
> Be 24 Year old black male
> Out with your gang homies on a fine Saturday night
> Standing around on the block drinking a 40 oz
> Car pulls up, it's the rival gang from down the lane
> Ohshit.jpg
> "aye lol bitch niggas. Never know when it's yo time to go"
> Car speeds off down the road
> You and your two homies run to the gas station and call for backup
> Old man is buying cigs and you tell him to wait
> Scream at the Poo behind the counter to let you in because you were chased
> Car pulls up outside and starts popping caps off into the room
> You drop to the floor first
> Your two homies jump over you, and hide behind you, usin you as a meat shield
> Nigga gets out of the car and opens the door
> Dead..

Why would any nigger glorify this lifestyle?

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top kek they did use him as a shield

That's what friends do.

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You white bois dont know shit about getting pussy

wow, just wow! a white supremacist like you could never understand the nuances of black culture, which is infinitely superior to anything white "people" have ever created. Not that black have ever done anything wrong, but if they did, it's your fault.

I love the nigger at the end of the video who peaks his head up after he survived then picks up the dead guys phone. LOL!

Also watch as the hands go limp on green jacket and saggy pants. You can littlerally watch the life leave them.

Haha! Stupid fucking niggers.

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The nigger couldn't even kill all of them, no wonder they fail as mass shooters.



Disregard, I see now it's a webm.

This is unironically the argument that cuck liberal white women say. It's repulsive.

Devilish trips checked.

Chill out Satan

There were actually 2 shooters and they only killed 2 people. The old guy in the back survived and so dude the kid that used his friend as a meat shield.

nothing checked

This is the reason why NO ONE should take "Black Lives Matter" seriously.

I shit you not, I had a fat niggeress stand up in class last semester and say that black on black crime was a lie and to cover up the shootings of black men by white men.

I wish to God I could show her this video. Fuck man. You're lucky you don't have to put up with this shit in your country. These liberals are fucking nuts

Do you have to download it?

It's because its got nothing to do with niggers/muslims/etc.
>You don't like X because you lack Y, can't appreciate Z, etc
>I have Y, can appreciate Z, etc therefore I like X
It's repulsive because it's not actually about X,Y,Z, it's about me,me,me, and how I'm so much better than you. These people don't actually have thoughts on the issue, they have just seen similar dialogues many times before, and simply chose the response that they know will allow themselves to self aggrandize
>Take any issue and make it into an example of how I am the better person than everyone around me
Is the meat and bones of any discussion with modern racecucked white women.

all I see is that one missed

The glorify it because they're animals. Would you ask a monkey why they still live in the jungle and swing around on trees? They're literally incapable of doing anything else.

You must be a colored or a liberal since you clearly are using emotion yo validate your opinion.

I notice nothing you said explained why black people are fucking slaughtering eachother for no fucking reason other than gang affiliation.

This isn't something you have in the UK so it's hard for you to understand. You guys just have monthly Vehicle attacks from Islamic Jihadists. We don't have that problem.


2 died and 2 survived. The old guy in the back is playing dead.

>be black
>proclivity for robberies makes stores keep customers in a shooting gallery
>get shot when you try to hide in one of said stores

But you have cases of niggers growing out of it and becoming normal humans, like Ben Carson, the conservative Neurosurgeon.

It is possible for niggers not to be niggers. The question is how do we tap into that.

I wonder if people blamed the store owner for not letting them in.

He is one of the talented tenth there is no hope for the rest user.

glass doesnt even break, fake
niggers just worship being in gangs and getting shot

Did the old guy in the cap get killed?

>"yo help us we bein chased by a nigga with a gun"
>"ohhh I not fall for this trick again"

I'm loving it

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Green Jacket Guy is a fucking bro though. Look how when his two friends were hiding behind him, he let them. Like he fucking took that shit so that shows loyalty. Proving niggers are capable of it but only very few apparently since his "homies" fucking hid behind him.

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Why weren't those dudes carrying a gun to fight back?

>Store is called GoLo
>They get low
>They're gonna get even lower, 6 feet lower to be exact, during their funeral

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Crabs in a bucket.

No. He is a 65 year old Vietnam Vet who knew how the play dead.

Plus he's wasn't part of the gang so you can see when they open the door, they don't point the guns at him. They just shoot randomly into the 3 guys.

niggers were a mistake

Fucking kek.

I totally understand why the Poo didn't want to let 3 gang bangers in his store. They could have been hiding from police for all he knew.

Unfortunately for the kids, they got fucked tho

kek the way he drops his phone in his own blood too, talk about modern nogs


Go Lo is codeword for dead nigger storage

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Looks more like resignation to me because he couldn't get their grabby hands off of him and knew he wouldn't make it since there's nowhere to hide anyway. Why they ran into a tiny store room instead of running away from the roads is beyond me.

How do americans feel safe when you can be randomly shot up by niggers at any time?

>I had a fat niggeress stand up in class last semester and say

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What I find amazing is how the guy who survives holds onto his buddy to cover his own head. Even as the other nigger is getting filled with lead he holds tight and doesn't let him move so much that his head would be uncovered.

>mass shooting happens
>black on black gang shooting
>media says: "..."

Highly segregated, also guns to shoot back

You get rid of the welfare state and the jews. When the jews are gone there's no shitty rap music and without the welfare state they have to go out and fend for themselves. It'd fix the 'nigger problem' within fifty years, kind of like those things caused it within fifty years.

your being disingenuous if you think black people are the only ones who would betray i friend like this under duress

>Why would any nigger glorify this lifestyle?
to answer honestly... its because selling drugs is one of the few ways to make an income in the hood. raegan and clinton destroyed the already fragile south, which is where most blacks are concentrated, by sending jobs away to asia from usa. its also fun to smoke and drink all day. but the jews are also to blame. they purposely blast degenerate rap "music" all day into the negroes ear drums. the jews never give contracts to positive rappers. just the absolute bottom of the barrel gunk niggers get to be on the tv sets of millions. naturally this effects the minds of the young and impressionable

Those niggers didn't have guns to shoot back though.

he truly nigged his last nog

the only thing different I would've done would be to use my own personal weapon to defend the store and kill the assailants.

I cannot believe there are clerks who go to work unarmed in USA

It's just funny that they pride themselves on being a gang because it's like a family. Yet they do shit like that, which completely is the exact opposite. It's fucking mind boggling.

Were the doors of the store bulletproof? Couldn't they have kept the doors shut?

Like shooting monkeys in a barrel.

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just amazing, the niggers literally use their friend as a meatshield

brutal as shit aint it

>yeah but what about muh straw man argument

Even if they became doctors and scientists, these Westernised blacks would still have tribal war mentalities.

>ayy ma nigga Dr. Trayquan am finna go down dem dat Urology lab and light up dem foo's. Nigga Dr. Shaun-tay PhD, M.D. Dun been talkin smack in tha anaesthesiology department

Heavy Metal was banished for satan references and these nogs get to glorify this nightmarish violence.

Fucking jews.

Fucking kek

It has nothing to do with the glass being bullet proof, leaf.
So it's true what they say about you. I forced myself into believing it was all a meme. Can't do it any more. Real America; please annex Leafistan - they had their turn and failed.

Do you have a license for that

t. nigger

Why did you have blacks representing your country in Eurovision last year?

When are you slopes going to start producing more of your kind? Based islanders.

Why would you want to tap in to that? So they could assimilate better so your sister can justify to mix with them? Americans are such cucks. There is no reason to want to live among blacks.

natural selection

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euro-what? someone watches that?

with i could hate fuck her

Of course I watch that. I’m curious as to what countries choose to send to an international stage.

All I remember is that there was a white boi with a beutiful voice.

Did the old man take a hit? I hope not, he dindu nuffin

>be me black gang member
>get shot
>be used has human meat shield

Supposedly they saw the car and knew what was up. They even spend a few seconds trying to get in the store. They easily could have had a better chance to go out the door and at least try to escape.

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I believe one article said the glass were bulletproof. It is a convenience store in Chicago, they lock the doors after 10PM

>tfw old enough to remember when black culture was positive and life-affirming

what went wrong Jow Forums

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>countries choose
no one asked me or my wife's son

>Why would any nigger glorify this lifestyle?

you dont know why poverty and lack of opportunity does... do you. you think they want to be thuggin like that, these high crime neighborhoods are the result of white supremacy and the intentional deterioration of black neighborhoods.

Civil rights
The 70s was a dirty, violent decade

Why doesnt the same happen in Ukraine where people are poorer and guns are just as available?

But not breaking laws means you're white and that's a bitch move.

Yes grandpa, don’t worry I’ll email it to you in a few hours when the internet post office opens

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>Bell curve

How's Muhammad treating your daughter user

lol they just had a war dummy where there were tons of unfortunate civilian casualties. ww1 and ww2 was white peoples fault too, millions of civilians lost their loves but i guess its cute you pretend whites are above this kind of behavior.

>Be in shitty part of Hamilton Ontario, a run down post industrial steel town
>be getting pizza at shitty chain store
>heading out the door and coming in is a big thuggy looking black dude
>sees I have pizza in my hand
>holds door open so I can walk through
>"thanks man" I say
>"no prob"

Man I love living in Canada.

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meme flag is a canadian that wants to fuck a chimp aka beastility fuck you

Screw this shit man I'm a nigger who grew u dirt poor, and now i'm a year from being done with my EE degree. Its not god damn poverty and in the US they pretty much hand out education for free to blacks here. No its a mixture of shit culture, welfare, single mothers, and low IQ(not all, but good lord I are there near endless counters that i've had).

>posts Goofy Malone

If he had let them in, he'd just get murdered the next day.

That is 99% of the interaction with blacks in America
Shit just goes south fast, and Canada has exactly the same black crime and black culture as the US. The exact same, no difference at all in any way.

So it's not poverty then.

Liberals have forced blacks into thinking they have to be violent to be a man.
The way Liberals crank up fear and violence among American blacks is a crime against humanity.
The same people who fund BLM.

Non meme answer aside, black cuture WOULD have been equal to white culture in the U.S.( unlike immigrants most blacks we're pretty much exposed only to american culture), but the welfare caused a rampant degradation of nuclear families. You see once black women were incentivized to have children, it caused a steady increase in single-mother households. Single mothers are hands down the biggest contribution to creating criminals in society and now in the black community 72% of it consists of single mothers. Its actually quite sad because it started of slowly ( hence why black and white media were nearly synonymous up until the late 80s, i.e disco,funk etc.) and than began to feel the full force by the 90s(Hip-Hop, Rap, etc. which was really a black only thing until the 2000s). The scariest part is that this can happen to ANY race, as seen with the native Americans( except they're slightly less worse because of them not integrating prison culture).

Natural selection, why there aren't more of this shit? Just don't kill non-niggers, we are fine.

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I agree completely, its ridiculous how now in the black the community if you were/are straight laced black guy your seen as some sort of "coon" or a race traitor. Fortunately for me I have a few black friends who see past the matrix and we often have conversations about the state of blacks in society. It quite sad really had we had been able to fully assimilate(i.e no welfare, no promotion of prison culture, taking responsibility for our actions) . All these criticisms that blacks always say are due to "racism" wouldn't even exist...

Trips of truth. I worked in a warehouse for a year, niggers would choose corners of it and get in fights with other gangs.

You're right on a lot but you miss the culture points again, which is common.
Rap was nothing until Jews and Whites got ahold of it in the mid-80s. Beastie Boys were the first Gold or Platinum album (3 Jews) but then we all listened to Run DMC and what was a local Black phenomenon with almost NO record sales became a major force overnight.
Whites made Rap a commercial success from the beginning.
Before then it was SugarHill Gang playing to rooms.
NWA made a local, small album they thought they would get $10,000 for.
Whites bought the album alll across the country and turned it into a phenomenon.
That's whyu Rapsters kept up with the East vs West thing long after the local rap scenes had died by the mid-90s.
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