Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - SPD Edition

>Current Merkel-victims: 22 y/o German beaten to death in Köthen/Sachsen-Anhalt

>Chemnitz rundown English


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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


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Other urls found in this thread:

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Imagine it would have been Refugee children:

But anti saxony basong is fine...

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why is this racist poster not in arabic or turkish and in instead in racist german?

Also, in other news.

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sheiiiit'n'shit... maaßen hacked by russki trollbotcybacybaforces?

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haha, Maaßen really rustled their jimmies

forgot this one, sounds like a very good idea too


Without that stupid beard I notice how quite a few people from my home region kinda look alike

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Behold, brothers and sisters if the creed! The transsubstantiation of the sandnog!!

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>everyone who calls out our dysfunctional retardtopia is a russian spy

These people's insanity is frightening. Even if they don't actually believe it and just play to the masses, they must think their voters believe it, and looking at the Greens' polling, too many really do.

Lichtmesz was here yesterday...check Sezession.

well, it seems he is testing this narrative.
he probably genuinely believes that the overarching narrative about russians being responsible for trump and the recent strengthening of european conservatism is a russian plot as much as he is a child of kgb ops that went rouge some decades ago


This krautpol sucks

Wer hat uns verraten? Sozialdemokraten.

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Who else read that as "will Flüchtlinge und Studenten gemeinsam umbringen"?

danisch also thinks heart attack is rubbish

is this finally *really* gonna blow up in their faces?

>tfw actually his OWN ideology is nothing but a KGB psyops gone rogue

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>danisch thinks
Danisch is a dead end spoiled generation X loser who loves to bitch and complain to other dead end spoiled generation Xers on the internet. What these people think does not matter. There is no "redpilling". Attrocity Propaganda does not even work. The decks were set from the start. Nothing will change after Chemnitz nor Köthen. Nothing will change when herdanimals think their herd just needs to be big enough for them to like things again when others do the work.

Can only blow up. Everyone with half a brain recognizes that being beaten was causal for that heart attack ... simplified, the guy was just easier to kill than others. Writing yourself into a corner like that ... always knew they were delusional but not that they were THAT incompetent ;)

why would it be good?
rest assured, they would be a hand-picked sample to play on the confirmation bias of the malleable students brain.
listen to hamed btw

like pottery

not bad.
last frame even looks like a notzified zombie, maybe even like a zombified notz, who is to say really

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If I were not at wörk I would do a little shooping with this ;)

they should keep going until Putin pulls a Crimea on Berlin
Next time Ivan crosses the Oder i will weave flags

> Don't fight the refugee shelter in your neighbourhood, goyim
> It will actually mostly be student accomodation

i literally and unironically bow to the superior masterminds behind this ops. it worked out perfectly.
this is the main reason for me to pay more attention to the 'sammlungsbewegung'. nobody seems to notice that this idea comes from the successor party of those, who financially supported the APO movement (from which ALL leftists movements emerged) in the 1960s for the purpose of subversion of the BRD. it looks like the left tries to reunite those, who "marched through institutions" seperately.

>Everyone with half a brain
thats the problem with it.
in theory yes, but the emotionalized infantilism can eat away more than half a brain it seems.
the further people are entangled in the narrative, the more emotionally costly it becomes to not protect it.
invalidating past beliefs is not an option anymore then, especially when there is an msm might shielding and guarding it.
the mass psychosis is real.
its a bit like investors becoming emotionally attached to some particular asset and throwing good money after bad if it doesn't work out instead of cutting losses.

thats the irony, they are not controlling it anymore, there is no way that ops survived the sowjet collapse.
it is now self sustaining and self replicating, they just played part in providing initial momentum.
yes, once you realize that general prosperity would enable an entire class of people driven (i.e. manipulated and corrupted) by emotion, it seems somewhat straightforward tho.
but in hindsight a lot of stuff seems more obvious

the brain fluid thing is quite the detail, if confirmed btw.
imagine that, he had his head popped open but the msm says his heart was his own fault basically

Bachelet also said she was sending teams to Austria and Italy to look into protection of migrants and voiced alarm at anti-migrant violence in Germany.

shitskins are making politics in your country germanistan, get your act together, jesus fucking christ, what is wrong with you, tay.... maybe if you show them your tits it will help

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Why is the UN such a pahedic shit show of a organization

>its a bit like investors becoming emotionally attached to some particular asset and throwing good money after bad if it doesn't work out instead of cutting losses.

Like the old 'Nigerian prince' scam ... fitting :D

these are probably led on by activists of big diversity inc. desu
any obvious connections you can see?

Shut the fuck up Schluchtenscheisser some Nigger demanding shit on Facebook isn't "making politics" you worthless cunt.

ah yes, that be interesting framing to extend the ersatzenkeltrick.
noe your nigerian enkelprinzen are coming all here.
such a surprise, didn't know i had a grandchild in nigeria that happens to be a prince

dont be mad hans, it will be over soon, they will put you in wrong think prison and maybe gas you, we are living in a a brave new multikulti society, there is no place for you anymore

I'm not turning off my adblock. Can someone please post the image from the Bild article?
Not a medical expert myself but I know someone I could show it too.

>i'm too lazy to turn off my fucking adblock someone else has to do it for me

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he is a part of the problem and doesnt even understand it....
why would he treat shitskins? does he also like to watch them fuck his wife?

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the despair intensifies

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Im too awake for this to be a nightmare

Potentially a powerful propaganda picture ... another life reduced to chalk lines on the streets for the sake of their Molech.

Share this shit. No text, no explanation ... let the image do the talkin (make sure to save in another format and maybe crop a bit so algorithms cannot easily filter)

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Why are you wasting everyones time with this? I read the first sentence and there is this "but" stuff again how "i'm not a Nazi but...". Hey, fuck these people. These people are the worst. They are the lowest vermin there is and they will be a rightless enslaved undercast in the ethno state. Even Nazis with Face Ink are higher then these slaves.
And you stop wasting time.

why are you wasting my time with your pointless replies?

Shouldn't you be all about genetics? That wasn't a sacrifice for Molech, this was a dumbass who stuck his nose into other peoples business and because of his shit genetics he droped dead.
Nothing of value was lost.
This story will fall apart in the next days and i make another checkmark on my "Filth killed by or related to migrant activity"

Cause your time is worthless anyway, you have nothing to say and if your time would be something physical i would just put it in a garbage bin and burn it.

This all is just the prelude to the grim salvation we desire.

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R. I. P.

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shouldn't you be all about sperg?

Irrelevant. Every tool is allowed in this struggle. Yours or my personal opinion on that case are not the point ... this can be easily instrumentalized to create further chaos. If we want to achieve anything we need to understand and use mass psychology. No stupid portrait of some cutely smiling coalburner could have that much potential as this simple image. 'Drosselnder Hass' indeed ... still a long way to go ... step by step.

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yes, in principle.
>No text, no explanation
ah, the optimist
could use some hash tags later on

>be one with the ocean

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Think time for words full of pathos is over. Let the horror slowly creep into the visual center instead.

Remember to filter & ignore all nametags, folks

i had totally forgot about this guy and needed to look him up

>always says hes bisexual
>comes out as homo in 2010
>still pretends to like women in his gay ass videos
>gets bullied for being a faggot in his acting school were everyone is probably gay
>cries about mean german bullying culture
>jumps ship


great blunder or greatest blunder?

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absolute madlad

nice to see you again, I still remember the threads from a year ago senpai

listen feggets, think for a while, you a celebrating the death of germans as if it was a great opportunity to change the atmosphere, but has it ever occured to you that this is only proofs for how weak and pathetic we have become? it should be the other was around, we should be knifing the shitskins, but we are to weak, we are to docile, and we call that beeing (((civiliced))). as hitler would have said, "...wenn einer dumm genug ist still zuhalten, dann wird er gemordet...." i tell you we are pathetic. i can only hope that thet killing doesnt stop. every one of these weak niggers that relaxes around shitskins should be stabed, the Volk does not need them. i Spit on their graves

oh no no. no pathos, that be faggotry.
sth like
#diversity, #tolerance, #heartattack
after all, his head couldn't tolerate the kicking
not opposed to blank, just pondering an even more 'in your face' option, i am just fully prepared to anticipate ppls brain-slowness

How will the lefties celebrate the newest death of a German, guys? Another rock concert? Party in the streets?

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is that from the bild paper?
when was this published?

any idea when we will know what is in maaßens report?

we dont need more LARPing nazis like you around here
krauts knifing brownies is exactly what the media/regime/Verfassungschutz wants to see
so now go fuck yourself faggot

you won't, because it could lead to verunsicherung

hahaha tell me my little monkey friend, when did you start to like the taste of jew cock

Really? :D
Help me, what was it about?

V-Mann-user stfu, these people are in the brink of ging nat-soc.

No prob, kinda distracted right now too ... ;)

nope. bild layout style was just copied.

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all right, well done obviously


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press conference with CSU, lashing out against AfD as always

leftarded rassenkunde. voluntarily opening the doors to the backrooms of genetics, well, then...

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have a history lession little cucklings, and then you tell me how much you love jew cock.

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Be one with the Ocean
-Dieter Bohlen

-Daniel Küblböck

The keyword is "tödlich".
The punches probably wouldn't have been able to kill a normal person.
It's like yesterday when the press said that the violence wasn't responsible for his stroke.
But the police actually mentioned that it wasn't directly responsible, which still would mean it could be indirectly responsible.
Some lefties are even saying that he shouldn't have gotten involved with this, if he's sick.
Which actually is their hated "victim blaming"

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Just saw what happened in Köthen. Germans, I love you.

the marriage of Drehhofer and Katrin Göring-Eckbums

>The punches probably wouldn't have been able to kill a normal person.
they actually might have still have been in that case, its just that the heart condition kicked (pun intended) in first.
or he might have been reduced to the potato life, who is to say now?


when day of the rake?

And the press also never mentioned that the autopsy report is only preliminary and not ultimate.
They also didn't mention once, that the perpetrator are being held for "Körperverletzung mit Todesfolge".
Why wouldn't then mention that?
Who could be behind that?
We need to wake people up about the media.

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That amount of brain liquid but no or next to no blood? I think it is just water from washing out a wound.
Still saying there's causal connection between getting kicked in the head and the heart attack ridiculous, this is clearly manslaughter.

>Wir hatten damals das Problem mit den Republikanern
>Das war aber in einer kleineren Dimension
Ach was, Söderle.
Maybe the AfD grew out of you and the SPD moving so sharply to the left, rather than some mysterious right-wing spirit?

qintquad confirmed.
nothing fits with their narrative awaysplaining

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It kinda sucks that Soviet Germany wasn't bigger. The AFD would be much higher today had that been the case.

>16.5% greens
This shit is so fake