If god exists, why does my race exist?

If god is a real divine figure, why would he even make African people? Why would he ever make dark-skinned people that look horrific? Why would he make a black person? Why am I a nigger?

Attached: Nigger.jpg (225x225, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/verse/en/Genesis 6:4

Just left you in the oven too long.

This basically. God's a busy dude sometimes. And who doesn't like their bread a little extra crispy sometimes?

God is not real. He made Africans. He made my race. Do you honestly believe a higher intelligent force made Africans, looked at them, and thought it was ok to put on Earth?


God made them to be in their corner of the Earth, its like a video game for him.
Put these there, put these others over there.

If there weren't any ugly races like niggers, how would we ever know what is beautiful?

Youre not a nigger. Fucking shill fag

t. LARPing white

If you really are a black person, you're fucking pathetic.

You are the original, flawed worker race the Anunnaki had created.
You are a mistake.
White and Asian were the improved version but you fuckers had survived the flood.