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22 fucking threads. This is the most forced psy op yet
Jason Ward
Carson Robinson
We are one.
We are.
Josiah White
Lol youre losing your mind spamming this shit. Fuck you, schizo npc.
Xavier Powell
MOssad meme to blame video games and guns on their next mass shooting narrative. The last Mass shooting was a failure and it was at a Madden tournament. Right after there were people on TV pushing for "Video game control" but the narrative died quick because everyone knew a kike was the shooter.
Connor Mitchell
most of the people in the study probably interpreted the question as "do you have a voice in your head [you can hear]" and obviously answered no. it's a shit study that everyone participating didn't understand and it's being shilled so hard it's 100% a psyop.
Joshua Lopez
Hudson Bennett
All NPCs will be killed including (you) you schizo fuck
Ian Baker
Dominic King
Typical market outsider having no idea how a meme boom looks like.
The original article reappeared a month ago on a certain twitter account.
The meme took weeks to mature, now it is ripe.
Shut the fuck up!
You disgust me!
Andrew Gutierrez
People who get paid to make NPC threads are DANGEROUS MANACING SUBHUMAN TRASH.
Only YOU can stop the hasbara menace.
Jackson Ramirez
Jews are shit at memes so they resort to spam
Isaiah Cook
Grayson James
Brody Reyes
The scary thing is why is the meme being pushed? It's as if they want to prep the masses for the mass-extermination of a large portion of the population.
Jack Wilson
Jaxson Reed
Samuel Gray
Chase Bennett
I think one of the things that pol as a group isn't taking into account is the fact that some of these bots could be forms of unregulated free market analysis/research. Basically using our anonymous freedom for data mining. If they know how we react to a selected stimulus then they can probably better predict how that digital idea will play out on the rest of the web. I think we are being used as an early predictive litmus of sorts for people like Brock to spread their bullshit to the masses. And it serves the second benefit of keeping us distracted and disorganized so we are less of a threat to their plans.
Cooper Martinez
Jace Watson
t. npc
Jace Sanders
Deepstate ready to kill Russians in Idlib. This will get ugly very quickly.
Cameron Lewis
Autistic retard
This "meme" is shit and so are you
Alexander Torres
NPC works for us. NPC can be slaughtered at will with no penalty when they get in the way of the game. NPC=libtard.
Jordan Ortiz
Forcing memes around here is nothing new.
Owen Phillips
I have a feeling your MI6 guys screwed this one up. Trying to get Americans emotionally worked up to do global violent shit on your behalf may have worked in 1940, 1968, 1973, 1991, 2003, etc., etc. but I think you have been to the well one time too many. At this point we don’t give a shit about the ME. In fact, we are fed up to the point that “Nuke it until it glows at night” is rapidly gaining momentum.
Julian Gutierrez
You know that people are actively tracking the guys putting this whole thing up right? IP, adress and everything. they are doing it for a while now. Not sure what is going to happen with the info.
Wyatt Thomas
But so easy to filter. Filter: npc*, boomer*, bbc*, drump*, thot*, mgtow*, etc and it gets much more readable.
Andrew Morales
I’ve realized most people I know do not have the spark of life. There’s no unique creative spark in them. Go through everyone you know and ask have they ever created anything?
Started a business?
Written a book?
Made art?
Made music (not just played it)?
Built something oringal?
If you answer honestly most people you know will have no creative spark. These people are NPCs. Their opinions are formed by major media and trends, and they’re never going to understand you or fulfill you, only drag you down to their level.
Hunter Reed
Elijah Howard
It doesnt matter.
White influence cancels it out.
relax, honest. This is a fight we are going to lose but not today.
The idea is to kill them before they kill us.
Anthony Rogers
Ethan Edwards
Found the NPC. What have you created in your entire life that wouldn’t have existed without you?
Juan Edwards
Yeah, It's new age occult bullshit. They believe it. The skitzos.
Daniel Turner
You are a demiurge robot.