friends share my views and are highly skilled people with social attitudes. I don't care what political affiliation a girl is, if she start talking about politics I tell her to stfu.
The memes about Sweden are true, you really are the cuckest nation ever, even we can't compete

>I think they could pick for example three ballot and one of them is the SD ballot. Then they fill the SD ballot and no one can see the colour of filled ballod
That's no different from just taking an SD ballot. Everybody knows that the only people who'd even bother doing that are SD voters

What really blows my mind is all the geriatric members of ABBA, sitting in their mansions overlooking some picturesque fyord, support this influx of niggers and Afghan child rapists.

I'm starting to think anyone who displays any artistic skill by aged four should be auto matically gassed to save society the trouble later on.

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There was voting fraud going on since the start of the pre-voting 22 Aug. Just browse twitter with the hashtag #valfusk2018 for examples. Our voting secrecy was not up to criterias even

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Same here the notes were right in the beginning of the line so that everyone could see what I voted for. Even had the people behind me whisper about my choice, I heard "look at that guy, he's voting for SD, how could someone do that"
Also V, S and MP were standing outside next to the line and handing people there notes and asking people if the wanted there's. Not sure if it's a problem but it doesn't feel right

I'll add

For example, the Golden One literally said that SD will be the #1 party no matter what. If we behave like everything is going in our direction, we get out of touch with reality. It's also a unneccesary blackpill because it makes a decent result seem like a crushing defeat. Things aren't all bad, see >the SD vs AfS crap
Shitting on the SD in name of the AfS went so far that it became one of the reasons that Jow Forumsacks did not care enough to do the activism you proposed.

>Why didn't anyone say or do anything before like 1 day before the election

Because swedes don't speak english, I don't give a fuck if a % does, having to use google translate to get news on what's happening there means you don't speak fucking english. Which is why nationalism won't spread to mainland countries because you speak gay landlocked languages and are years behind the UK/US on being woke.

That's some best Korea bullshit without the guns. This whole thing was a farce.

Same shit for another 4 years. Why did I expect something different...

It is impossible to come up with a goid meme that has to be put into a translater.
The only way to fix the news problem is to have several YouTubers putting out good vidoes every day.

Yeah the complacency was very fucking high. And nonone wabted to bother with SD memes or even just spreadibg awareness. Every fucking thread was just spergs yelling about NMR and AfS

We needed a steady stream of videos about the elction, actuak real world activism and some fucking engagement

Imagine if we had Jow Forumsacks at every fucking voting booth, filming what was going on and cheering at SD voters.

It is not intimidating to go vote. You literally grab a ballot, go behind a screen and put it in an envelope. You're in a room full of strangers you're never going to see again anyway. I voted a couple days before the election and there were like 3 people in the room. I'm not saying the system is good, but it's not as bad as people make it out here.


gg, was nice knowing you

Stay strong, bro.

17% is already more than what's required to start a revolution.

Fucking niggers.

I personally believe there was fraud, but the papers thrown outside seem like a false flag. Why not put them where electors can't reach?

Putting them out of reach was done on dozens of occasions already

Thank you Mr. Cuck for anecdotal evidence on the ground, but we no longer give a fuck about you jewified feminized "country".

We are gonna quarantine Swedistan and keep it as a warning for other European Nations.

Now go back sucking Somali cock or whatever you people do to celebrate.

Virtually every actual Swede speaks English