To clarify some things up first. I am not a christian from a western country. I come from a muslim family (hate me...

To clarify some things up first. I am not a christian from a western country. I come from a muslim family (hate me, I don't give a fuck). I was just wondering what is wrong with westerners? They became total cucks desu. How do they find normie memes like these even funny? They would rather have a dog than a child. They would rather run after their pets and clean their shit for 15 years than change their babies pooped clothes for 1 year or so idk. And what's so bad in being a parent? I believe this trend started when hollywood started portaying moms and dads as "uncool". This is nothing new desu. Many parents in the 90s movies were portrayed as dumb, stupid, uncool. I don't understand how is it cooler to watch my little pony, fap to overwatch porn and run after a cat to clean its shit than to be a father/mother and raise a child, your blood, your offspring. That's why I get triggered when someone mentions islamization of the western world. I mean it's not the muslims fault. The western feminist leftist cucks are to blame. Same goes for women going sluts on the west. I don't know which braindead idiot supports feminism. And it looks like there is a huge number and it's rising lol. And somehow when these retards get children they force the boys to be girls and vice versa. Also they an infant "think" about their sexuality fucking lol
The amount of control you gave to the jews is crazy

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They lost every sense of pride and honor. Probably the first thing that pops up in their heads when you mention the word "pride" are half naked faggots running through the city lmao.

Don't worry, muzzie-bro. We'll return to former glory. You'll know when it happens. The whole world will know.

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It even triggers me who lives in a third world shithole when I see forcing black, gay and women roles in hollywood movies. Also other shit like that comming from far left scum. You know the worst thing is that it gets even to us. We try to copy first world countries

You already know the answer so why bother asking?

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If you are Muslim you believe that a white is not superior to a black and an Arab is not superior to a non Arab right

Superior in what sense?

Children are fucking annoying.

Do you really think training a dog for one year and then having a perfect companion animal that will listen to your every command is comparable with a snotty, gross child who screams and shits and sits on your wallet for at least 18 years of your life?
Let's not get into the shit called puberty where they REALLY test your nerves.

Fuck, no.
Children are a liability, ain't nobody got time for that anymore. Nevermind the fact the world goes to shit with all these third world country assholes running amok out there, raping kids and whatever.

I'd rather enjoy my life and eventually kick the bucket child free. That's a living!
Too many fucking waterbags on this planet, anyway - less is more. Be a good sport and don't contribute.

Yeah you will be the next bill gates. Maybe I am wrong and you will laugh at me when you finally have 2 aventadors, a mercedes G-class and and 2 tuned bmw M2's in your garage which you earned by not having children.

you're not wrong

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>You know the worst thing is that it gets even to us. We try to copy first world countries
I remember some video about an imam gleefully talking about how Islam is going to take over Europe. What he needs to realize is that europe will also take over them. Immigrants grow up in western countries learning things that go contrary to the non-western world such as feminism, lgbt, anti-religion etc etc and when they talk with their family and friends back home they influence them. We could see the the muslim world turn into the same degenerate shithole as europe in the future.

>I come from a muslim family
>The amount of control you gave to the jews is crazy

kind of true. although shitskin inbattles is contributing in the destruction of the west

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That is a correct statement user. It already is happening

White Sharia is the only answer for these hopeless cucks.

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Kek, while I am against it, the funny thing is that it actually would work

I highly doubt any replies here are genuine. Nobody reads or replies to these blog posts.

It's Jow Forums after all

funny thing is now that i have kids, when your kid lays on you like that its fucking sweet as fuck, you mean so much to them, you see it in that kid on the rights eyes, but western women want to go travel and get fucked and become selfish whores, they want to carry on like they are 17 forever.

Western women say men have this peter pan theory that we never want to grow up, when in fact its them


Hi Op i dont hate you for being a muslim and im a christian. The main issues in the west is we used to be religious majority and that has been given up on in just the last few generations. Most of the west is now degenerate atheists that hate there own kind/family christians. Because of this leftys are more than happy to import 3rd worlders and virtue signal while being gay faggot cucks. Because of this i was raised to put a career first over having a family. Told its ok to be gay and all that crap is pushed through tv propaganda. Immigration is being pushed because birth rates here are shit. We have an ageing population that needs gov gibs/pensions and looking after aka boomers.

I know, dude. They think being responsible for something means being opressed. #feminism
Wouldn't surprise me if they get applauds for cheating in the future. Whenever I see articles about women cheating from braindead sites like the cosmopolitan. It's always the man's fault. He wasn't interesting enough, he was selfish bla bla kek
She probably was "opressed" with responsibility

Imagine you’re being poisoned by your food and it’s affecting your sleep and overall health. Then imagine you have a kid with adhd or autism. Imagine the police aren’t great so you have to buy a house in a neighborhood out of your budget just so you can keep your family safe. You need to work harder, but you’re tired, and short tempered and can’t think clearly enough to get that promotion. You need to pay health insurance, you need to pay for special tuition for your kid, you need to find a nursing home for your parents one of whom has dementia but the only one your family can afford looks shit... anyhoo, you get the picture

we killed off most of our bravest and strongest men in two world wars. the men left behind to reproduce were the cowardly or the too unfit to send to war.

secondly, advances in technology gave too much power to parasitic groups in society. (media/finance/universities)

pretty sure islam conquered the Mid East because the Mid East had gone through a stage of degeneracy and feminism with the babylonians that weakened the entire area.

We were raised to believe that having kids = "life is ruined!"

Blame feminism. Don't give feminists an inch.

I had a kid, it's fucking awesome. I thought it'd be one of those things where I had to pretend it was awesome, but it actually was. A lot of shitty people fucked off out of my life, and I feel more relaxed now than I did when they were around.

I am also sincerely glad I delayed university education -- all my old friends made fun of me for marrying and having kids early, they were all "hurr durr I'm childfree lolol fucking crotch spawns!!1". Now we're all in our 30s, I have a kid, they don't, they are rushing to settle down, still paying off school debts for their degrees that they will barely put to use before having to take a multi-year break from employment... meanwhile, I am debt free, and can start a career/schooling any time I want.

But according to western society, my life is ruined and I'm just sooo stressed lol

>my life is ruined and I'm just sooo stressed lol
Don't forget that you are millions in debt because of how "expensive" children are.

>I come from a muslim family

Stopped reading right there. Fuck you.

Why are you choosing hell over heaven? Should repent immediately. If you think christians are dumb, wait until you die lol.

Oh yeah, all these millions are sure adding up. Million here, million there.

But honestly, if you're spending "millions" on raising a kid, you're doing it wrong. This sounds like the type of economics of someone who spends $6000 on a crib, and goes out to fine dining restaurants 3x per day.

The secularization of society after the bourgeouis revolutions of the 19th century.
Once we discarded religion and God in favor of secular humanism and „human rights“ it was only a question of time until the West would succumb to hedonism and debauchery.
If Western societies had upheld traditional Christianity and its stringent moral code (negative view of human nature, sex only for procreation, etc.) all this would have never happened.

It’s the jews.... do your Islamic duty and get rid of them.

shut the fuck up ahmed. White people should be allowed to do whatever they want. Islamization of the west is the fault of liberals and sandniggers like you who shouldn’t be here in the first place.

>lol at your misery
look to the beam in your own eye user

Too much work. I got 2 kids. They got potty trained after 2 years but I still needed to wipe because they couldn't clean themselves well enough and I don't want them getting a UTI. Its easy to have the little bastards but you got to put in effort raising them. You need to teach them how to cook, how to clean, how to socialize, etc etc. You need to discipline them when they fuck up or praise them when they do something right. Of course it doesn't take the entire day to do this. You still have free time. Enough time to play games and hobbies if you so please. Even introduce them to said hobbies. Its not the end of the world like some people say. The end of the world people just love to go out and party. Drink and bar hop. If your a home body kids are an excellent addition. Most parents nowadays refuse to force their kids to do things saying "I want them to do whatever they want". Their kids. They don't know what they want. You teach them this. As a kid I wanted to play fucking Runescape all day and not do anything outside. My parents forced me to ride my bike and shit. Looking back I'm kinda grateful because I see other friends with parents who let their kids do whatever they wanted and they turned out as fat slobs spending most of their day on Jow Forums.

> i come from a muslim family
i stopped reading here

To understand why the West is a disaster. You should research (((The Frankfurt School))) and (((Cultural Marxism)))

Yes, this is the handiwork of atheism.
Go on and explain religious teaching as "effective" truth only which has no basis in elementary physics, but as long as you aspire to a self above that of a hydrogen atom, ignore these truths at your peril.

this, Christianity taught Western man to be a submissive, confessing, humble little cuckold.
Then Christianity left and got replaced by leftism, Western man stayed a little cuckold but started worshiping his own arsehole instead of God.

Islam is based in comparison and probably the only solution, I support Shariah

>I was just wondering what is wrong with westerners?
Collective unconscious is experiencing shellshock from WW2, bodies are droning out their lives pretending that all is ok in opposite-land.

Wish you the best bro

Offended SJW kek

U mad?

Yeah, it is because people are lazy and few people in this generation understand what actually putting effort in to something means when every facet of competition or working hard has been removed. If you didn't win first place 50 years ago, there was no consolation prize. Now? "Everyone's a winner!" so nobody has to work hard for first place. School? No child left behind, so despite being illiterate, let's just keep passing kids on to the next school year.

Absent parents that work full time jobs, then come home and feel they "deserve" a break from their kid, so their kid is literally raised with Youtube, tumblr, etc.

The funny thing is, if you actually have a healthy life with non-degenerate hobbies, having a kid literally changes nothing. We go camping, traveling, my kid is extremely well behaved and quiet. Why? Because we put the effort in to teaching her manners from a young age, and because we constantly engage her, she doesn't need to scream or throw a tantrum for attention.

Clothing and etc come second hand because she's too young to remember or give a shit about anything different, but grandma and grandpa splurge and buy her the fancy stuff.

You Muslims have been able to expand your culture thanks to a generation called baby boomers but this generation will soon die.